Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1724 can’t take the Supreme Earth Orb

Chapter 1724 can’t take the Supreme Earth Orb

Chapter 1724 can't take the Supreme Earth Orb

"A dead end" Fan Fumi saw that ahead was a dead end, it seemed that they could not continue forward.

"No, it's not a dead end." Ye Chen told Fan Fumi that it wasn't a dead end.

"you mean?" Fan Fumi asked Ye Chen, Fan Fumi still didn't realize what Ye Chen said, she still didn't realize what Ye Chen meant.

"From here we will dig in." Ye Chen said to Fan Fumi, from here they had to dig.

"Huh?" Fan Fumi looked surprised when she heard about this, not expecting them to have to dig deep.

"Can we do that?" Fan Fumi said to Ye Chen, Fan Fumi felt that digging would be very difficult to do.

"Don't worry, it will be very easy." Ye Chen reassured Fan Fumi, everything will be easily done.

Ye Chen used his own power, he started to open the ground that was in front of him, with the Dimensional power that was possessed by Ye Chen, Ye Chen could do whatever he wanted.

Ye Chen paved the way, he paved the way for Fan Fumi and Han Rizu.

Fan Fumi and Han Rizu followed behind Ye Chen, both of them followed Ye Chen to go deeper.

When Ye Chen got to a point, he found that in front of him there was a tunnel hole, it seemed that this hole was made by the hamster that Ye Chen had previously fought.

"Looks like this tunnel is going down." Ye Chen saw that the tunnel made by the hamster was going down.

"We can use this to go downstairs" Han Rizu said to Ye Chen, he told Ye Chen to use this tunnel to go downstairs.

"This can indeed be used, let's make good use of it." Ye Chen likes to take advantage of what can be used, so Ye Chen can use this thing to go down.

Ye Chen decided to use this tunnel, he paved the way for the two women who were behind him.

Because this tunnel is made by animals, the shape of the tunnel looks very complicated, there are many intersections around this place.

"Fortunately Ye Chen has a way of dealing with this matter, so he and the others can't possibly get lost.

"Master use the God Eyes you have." Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen to use God Eyes.

"I will." Ye Chen used God Eyes, he used God Eyes and looked at the place Chu Yuechan pointed at.

A few miles below, Ye Chen saw an orange colored Orb and let out a flash of light.

This orb is buried deep enough, it looks like it will be a challenge to retrieve the object.

"Okay, it looks like it's the Supreme Earth Orb we're looking for, we just need to pick it up and bring it back." Ye Chen only needed to take the item, then Ye Chen could get the Flower of Life Seven Color.

"Before that, you have to fight all the hamster monsters that are there" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.

Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen that there were a lot of Hamsters around the Supreme Earth Orb, it seemed that the Supreme Earth Orb gave them power.

"Oh, so it was the most troublesome monster we fought before, great, before I released one of them, now I will avenge what happened" Ye Chen will catch all the Hamsters in this place.

"Ahead is the nest of the Hamsters that we fought earlier, you two prepare for battle" Ye Chen told Fan Fumi and Han Rizu, he told both of them to get ready to prepare themselves for battle with the enemy.

"So there's a Hamster in front of us that we fought earlier." Fan Fumi looked excited, she looked very excited when she heard this.

"Let's catch them" Fan Fumi said to Ye Chen, she couldn't wait to catch the Hamster who had dared to scare her.

"Very good spirit" Ye Chen saw the enthusiasm that Fan Fumi had, Fan Fumi was very excited about this matter.

Ye Chen, Fan Fumi and Han Rizu, came forward, the three entered the Hamster's lair.

"ckkkkkkkkk" when Ye Chen, Fan Fumi and Han Rizu entered, immediately all the existing Hamsters shouted, the Hamster monsters immediately thought of Ye Chen as a threat that must be removed.

"Shut up" Ye Chen let out his strength, he showed a very domineering aura to scare the Hamsters.

The hamsters here were quite weak, with just a slight bluff from Ye Chen, they fainted on the spot.

" what ! ! !, did I go too far?" Ye Chen felt that he was overreacting, he just used a little pressure and all the Hamsters had fallen.

"Looks like they have little guts." Chu Yuechan saw that the Hamsters in this place had small guts, only their bodies were big but they were quite afraid of Ye Chen's pressure.

" what happened ! ! !" Fan Fumi and Han Rizu were shocked when they saw the Hamsters around this place collapsing, even though they hadn't made an attack yet.

"Ye Chen, this must be your doing." Fan Fumi immediately knew that this was Ye Chen's doing.

"This is indeed my doing" Ye Chen said to Fan Fumi, he answered truthfully. josei

"I want to fight with them," said Fan Fumi to Ye Chen, Fan Fumi wanted to fight against the Hamsters in this place.

"I'm sorry about that" Ye Chen apologized for what happened, this was really an accident by Ye Chen.

Fan Fumi and Han Rizu started tying up the Hamsters that were in this place, they won them over and didn't let them loose.

"Their fur is very soft" when Fan Fumi touched the Hamster's fur, she found that the hamsters here have very soft fur, they have soft fur that is very nice to hold.

"Looks like this monster can be used as a mount." Han Rizu felt that this hamster could be used a mount.

" is it true ?" Fan Fumi did not expect that this hamster could be used as a mount.

"Of course, this just needs a little adjustment and also practice so that they become obedient" Han Rizu said to Fan Fumi.

"I see." Fan Fumi understood, so they needed trained so that they could be used as mounts.

As Fan Fumi and Han Rizu caught the Hamster, Ye Chen focused on taking the Supreme Earth Orb.

Ye Chen dug in and picked up the Supreme Earth Orb that was in front of him.

When Ye Chen touched the Supreme Earth Orb, Ye Chen found that the Supreme Earth Orb could not be touched, when Ye Chen touched this, the Supreme Earth Orb would put up a fight that made Ye Chen's hand feel numb.

"I can't touch it, this thing is putting up resistance." Ye Chen couldn't take the Supreme Earth Orb, this thing resisted very strongly.

"This thing has quite a lot of power, it seems you need someone with a large earth element to take it." Chu Yuechan explained to Ye Chen.

he explained that the Supreme Earth Orb cannot be taken by just anyone, it takes someone with very strong earth elemental strength to take it.

"I don't master the earth element, plus Han Rizu and Fan Fumi are also not very strong, Fan Yima also probably won't be able to take this" Ye Chen has a problem, who can help Ye Chen in solving this problem.

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