Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1879 Preliminary exam (5)

Chapter 1879 Preliminary exam (5)

"Oh yeah, why would I do that?" Ye Chen almost forgot, he completely forgot that Lei Qiaolin was outside, if Ye Chen came out at the earliest, then he would definitely be found by Lei Qiaolin.

"Okay I'll just stay here" Since there was still Lei Qiaolin outside, Ye Chen had no choice but to stay in this place.

Ye Chen sat down, sat down and took the attack from the large Knight  behind him.

The large Knight  just kept attacking Ye Chen, the large Knight  attacked Ye Chen with full strength.

His attacks were fruitless and could easily be blocked by Ye Chen, Ye Chen was very relaxed at all, he was very relaxed inside and didn't think of the big monster in front of him as an enemy.

"I think I'm going to sleep for a while" Ye Chen decided to take a nap, he took a short nap to wait, it would be very boring to wait.

Outside Lei Qiaolin waiting for the results, she wanted to know if there was anyone who could get the best results or not.

"Is he going or not?" Lei Qiaolin wanted to know if Ye Chen was going or not, he should have come as he is a great student and able to keep up with her speed.

"Sister, will the husband be okay?" Mei Yueli asked Mu Xueying, Mei Yueli started to worry, she started to worry about Ye Chen's condition.

"You don't have to worry, he will definitely be fine" Mu Xueying said that Ye Chen would definitely be fine, nothing could harm Ye Chen.

"Um" Mei Yueli nodded, she believed in what Mu Xueying said.

"Blinks. . . ." A participant came out from within the Trial Pagoda, he came out while lying on the ground.

"someone's out, who's that" the onlookers wanted to know who came out.

A man came out, above his head there was a lift 3 indicating the floor he had crossed.

Immediately the committee immediately recorded the participants who had just left, there were many committees who recorded the scores obtained by the participants.

After one participant left, other participants started to leave as well, most of them got a score of 3,4,5, and the highest was six.

"disappointing" Lei Qiaolin was disappointed with the results obtained by the participants, the results they got were below her imagination.

"It's okay, there are still some people who came out, they should have got good results" there are still many people who haven't come out yet, most likely they can get much better results than the previous participants.

"Blinks. . . ." a participant appears, above his head there is a number eight which indicates the level he has surpassed.

"Good, finally there is a worthy person" Lei Qiaolin saw that there was a worthy person to be able to reach the eighth level.

The participant who just came out was Wan Gunkin, he was from one of the Duke families in the Immortal Sky Empire.josei

Wan Gunkin waved his hand at all the participants, he told all the participants that he was a great and invincible person.

It was not strange that Wan Gunkin dared to be arrogant, the results he had obtained had made him worthy of boasting.

"Blinks. . . ." there is another participant who made it to the eighth floor, he is Waru Baicil.

"blink" The next  is Cao Gir, he also got the same score as Wan Gunkin and Waru Baicil.

These three people came from large families and were geniuses, they were geniuses that were recognized in the Immortal Sky Empire.

"Blinks. . ." Sun Xuanyin also came out, she got a score of nine, she was one of the people who got very high results.

"Who is that woman?" Lei Qiaolin looked at Sun Xuanyin, she was a little curious about Sun Xuanyin and felt a little familiar with the woman in front of her.

Sun Xuanyin could actually get a much higher yield, it was just that she didn't want to do that because it would be too flashy.

Whereas getting a score of nine was conspicuous enough, Sun Xuanyin was already quite conspicuous in front of the other participants.

"blink. . ." a man with a big build came out, this man got quite a shocking result, he managed to get a score of 9 and matched Sun Xuanyin.

"Ben Jumi" everyone immediately knew who the man who got the score 9 was, he was Ben Jumi one of the sons of the imperial generals.

Ben Jumi has the aura of a warrior, he shows a very strong warrior aura and makes others feel intimidated, in front of Ben Jumi an enemy will immediately feel pressured.

Those are some people who get the best score after that no one else can get better than the eighth level.

"There are only a few people." Lei Qiaolin saw that there were only a few people who could get very good results, while the rest could be said to be ordinary.

Almost all the participants have made it out, they all had bad results and some had good ones.

"Is everything out?" Lei Qiaolin asked the committee that did the scoring.

"There is still someone who has not come out" the committee informed that there are still people who have not come out.

"So it's still there, then let's wait" Since there are still some that haven't come out yet, Lei Qiaolin didn't mind waiting.

"Sister, isn't this husband?" Mei Yueli said to Mu Xueying, the only person who hasn't come out is Ye Chen.

"This is  husband, what is he doing?" Mu Xueying indeed has not seen Ye Chen's whereabouts, what Ye Chen did, she still hasn't come out.

"Looks like he's having a problem." Mei Yueli thought that Ye Chen had a problem.

"Did he have a problem?" Mu Xueying doubted what Mei Yueli had said, there was no way Ye Chen had a problem.

"But he still doesn't want to come out, is he really in trouble?" Because Ye Chen was still out, Mu Xueying was also worried and thought about what Ye Chen had done.

While others were waiting and worried for him, Ye Chen was sleeping very leisurely, falling asleep while being beaten by the big knight.

Ye Chen was very relaxed, he was very relaxed and seemed to really enjoy it.

Ye Chen didn't count the time, he just relaxed as long as possible until the right time to come out.

"very long time . . ." all the participants started to lose their temper, they lost their temper while waiting for Ye Chen to come out.

"Who is this, why is it taking him so long?" Lei Qiaolin started to lose her temper, she started to lose her temper and couldn't stand what Ye Chen was doing.

"Okay I'll wait a little longer" Lei Qiaolin decided to wait a little longer, if Ye Chen still didn't come out, she would kick Ye Chen by force.

"Master, it seems like it's been quite a while." Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen, he told Ye Chen that quite a while had passed.

"Hoaaaaaaam. . . ." Ye Chen yawned, he had been content to sleep for the near future.

"Okay, looks like it's time to go out" It seems that it's time for Ye Chen to come out, before leaving, Ye Chen slightly changed his appearance to look shabby.

This was so that everyone would believe that Ye Chen had just encountered a terrifying thing in the Trial Pagoda.

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