Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2003

Chapter 2003: Ye Chen stopped Rong Houi's crazy actions


"This isn't over yet." Rong Houi said that it wasn't over yet, she could still win against Huang Ying.     

Huang Ying looked helpless when she heard Rong Houi's words, it was quite difficult to convince Rong Houi to give up now.     

Rong Houi released the armor on his body, he took off the armor that was used to protect herself from enemy attacks.     

"Don't tell me you're going to use it" Huang Ying seemed to know what Rong Houi was going to use.     

"it's too late to stop me" Rong Houi said that it was too late to stop her, it could be said that no one could stop her.     

"Are you sure you want to use it, isn't it too fast?" Huang Ying said again, Huang Ying was not sure what Rong Houi said.     

"Just take a good look" Rong Houi's body began to be enveloped by molten magma that was very hot and had a high temperature, the magma wrapped Rong Houi's body and turned Rong Houi into a huge monster with two wings made of magma.     

Rong Houi's entire body was completely covered by the extremely hot Magma, her entire body was now impervious to attack, if forced to eat the attacker would instantly melt by the heat of the superheated Liquid Magma.     

"Let's see if you can stop me with my current form" Rong Houi said to Huang Ying, whether Huang Ying was able to stop Rong Houi who had turned into a powerful monster.     

Rong Houi attacked Huang Ying, she attacked Huang Ying with a fairly destructive attack.     

"magma punch" Rong Houi's  struck Huang Ying with a fairly large Magma punch, this blow made Huang Ying retreat.     

Huang Ying retreated, she took a few steps back when she received an attack from Rong Houi.     

"You see my attack this time I'm much stronger, you don't have a chance to win" Rong Houi said to Huang Ying, Huang Ying started to get cornered by Rong Houi's attack, Rong Houi's indiscriminate attack successfully cornered Huang Ying.     

Huang Ying wasn't cornered as she was deliberately avoiding Rong Houi's attack.     

Huang Ying observed Rong Houi's attack, she observed Rong Houi's weak point.     

"Where is this woman's weak point?" Huang Ying observed carefully, herself observing Rong Houi's weak point.     

"found" after watching for a while, Huang Ying found Rong Houi's weak point.     

"bang" after finding Rong Houi's weak point, Huang Ying immediately attacked Rong Houi.     

Rong Houi was made to retreat by the attack coming from Huang Ying.     

"Damn, she managed to block my attack" Rong Houi started to look annoyed, she saw that Huang Ying was still able to withstand her strengthened attack.     

Huang Ying raised her palm, from Huang Ying's palm emerged an Ice crystal that looked very beautiful.     

Huang Ying blew the Ice crystal in her hand, when the Ice crystal was blown, it turned into small crystals that looked like snow.     

The small crystal immediately flew and wrapped around Rong Houi's body.     

"what are you trying to do, this attack of yours won't be able to hurt me" Rong Houi said to Huang Ying, Huang Ying's attack wouldn't be able to break through Rong Houi's defense.     

Rong Houi had already coated all parts of her body, so Huang Ying's attacks would not be able to penetrate her body.         


"rethink what you said" Huang Ying said to Rong Houi, she told Rong Houi to think again the words she used.     

"what do you mean. . ., arghh. . ." Rong Houi felt pain, she felt pain at the back of her neck.     

"This" Rong Houi finally realized what Huang Ying said, she finally understood what Huang Ying said.     

"You noticed" Rong Houi didn't expect that Huang Ying would realize everything so quickly.     

Even though Rong Houi had tried to hide her weak point from Huang Ying, Huang Ying strangely still discovered this.     

"You are indeed very smart, it is quite difficult to fight with you" Rong Houi struggled against Huang Ying, it was clear that Huang Ying used intelligence well, Huang Ying used rich experience and knowledge to fight Rong Houi.     

"Thanks for the compliment, but you should be worried about your current state" Huang Ying said to Rong Houi.     

"Cough. . ." Rong Houi coughed, she coughed up blood, Huang Ying's attack was strong enough to penetrate Rong Houi's internal organs.     

Huang Ying continued to rain down on Rong Houi, Huang Ying showered Rong Houi with extremely powerful attacks.     

Rong Houi who was previously so arrogant became so weak, she could only defend against Huang Ying's attack.     

"No, I can't go on like this, my defense will break if it continues like this" Rong Houi couldn't go on like this, Rong Houi couldn't let Huang Ying win the battle.     

  "world destruction magma" Rong Houi had no other way, he used the strongest technique at her disposal to turn things around.     

This was the strongest technique that Rong Houi possessed, in order to use it, Rong Houi required almost 9/10 of the profound energy he currently had.     

"Are you trying to destroy this entire place" Huang Ying said to Rong Houi, What Rong Houi did was too much, he could kill everyone in this place.     

"Do I care about such things, my goal is to defeat you, I will do everything even if it costs everyone in this place" Rong Houi said to Huang Ying.     

Rong Houi was quite crazy, just for the sake of defeating Huang Ying, he was willing to use people as sacrifices.     josei

"the older you get, you seem to be getting crazier" Huang Ying saw that Rong Houi seemed to be getting crazier, Huang Ying didn't know what happened to Rong Houi, how she grew to be the crazy woman she is now.     

This time Huang Ying wouldn't be able to stop Rong Houi's attack, Rong Houi's attack used magma underground, it was quite difficult for Huang Ying to stop the enormous amount of Magma that was underground.     

"Boom. . ." Ye Chen arrived, he arrived just in time to sort things out.     

"You came" Huang Ying saw Ye Chen, he saw Ye Chen who came.     

"What is this woman doing, the structure of the star foundation is becoming unstable?" Ye Chen asked Huang Yin.     

"It was that woman's doing, she used her power to destabilize the magma in the ground, it could be said that she could destroy this place if she wanted to" Huang Ying said to Ye Chen.     

"A rather terrifying and very strange power, so this is the strength of the number two in the 12 Guardian Gods" Ye Chen said as he looked at Rong Houi.     

"you ?" Rong Houi saw Ye Chen, she felt that this man in front of her was dangerous.     

"This feeling" Rong Houi was careful, this man looks much more dangerous than Huang Ying.         


"Be careful, he is a dangerous person" Xin Jine said to Rong Houi.     

Xin Jine realized who Ye Chen was, she knew best who Ye Chen was.     

"what do you mean ?" Rong Houi asked Xin Jine, he asked what Xin Jine meant.     

"Enough of this fighting you are doing" Ye Chen put his hand on the ground, when Ye Chen put his hand on the ground, the earthquake and shaking immediately stopped.     

"what happened ?" Rong Houi looked confused by what was happening, she was confused about what was going on.     

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