Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2057

Chapter 2057: Ye Chen survived


Ye Chen's clothes were torn, the attack just now turned out to be powerful enough to destroy the clothes that Ye Chen was wearing.     

"My clothes are ruined" Ye Chen saw that his upper clothes were destroyed.     

"That's because you didn't use your strength" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.     

Ye Chen didn't use the strength he had, that's why Tian Mo's attack was able to damage Ye Chen's clothes.     

"I just want to see the physical strength I have, to think that I would destroy my clothes" Ye Chen only wanted to see his physical strength, in fact he was able to completely withstand the opponent's attack.     

"He's still alive" Everyone couldn't believe it when they saw Ye Chen was still alive, plus Ye Chen only suffered minor injuries from the attack just now.     

"No way, how could he survive such an attack he should have died." Sun Quan couldn't believe that Ye Chen was able to endure, such a powerful attack should easily kill Ye Chen.     

"Nothing is impossible" Yue Ya said calmly and confidently, it seemed that he was very happy when he saw Ye Chen who was still alive.     

"Geez, he worries me" Yue Ya was quite worried about Ye Chen, this man always worried himself.     josei

"He really came alive after receiving Tian Mo's powerful attack, there were countless people who were amazed by what Ye Chen did, they were all amazed by Ye Chen who was able to withstand Tian Mo's powerful attack.     

"Isn't he great, he was able to withstand such a powerful attack" Zhi Fuze looked excited when he saw this, he looked excited when he saw Ye Chen was able to withstand Tian Mo's attack.     

According to Zhi Fuze, what Ye Chen did looked really cool.     

Zhi Fuxe sighed, it seemed that she was too worried about Ye Chen.     

"That was pretty good earlier." Ye Chen could just feel the power of the God Puppet Sword's spirit.     

Tian Mo was silent, he was speechless when he saw Ye Chen who was still alive.     

"Impossible, how did he do that?" King Khan also couldn't believe when he saw Ye Chen who was still alive, the probability that Ye Chen would still be alive after receiving such a powerful attack was 0%.     

"Does he also use items to survive" King Khan thought about this, most likely Ye Chen was still alive because he used a special item.     

"If he just used it, it means he will no longer be able to dodge.     

"Tian Mo, hurry up and attack that brat again, the items that protect him should be up, This is your chance." King Khan told Tian Mo his discovery, he told Tian Mo to attack Ye Chen immediately.     

This was a very good opportunity, one could say that this was their chance to kill Ye Chen.     

"I see" Tian Mo seems to have understood what meant , he already understood what meant King Khan     

Tian Mo gathered his profound energy again, intending to use a second attack on Ye Chen.     

Currently Tian Mo's condition is not good, the previous attack had caused Tian Mo to lose quite a lot of profound energy, if Tian Mo continued to do this, then Tian Mo would soon run out of profound energy from overexerting himself.     

"Tian Mo is still able to fight, as a man he can't give up so easily.     

"Master he will attack you again" Chu Yuechan said to Ye Chen.         


"I know, it seems that this is the time for revenge." Ye Chen knew, it was time to end the match with Tian Mo.     

Ye Chen took off the Geoling Bracelet, he released an item that slowed his movement.     

When the Geoling Bracelet was released by Ye Chen and fell to the ground, the whole place immediately shook, this proves how heavy the Geoling Bracelet is.     

People fell silent when they saw what done Ye Chen     

Nie Li in the audience seat finally realized that Ye Chen was using a ballast, it's not strange that Nie Li was unable to lift Ye Chen's body.     

It turned out that Ye Chen used a weight on his body.     

"how can he fight with such a ballast" Everyone was naturally shocked when they found out about this, Sun Quan Hai Wan, Dongfang Xong and Khim Jix were naturally shocked to see this.     

If it was true that Ye Chen had used ballast in the first place, then that would be an extraordinary thing.     

"The way of training is quite extreme, using such weights on the body, how can he fight in such conditions" Gu Xun didn't know how Ye Chen did such a thing, to be honest it was quite a shock for Gu Xun to see Ye Chen who fight while using ballast.     

Dongfang Xiu was silent, he knew that Ye Chen had worked hard enough to get to this point, he had worked very hard to become the best and deserved.     

Dongfang Xiu had to appreciate what did , Ye Chen's struggle to get to this point was very hard.     

"Okay this is lighter, now I can fight more freely" Ye Chen felt that his body became very light, this way he could fight very freely without caring about anything else.     

"Time to strike back" Ye Chen started to attack, he started to attack the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"Bam. . ." The spirit of the God Puppet Sword began to be attacked by Ye Chen, Ye Chen launched a barrage of attacks towards the enemy and began to not hold back.     

The spirit of the God Puppet Sword was knocked down by Ye Chen's attack, Ye Chen's attack was able to knock down the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"This is bad" Tian Mo saw Ye Chen, Ye Chen launched a heavy attack towards the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"If it continues like this then" if Ye Chen continued to attack like this, then it was certain that the spirit of the God Puppet Sword would be destroyed.     

"I can't let this happen." Tian Mo couldn't allow this, he couldn't let Ye Chen destroy the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"Gah. . ." Tian Mo returned his profound energy to the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"Roar. . ." the spirit of the God Puppet Sword roared, its roaring flare was loud that it made the people outside the barrier cover their ears.     

The spirit of the God Puppet Sword rose, it began to attack Ye Chen with a super large fist.     

"Boom. ." Ye Chen fought the spirit of the God Puppet Sword, the two launched attacks towards each other.     

The attack from the spirit of the God Puppet Sword was quite destructive, a huge explosion occurred when the spirit of the God Puppet Sword attacked Ye Chen.     

On the other hand Ye Chen used a destructive attack, he damaged some parts of the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

With Ye Chen's strength, he damaged the spirit body part of the God Puppet Sword.         


"I will destroy this puppet" Ye Chen will destroy Tian Mo's puppet.     

That way Tian Mo would cry like a child.     

The spirit of the God Puppet Sword was an expensive treasure, if it was destroyed, maybe Tian Mo would really cry.     

Tian Mo tries to refine the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

"Idiot, the spirit of the God Puppet Sword can be repaired easily" Tian Mo laughed, Ye Chen wouldn't be able to destroy the spirit of the God Puppet Sword.     

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