Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2275 We Have To Go, We Already Helped Them, There Is No Responsibility For Us To Stay Here

Chapter 2275 We Have To Go, We Already Helped Them, There Is No Responsibility For Us To Stay Here

What Ye Chen said proved true, this sword made the user lose control and started to slaughter everyone around.

"everyone gather" Ping Yanzong ordered everyone to gather as soon as possible, they must do something to destroy Shi Shizi.

By using the strength and abilities possessed by Ping Yanzong, he should be able to stop Shi Shizi.

"I will not hold back" Ping Yanzong said that he would not hold back, he would use all of his strength to kill and destroy Shi Shizi.

Ping Yanzong stepped forward, he directly aimed for the body of Shi Shizi.

Shi Shizi who had been possessed by the sword became very aggressive. He became very aggressive and attacked Ping Yanzong.

Ping Yanzong was quite shocked when he saw that Shi Shizi had gotten stronger, it seemed that the evil sword had given Shi Shizi strength.

"Damn, this is so troublesome" Ping Yanzong really hated losing to Shi Shizi, he didn't like losing.

Shi Shizi became more and more brutal, no matter if it was the Ping Clan or the golden lion kingdom, he attacked everyone and killed everyone.

Shi Shizi's consciousness was extremely weak, so it wasn't strange that she was unable to resist the power of the evil sword and ended up becoming the puppet and body for the evil sword.

"scram" Shi Shizi muttered a few times, he ordered everyone to get out of this world.

Shi Shizi carried out a massive massacre, there were countless people killed by him.

The commotion was getting more and more out of control, in that case, Ye Chen could only come over and end things.

When Ye Chen came back, he found that there were already a lot of corpses, it seemed that there were a lot of victims around this place.

"stupid people, I have already warned, have you guys felt the consequences?" Ye Chen said to Ping Yanzong as well as Shi Shizi who was being controlled, these two people were extremely stupid and made them what they are today.

"Damn it. . ." Ping Yanzong was angry at Ye Chen. He didn't expect that one day he would be insulted by Ye Chen. Obviously this was an insult to Ping Yanzong.

"Shut up, we can handle this problem." Ping Yanzong said that if they could solve this problem, they didn't need Ye Chen's help and could handle everything on their own.

"Okay, if you say it like that" Ye Chen looked, he saw whether Ping Yanzong was really capable of dealing with this problem.

Ping Yanzong came forward again, he used arrows and swords to attack Shi Shizi.

Shi Shizi was fast, Ping Yanzong's attack couldn't hit him.

Ping Yanzong swung his sword towards Shi Shizi's neck, he swung and intended to take Shi Shizi's life.

Shi Shizi used the sword in his hand, with a slight movement of the sword, it directly smashed Ping Yanzong's sword.

"Impossible, why could this happen, this can't happen." Ping Yanzong couldn't believe it, how could his weapon be destroyed so easily.

"Roars . . ." Shi Shizi used his own roar, this was a special technique used to weaken the enemy.

Ping Yanzong tried to cover his ears, he didn't let himself hear this loud sound.

It's a pity that this lion's voice was so loud that it made Ping Yanzong's body weak.

"Damn it, he has become much stronger, it is because of that sword" Ping Yanzong cursed, if not for that sword, then Ping Yanzong would not have lost.

Shi Shizi advanced towards Ping Yanzong, he swung his sword and intended to kill Ping Yanzong.

Ping Yanzong tried to use all of his abilities, he used his skills to block the attack from Shi Shizi.

"dead . . ." Shi Shizi said to Ping Yanzong, he wanted to kill Ping Yanzong with one swing of his hand.

"clang. . ." Ye Chen wouldn't let this happen, he wouldn't let Shi Shizi use that evil sword to get others into trouble.josei

"I won't let you" Ye Chen said that he wouldn't allow Shi Shizi to do that.

Shi Shizi looked at Ye Chen, he was displeased with Ye Chen and wanted to kill Ye Chen.

Shi Shizi raised her hand, she used the cursed sword that was in her hand.

Shi Shizi wanted to use a slash that started from below and headed upwards, that way he would be able to kill Ye Chen.

Ye Chen used his legs, he blocked Shi Shizi's attack with his legs.

"this is too easy" Ye Chen said to Shi Shizi.

Shi Shizi seemed to understand what Ye Chen said, he was angry and slashed at Ye Chen again.

Ye Chen used a powerful kick, he directly kicked the enemy in front of him.

Shi Shizi was sent flying, Ye Chen's kick broke his ribs.

Shi Shizi tried to get up, even though his bones were broken, he could still stand up and wanted to fight Ye Chen.

It seemed that the blade had completely controlled Shi Shizi's body, it made Shi Shizi unable to feel any pain.

"Not good, it seems I have to find another way." Ye Chen had to find another way.

"I know" Ye Chen knew, he might be able to cut off Shi Shizi's hand, that way, Shi Shizi would no longer be able to use that sword.

The evil sword couldn't escape, even if Ye Chen pulled it, it wouldn't want to leave Shi Shizi's body.

So the only way to beat him was to cut off Shi Shizi's arm.

Ye Chen used wind profound strength, he created a sharp wind blade and directly aimed for Shi Shizi's arm.

"Slashes . ." Shi Shizi's arm was severed, and the sword began to lose its strength.

"Arghhh . . ." Shi Shizi screamed, he actually felt a bone-chilling pain.

Previously Shi Shizi was controlled, so it wouldn't be strange for her to feel no pain.

Shi Shizi used his strength, he endured the wound and immediately took out a pill to heal his wound.

Damn it, what happened in this place? Shi Shizi didn't know what happened in this place, how could his troops die like this.

"General, you're finally awake, you were just controlled by an evil spirit and killed a lot of troops" one of the soldiers told Shi Shizi.

Shi Shizi was shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect him to do this.

"You have done this and made my clan members like this" Ping Yanzong said to Shi Shizi, Ping Yanzong was not with Shi Shizi.

"stop arguing, you guys should just go back" Ye Chen said to Ping Yanzong and Shi Shizi.

"Why should we go back" Ping Yanzong and Shi Shizi did not want to go back.

"It's up to you guys, but I have already given you a warning, this is not the first warning I'm giving, look at you now, continuing is tantamount to courting death" Ye Chen said in a firm tone.

Shi Shizi as well as Ping Yanzong had already suffered an injury, so continuing on would probably be extremely difficult.

Shi Shizi and Ping Yanzong seemed to want to ignore Ye Chen's words.

"It's up to you guys, I'll go, enjoy your time" Ye Chen said before leaving.

"husband. . ." Zhi Fuxe said to Ye Chen.

"we have to go, we have already helped them, there is no responsibility for us to stay" Ye Chen said.

"um . ." Zhi Fuxe understood, Ye Chen had been very kind, it was a pity that the person he helped was so stupid and didn't want to listen to what Ye Chen had to say.

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