Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2280 Start Sailing On The Sea

Chapter 2280 Start Sailing On The Sea

How could Ye Chen make such an old and ugly small boat be good, what is the secret that can make Ye Chen do such a thing.

Ye Chen had already passed away leaving the mainland, now he was already in the middle of the sea and it was impossible to chase.

"we also have to get a ship" now there are only 14 when, they have to scramble to be able to use that time.

Great warfare could not be fought, they fought for ships for themselves.

"hold them" Gou Yanhe and the miss Ning were also attacked, they were attacked by fools who were willing to plunder their ships.

Ye Chen saw that when the battle had started, everyone was scrambling to get their ships.

"Your master made a perfect choice, otherwise we might still be fighting there" Nanhua Caiyi praised Ye Chen, she didn't expect that Ye Chen would be so smart and make them free from fighting.

"I have already planned this thing, this way we will be safe" Ye Chen had already planned this thing, he had already planned this thing quite carefully.

"By the way, what will happen to us, this ocean is so vast and our boat is small enough" Zhao Yanyan saw that this small enough boat was a little cramped in this place.

"It's okay, we have to share space, this place is indeed small, so you guys have to share space, I'll keep an eye around, it seems that under the sea there are a large number of monsters and maybe right now this is eyeing the ship we are on" Ye Chen told him that he was going to guard.

This task is quite heavy, so Ye Chen himself will complete this task, he can't let this ship sink or be eaten by monsters.

Zhao Yanyan and Zhi Fuxe have the task of ensuring that this ship can move, the two will take turns to provide power for power for the ship.

Ye Chen used the power that belonged to him to give a boost, by using the power of the wind, he made this ship move quickly.

"If it continues like this, we may soon get to the end" at this speed, they will soon get to the end, so they don't have to worry.

"Um . . . "Zhao Yanyan and the others agreed with what Ye Chen said, both agreed that they would quickly relax.

Ye Chen is now watching the place around this place, he makes sure that there are no monsters or strange things approaching.

While some women start chatting, they do this to overcome boredom.

They are now in the middle of the sea, they can't move much and can only sit and this is boring as hell.

"That's why they decided to exchange life experiences, it would be very useful once for each other.

"They are so cheerful" Chu Yuechan looked at the group of women, she could see that they were very cheerful once.

"we are in a place like this, it's quite fun to see them can be cheerful in this kind of situation" Ye Chen himself was happy, he was happy about this.

When the situation calmed down, Ye Chen felt that there was a huge monster approaching in front.

" there are monsters approaching, you all have to prepare" Ye Chen told that everyone must be prepared, they must not be caught off guard because there is a monster in front.

Hearing the warning from Ye Chen, everyone began to become vigilant, they began to become vigilant and finally they saw some big sea fish monsters and there were super large sharks that began to attack their small boats.

This shark attacked Ye Chen's small boat, the Shark tried to sink Ye Chen and the others.

"this must not be allowed, I will not allow this thing" Ye Chen wouldn't let this happen, he used a lightning spear to attack the Shark.

Because of the pain, the Shark immediately rises to the surface, the Shark has a white color.

"ugly monster, you are looking for the wrong opponent" Ye Chen told that this monster had been looking for the wrong opponent.

"Rumble. . ." Ahead there was a roar, it seemed that storms and high waves were about to reappear.

"bad, there is a storm ahead, is it necessary for us to detour" Xia Qingyu told Ye Chen, in front of there was a storm, their ship probably wouldn't be able to defend against the waves and storms in the middle of the sea like this.

"Don't worry, we can't go back, we can only break in and get through the storm.

"this is too risky for all of us" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, this small boat would be very difficult to withstand the storm, so they'd better think of a way.

"I'm going to use a visor" Ye Chen told that he was going to use a visor.

Ye Chen used the power that belonged to protect this ship, using the power of inheritance that belonged to him, it should be that this ship should be able to survive the storm.

The storm approached and lunged at Ye Chen, this small ship was hit by a strong storm.

The barrier created by Ye Chen succeeded in resisting this storm, this barrier is very strong and able to withstand the super strong storm that occurred.

"it works very well" Ye Chen was happy that it worked so well, Ye Chen didn't have to worry and could focus on moving forward.

The barrier set up by Ye Chen worked so well, all the women were relieved and felt very safe once when they were inside Ye Chen's barrier.

The huge storm continued to rage, the ship used by Ye Chen really encountered a bad thing.

"The storm lasted for several days, after a few days the storm finally completely subsided".

And they were finally freed from the terrible raging waves.

"it's finally done, I seem to be seasick" Cheng Mengyan had a problem, it seemed that she was seasick from being swayed by the storm for these few days.

All the women are also limp, they are all quite tired, they didn't expect that sea trip would become like this.

"Hahahaha, you seem to be having trouble" Ye Chen saw that Zhao Yanyan and the others were having trouble.

"Husband, how can you still be excited, aren't you tired ?" Zhao Yanyan asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was too strong, he persisted long enough and didn't have any trouble.josei

"Hehehehe, I'm quite used to it, so I'm not as tired as you guys" Ye Chen told her that he was not as tired as the women.

"I envy" Zhao Yanyan was quite envious of the power possessed by Ye Chen.

"let's eat, I brought some provisions for the trip this time" Lin Rouxi said to everyone, she brought a lot of provisions and took everyone to eat.

"This is great, the storm has also stopped, let's have a little fun" All the women agreed, they lined up neatly and began to wait for food.

Ye Chen also came along, they probably need a little rest before continuing on this journey.

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