Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2496 Against Zhan Tanru

Chapter 2496 Against Zhan Tanru

"then let's enjoy the show" the host said to everyone.

A while later, a group of girls with good and seductive looks appeared in front of everyone, they entertained everyone using a nice and beautiful dance.

Ye Chen was enjoying this, meanwhile Gu Xun looked around to find the whereabouts of Zhan Tanru.

"Did you find the whereabouts of Zhan Tanru?" Gu Xun asked Ye Chen.

"Not yet . . ." Ye Chen said that he couldn't find the whereabouts of Zhan Tanru.

"It's possible that he hasn't come yet or maybe he's in a special room or something" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun.

Ye Chen kept watching around this place, he made sure that the person he was looking for was in this place.

Ye Chen had even looked into the VIP room, but he couldn't find the Zhan Tanru he was looking for.

Wherever that person was hiding, it was very troublesome for Ye Chen and Gu Xun to find the whereabouts of Zhan Tanru.

There were still several VIP rooms vacant here, most likely the person Gu Xun was looking for had not yet arrived.

"Just enjoy the show, that person might not come yet" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun.

Ye Chen informed that Zhan Tanru hadn't come yet, so he told Gu Xun to enjoy the show for the time being.

Gu Xun listened to what Ye Chen said, they enjoyed the show while waiting for the arrival of Zhan Tanru.

Some time later, Ye Chen found a few people coming, they entered the VIP room and saw what happened from there.

"they are coming. . ." Ye Chen said to Gu Xun, he told him that Zhan Tanru was coming.

"Where ?" Gu Xun asked Ye Chen, she asked where Zhan Tanru was.

"He is in the tenth room, there are several guards next to him" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun.

"what level are they" Gu Xun asked Ye Chen.

"At least the seventh level of the Divine Overlord Realm" Ye Chen told the lowest level of the bodyguards around Gu Xun.

"We can still handle it" Gu Xun said that they can still overcome it.

"Right now everyone is focused on the show, let's move" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun, he told her to move now since everyone was focused.

"understand . . . "Gu Xun agreed with Ye Chen's words.

The two of them decided to leave and headed straight to Zhan Tanru's room.

They sneaked in, it wasn't difficult for Ye Chen to knock out the guards present.

In just a matter of seconds, the two of them were already in front of the entrance of Zhan Tanru's room.

"let's hear what they are talking about first" Gu Xun said to Ye Chen.

"Okay . . ." Ye Chen understood, he would listen to the conversation that was in there.

Ye Chen and Gu Xun's hearing was extremely good, the two of them could clearly hear what was going on inside very easily.

"we got another big catch, we got quite a lot of beautiful girls and treasure when destroying villages and small towns" they were talking about what they were doing all this time.josei

Zhan Tanru's group worked on destroying small towns, they kidnapped young women and looted, they did not hesitate to destroy and obliterate loot places.

All the women they caught were sold in this place, to be more precise they earned a lot of money from this place.

"they are bad enough, selling women for their sake" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun.

"I'm not happy about this, they're the worst" Gu Xun said to Ye Chen.

Gu Xun saw that they were bad people, Gu Xun didn't like them.

"what are we going to do" Ye Chen asked Gu Xun, he wanted to know what they were going to do.

"We have to stop them" Gu Xun said to Ye Chen, she told to stop them, Gu Xun didn't want anyone else to be victimized.

"Alright, let's stop the business they are doing" Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen agreed with what Gu Xun was doing, it was time for them to stop what Zhan Tanru was doing.

"We do it without being noticed by others, I will create a barrier" Ye Chen said to Gu Xun, he would create a barrier to make others not aware of what was happening.

"good job" Gu Xun said to Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen did a good job" right now they could move around freely.

"Bamm . . ." Gu Xun smashed the door with her palm.

"Who ?" the people inside were shocked by what happened, they were surprised by the arrival of Gu Xun.

They saw Gu Xun's figure in front, Gu Xun's beautiful figure fluttering in front of them.

"a woman?, what does this woman want" Zhan Tanru wanted to know what the women around this place were doing.

"hehehe, a beautiful lady is coming, looks like we will get quite a lot of profound crystals when we sell her" Zhan Tanru said to Gu Xun.

"shut up" Gu Xun said in an irritated tone, she was displeased by the stares the people around had.

They thought bad thoughts of Gu Xun, it made Gu Xun unhappy.

"You are quite daring to talk to us like that" Zhan Tanru said to Gu Xun.

"cripple that woman for me" Zhan Tanru told to cripple Gu Xun.

"Understood" the bodyguards drew their swords, they prepared to incapacitate Gu Xun.

Gu Xun used her flame power, she started burning those who tried to go against her.

"Arghhh . . ." Gu Xun's fire power was strong, it burned those around.

When Gu Xun fought, her eyes changed color, they became slightly golden like the flame of a fire.

"her appearance is very beautiful when fighting" Ye Chen first saw Gu Xun fight, he first saw Gu Xun show strength.

When Gu Xun entered that mode, she became much stronger, her profound fire power became even stronger.

"damn . . ., quickly do something." Zhan Tanru gave an order, he told them to stop what Gu Xun was doing.

Several people used the power of ice and water to stop Gu Xun's attack.

"You are so stupid for deciding to fight in this place" you know that this is our territory, there will be people coming to help us" Zhan Tanru said to Gu Xun.

"hahahaha" Ye Chen laughed from behind.

Zhan Tanru and the others looked at Ye Chen, they were not aware of Ye Chen's existence.

"what's with that guy" they asked Ye Chen.

"No one will help you guys, I've put up a strong barrier around, they won't be aware of the battle going on" Ye Chen said to Zhan Tanru.

"What ! ! !" they weren't aware of this, to be honest they weren't aware of the barrier Ye Chen had set up.

It wasn't strange that everyone was still relaxed despite the explosion in this place.

Zhan Tanru looked in the mirror, he could see everyone enjoying the show when they were here fighting.

they were interesting and having fun without knowing what was going on at Zhan Tanru's place

"bastard, kill him for me" Zhan Tanru wanted Ye Chen to die.

"pass me first" Gu Xun said to fight herself first, she would not let them get close to Ye Chen.

"do . ." Zhan Tanru gave the order, he gave the order to defeat Gu Xun first.

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