Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 2800 Against Doctor Yuan Sheng (1)

Chapter 2800 Against Doctor Yuan Sheng (1)

"Can you stop Number One King Goblin, I will stop doctor Yuan Sheng" Ye Chen said to Chen Xing.

"Are you sure" Chen Xing said to Ye Chen.

"I can handle it, you just handle the Number One King Goblin" Ye Chen said to Chen Xing.

Ye Chen would stop doctor Yuan Sheng, meanwhile let Chen Xing defeat the Number One King Goblin.

"I understand, I will take care of it" Chen Xing understood, she would take care of the problem.

The two had divided the tasks, they could solve the problem by dividing the tasks.

With that the two began to move, they began to move to solve the problem that was happening right now.

"What you guys are planning, what you guys are planning is of no use to me" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen and Chen Xing.

"Since the situation has become like this, there is no choice but to face you" Ye Chen said to Doctor Yuan Sheng.

"Are you sure, there is no chance for you to win against me, behind me there are powerful monsters that can destroy you" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen.

"Dimension Wall" Ye Chen created a wall, he intended to withstand the attack by using that.

"Right now you two won't be able to get out" Ye Chen told that Doctor Yuan Sheng and Number One King Goblin wouldn't be able to get out of this place.

Ye Chen had closed their way to escape from this place.

"husband, what did you just do ?" Chen Xing asked Ye Chen.

"I just made a boundary wall around" Ye Chen said to Chen Xing.

"So they won't be able to escape from this place" Chen Xing said to Ye Chen.

"No way, they won't be able to get out of this place" Ye Chen told her that they wouldn't be able to get out of this place.

The wall created by Ye Chen was strong enough to hold them from getting out of this place.

"Do you think you can hold us with such a cheap trick?" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen.

"Why not, you can see it" Ye Chen said to Doctor Yuan Sheng.

"Let me show you the power of the Number One King Goblin" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen, he will show you the power of the Number One King Goblin.

"Crack. . ." the glass started to break, when the glass shattered, the Number One King Goblin came out from inside and a powerful aura engulfed this place.josei

"Such a powerful and huge aura" Chen Xing did not expect that the Number One King Goblin would have such a powerful and huge aura.

"I don't want to admit this, but the aura of that monster is so strong and big" Ye Chen had to admit that.

Number One King Goblin was like a walking electrical substation with a stinging power.

"Have you felt it" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen and Chen Xing.

"Of course" they said that they had felt it.

"Let me show you the power of the Number One King Goblin" he said to Ye Chen.

"Destroy the barrier" Doctor Yuan Sheng gave an order to destroy the barrier Ye Chen had.

"Husband, this is bad, it looks like the monster can destroy the barrier you created" Chen Xing said to Ye Chen.

Chen Xing believed that the monster could destroy Ye Chen's barrier.

The strength of the Number One King Goblin was quite large and it might happen.

"Take it easy, it won't happen" Ye Chen told her that it wouldn't happen.

Ye Chen believed in his defense, no one would be able to break through that easily.I think you should take a look at

Even if it was the Number One King Goblin with terrifying power.

The Number One King Goblin began to gather strength, a black ball appearing on its chest.

It seemed like the Number One King Goblin was going to shoot it towards Ye Chen's barrier.

"Come closer" Ye Chen said to Chen Xing, he told Chen Xing to come closer.

It seemed like this was going to be a problem, so Ye Chen would protect Chen Xing for a while.

Chen Xing hid behind Ye Chen, she believed in the abilities possessed by Ye Chen.

"You believe in the abilities I have" Ye Chen said.

"You can move places by using the teleportation ability, I will of course believe in that" Chen Xing said.

Chen Xing told him that she would believe in Ye Chen's ability.

"Destroy the barrier so we can get out of this place" Doctor Yuan Sheng gave an order, he ordered to destroy Ye Chen and Chen Xing.

"fire" he fired an attack towards the dimensional barrier.

"Booom. .." a huge explosion occurred, this explosion was so big that it made shocks all around.

The explosion lasted a few seconds and left this place destroyed, the entire research of doctor Yuan Sheng was also destroyed.

Doctor Yuan Sheng didn't really care about things like this.

He had gotten what he was looking for, so all this was of no use to him.

"hahaha, have you seen the power of the creation I have, isn't it very powerful" Doctor Yuan Sheng said to Ye Chen and Chen Xing.

"But you might have crumbled into dust" Yuan Sheng said.

Doctor Yuan Sheng believed that Ye Chen and Chen Xing would not be able to survive the attack.

"Didn't you conclude too quickly" Ye Chen spoke, he answered the words of Doctor Yuan Sheng.

"What! ! !" doctor Yuan Sheng looked shocked when he saw Ye Chen was still alive, he honestly did not believe that Ye Chen could still be alive after receiving such a strong attack.

"Your attack was weak, it couldn't even break my barrier" Ye Chen said to doctor Yuan Sheng.

"Huh?" Doctor Yuan Sheng immediately looked at the barrier behind Ye Chen, he could see that the barrier behind was still intact.

"What happened, how is it possible?" Doctor Yuan Sheng couldn't believe it, the attack from Number One King Goblin should have leveled everything, but why couldn't it destroy Ye Chen's wall.

"The answer is obvious, the monster you made is weak" Ye Chen said to doctor Yuan Sheng.

"Nonsense, that's impossible, the monster I created is so strong, there's no way it can lose to you" Doctor Yuan Sheng said that his creation was the strongest.

Number One King Goblin is a powerful monster and full of terrifying power.

"Then how do you explain that?" Ye Chen said to Doctor Yuan Sheng.

Doctor Yuan Sheng was speechless when he listened to what Ye Chen said, he was speechless when he listened to what Ye Chen said.

"Attack them again" Doctor Yuan Sheng told Number One King Goblin to attack Ye Chen and Chen Xing.

With that, the Number One King Goblin attacked Ye Chen and Chen Xing for the second time.

"That person gave the order, I will take care of it, please hold Number One King Goblin for a while" Ye Chen said to Chen Xing.

"I understand" Chen Xing understood, she understood the desire Ye Chen had.

Chen Xing went to restrain the Number One King Goblin, meanwhile Ye Chen fought doctor Yuan Sheng.

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