Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 603 - Heal Feng Luo

Chapter 603 - Heal Feng Luo

Chapter 603 - Heal Feng Luo

"Alright, it’s over, You can see your grandfather." Ye Chen told Feng Xue that the poison around her grandfather’s body had been cleaned.

Now Feng Xue could see the state of Feng Luo.

"Thank you very much." Feng Xue thanked Ye Chen, if Ye Chen wasn’t here, maybe Feng Xue didn’t know about the poison around her grandfather’s bed.

Feng Xue immediately went to see Feng Luo.

"Grandpa get up, are you okay" while crying, Feng Xue tried to wake up Feng Luo who was currently unconscious.

Too bad Feng Luo couldn’t listen to Feng Xue’s words, the poison in Feng Luo’s body made Feng Luo’s body weak and helpless

Feng Xue couldn’t bear to see her grandfather in a state like

"Ye Chen, can you help my grandfather?", Feng Xue asked Ye Chen to save her grandfather.

"Of course, do you still have the pill that Yanyan gave you." Ye Chen asked Feng Xue about the pill given by Zhao Yanyan.

"Well I still have it." Feng Xue immediately took out several bottles of pills from her bag, she handed all these bottles to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen received the pill bottle from Feng Xue, he began to see what pills Zhao Yanyan gave to Feng Xue.

When Ye Chen saw the pill Zhao Yanyan gave Feng Xue, Ye Chen was a little surprised.

All of the pills that Zhao Yanyan gave were high grade pills whose manufacturing materials were extremely difficult to obtain.

Ye Chen didn’t know where Zhao Yanyan stole this pill from, it was certain that the girl didn’t get this pill from Ye Chen.

It is very likely that Zhao Yanyan got this pill from Fu Lanling, Nangong Xiang or Nanhua Caiyi, Ye Chen was very sure that if the person asking was Zhao Yanyan, it would be Fu Lanling, Nangong Xiang or Nanhua Caiyi would give Zhao Yanyan what she wanted.

"Ye Chen, is one of the pills that sister Yanyan gave me to help my grandfather? "Feng Xue wants to know if the pill Zhao Yanyan gave her would be able to help her grandfather.

"Of course you can, with this pill, I really believe that your grandfather can be cured." Ye Chen told Feng Xue that Feng Luo could be cured.

It would be strange if Ye Chen couldn’t cure Feng Luo using the pills that Zhao Yanyan gave , a pill like this would definitely be able to easily expel poison and heal Feng Luo.

Ye Chen started to open the pill bottle that Zhao Yanyan gave to Feng Xue, when Ye Chen opened the pill bottle that was in his hand, a fragrance that really should start filling this room.

"Ye Chen, what’s in it, why does it smell so good to smell." Feng Xue immediately asked Ye Chen what was in the bottle in his hand.

The aroma from the bottle in Ye Chen’s hand was very fragrant, Feng Xue liked this scent.

"This is a high quality pill, so it must smell really good." Ye Chen explained a little to Feng Xue, who was still a little unfamiliar with this.

"Huh? "Feng Xue is still confused by what Ye Chen just said, to Feng Xue all pills according to her are the same.

As expected of the common people Feng Xue, she was completely clueless about what Ye Chen had just said.

"Forget it, let’s give this to your grandfather." Ye Chen told Feng Xue to forget what he previously said, there was no point in continuing the conversation that the other side didn’t know about.

Ye Chen started to give the pill that was in the bottle to Feng Luo, Ye Chen put the pill in Feng Luo’s mouth.

After Feng Luo swallowed the pill, it was time to wait and see how this pill worked.

By using high quality healing pills, Feng Luo’s poison starch would be neutralized very quickly.

Ye Chen’s guess was very precise, in just a matter of seconds, Feng Luo’s body which was previously pale and slightly black began to become fresher, Feng Luo’s face also began to gradually improve.

Feng Xue who was by Ye Chen’s side saw the miracle that was before her eyes, she could not believe that the pill bottle given by Zhao Yanyan would have such a miraculous effect.

After all the poison in Feng Luo’s body was neutralized, Feng Luo started to open his eyes.

"Grandfather" saw that Feng Luo was a little aware, Feng Xue immediately rushed over to see the situation of Feng Luo.

"Xue, why are you here?" Feng Luo was a little confused when he saw Feng Xue here.

The current Feng Luo still didn’t realize that he had just been poisoned.

" grandfather , I came here to see how you are, you were poisoned just now." Feng Xue told Feng Luo about what had happened to him.

"Poisoned, who dared to poison me?" Feng Luo wanted to know who the person who poisoned him was.

"It’s Feng Jinx, guy that planned bad things to you, he also just sold me to someone else " Feng Xue told Feng Luo that the person who poisoned him was Feng Jinx.

"Feng Jinx, how dare that person do that to me and Xue, I have to settle this business." Feng Luo looked furious when he heard this from Feng Xue.

Feng Luo wanted to punish Feng Jinx right away for the actions taken by Feng Jinx, how brave Feng is Jinx did bad things to his own family.

Feng Luo immediately contacted the housekeeper Feng, when Feng Luo called the housekeeper hand, an old man came and saluted Feng Luo.

" Mr. Feng is healed? ", The housekeeper Feng asked Feng Luo the situation.

"Yes, I am healed at this time." Feng Luo told the housekeeper that he was healed.

"Hurry up and call Feng Jinx here." Feng Luo told the Feng family housekeeper to call Feng Jinx here.

"Sorry Mr. Feng, I can’t do that, now you are no longer the head of the Feng Clan, so you can no longer do that, the Feng family housekeeper told Feng Luo that he is no longer the leader of the Feng Clan.

" What does this mean ?" , Feng Luo asked what the housekeeper meant about this matter.

"When you were unconscious for a few days, other elders started discussing to discuss a new leader for the Feng Clan, from the discussion that was discussed, it was decided that a new leader would be chosen tomorrow." The housekeeper told Feng Luo what happened.

"I see, those old people actually took advantage of this opportunity to remove me from my position." Feng Luo did not expect that the elders would take advantage of this moment to depose him.

"Grandfather, you lost your position as Clan leader?", Feng Xue asked Feng Luo.

"I think so." Feng Luo helplessly said to Feng Xue, it seemed that he was completely pushed aside by those elders rotten.

Feng Xue felt angry when she heard this, it was unexpected that those people took this opportunity to do something like this to her grandfather.

"You said tomorrow there will be a new Clan leader election, then who is the candidate? "Feng Luo wants to know which candidate will step up to become the leader of the Clan.josei

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