Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 839 - Time To War (3)

Chapter 839 - Time To War (3)

Chapter 839 - Time To War (3)

Zhao Yanyan started to come forward herself and started waving her hands, when Zhao Yanyan did this, a very beautiful zither appeared in Zhao Yanyan’s hand.

The weapon that appeared in Zhao Yanyan’s hand was of course the Saint Light Zither, Zhao Yanyan gloriously plucked the Saint Light Zither in her hand, Zhao Yanyan played a Goddess Melody Technique.

"Light Shield "Zhao Yanyan used the Light Shield to protect everyone from the attacks that were about to be launched by Hong Man.

Zhao Yanyan combined the Goddess Melody Technique technique with the Light Shield, apart from increasing all the strength of the allies, Now Zhao Yanyan also protected them from future attacks.

Zhao Yanyan could not only create a light shield near herself, Zhao Yanyan was now also able to make a light shield for the allies he wanted to protect, it could be said that Zhao Yanyan’s rank had already advanced, now Zhao Yanyan was more and more proficient in the techniques she cultivated.

Everyone started to be enveloped by a light of shield , when they were enveloped by the shield of light they all felt a sense of comfort.

The people who were enveloped by the Light Shield also felt that their strength had increased a lot, now they all felt that they could do anything at this very moment.

Ye Chen was quite surprised when he saw what Zhao Yanyan was trying to do right now, he didn’t expect Zhao Yanyan to do something like that.

Zhao Yanyan really combined the Goddess Melody Technique with the Light Shield into one, this would be the best support for the cultivators who became allies.

On the other side Hong Man had finished making preparations to use the Thunder Rain Laws, now it was time for him to attack all the enemies that surrounded this place.

"All of you go to hell, fall Down Thunder Rain Laws" Hong Man shouted in a very loud voice, everyone within a hundred kilo radius could hear the sound that Hong Man made very clearly.

Even Ye Chen who was quite far away could hear Hong Man’s screams.

The million thunderbolts began to strike all of the cultivators who surrounded the Gates of Eternity Sect, the thousands of cultivators in this place were struck by thousands of thunderbolts which had extremely terrifying destructive power.

If they didn’t currently have Zhao Yanyan’s protection, it was certain that these people would be struck by lightning and turned into charcoal.

"Rumble.. .,Rumble.. .,Rumble.. .,Rumble.. .,Rumble.. .,Boom.. ., Boom.. ., Boom.. ., Boom.. ., Boom.. . " lightning continued to rain down around the Gates of Eternity Sect.

It seems that the lightning strike hasn’t shown any signs of stopping.

The people who were struck by lightning were currently safe, they were completely unharmed by the lightning strike that had struck them.

These people are very grateful for Zhao Yanyan’s kindness who has given them all this super strong protection, if Zhao Yanyan had not protected them, they would have become charred.

Because the lightning strikes were so many, the people of the Gates of Eternity Sect couldn’t see whether the cultivators who surrounded them had been killed, they were currently too focused on channeling the profound Energy they had for Hong Man.

This lightning strike lasted for several minutes, after a few minutes, the lightning strikes began to have subsided.

The Thunder Rain Laws was a high ranking technique, to use this technique required an enormous amount of Profound Energy.

That’s why these people couldn’t sustain the Thunder Rain Laws any longer than this or they would run out of their Profound Energy.

Hong Man decided to stop the Thunder Rain Laws, he thought this was enough to kill the people who had dared to besiege the Sect.

Very thick smoke began to envelop this place.

This smoke was of course the result of countless lightning strikes, even the ground around the Gates of Eternity Sect looked like a volcanic crater emitting lava.

The people of the Gates of Eternity Sect strongly believed that the enemies surrounding them had been removed , there was no way the enemy could survive the onslaught of the combined attacks carried out by all the disciples and elders of the Gates of Eternity Sect.

The smoke that enveloped this place began to subside, as the smoke began to subside, the people of the Gates of Eternity Sect began to be able to clearly see whether the enemy had been annihilated or not.

When the smoke cleared there were countless shadowy figures above the sky, all the people surrounding this place looked still healthy and in very good shape.

" What. . .! ! ! " Everyone from the Gates of Eternity Sect was greatly shocked when they saw the enemy was unharmed after receiving the combined attack carried out by all the disciples and elders.

This is really very absurd at all, how could people still be alive after receiving such a lethal attack, all the disciples and elders of the Gates of Eternity Sect could not imagine what just happened.

On the other side, Hong Man began to grit his teeth, he could not believe that the enemy was still alive after receiving countless lightning strikes.

Hong Man was very confident in the Thunder Rain Laws he had just used, the technique just now should be enough to kill all the enemies surrounding this place.

"What the hell are these guys, how come they don’t get hurt after receiving consecutive hits like that." Hong Gijun also couldn’t believe that the enemy was still alive after receiving such consecutive hits.

Seeing this matter, the morale possessed by the disciples and elders from the Gates of Eternity Sect began to shrink, they began to fear the enemies surrounding this place.

"This is really bad, the morale of the disciples and elders is starting to shrink, if it continues like this they will lose their fighting spirit." Hong Tien was the first to notice the strangeness shown by the disciples and elders of the Gates of Eternity Sect, it is clear that the disciples and elders of the Gates of the Eternity Sect was starting to lose their fighting spirit.

"All of you don’t need to worry, we still have a chance to win, within this barrier we will always be safe from enemy attacks." Hong Man hurriedly gave a speech to all the disciples and elders.

Hong Man must not let the morale of these people become gloomy, if that happens, then they will lose to the enemy.

"Woah" Everyone around Hong Man shouted in a loud voice, it seems that their fighting spirit returned after listening to the speech that came from Hong Man.

Hong Man was deeply trusted by everyone in the Gates of Eternity Sect, they all believed that with a Sect Master like Hong Man, they still had a lot of chances to win against the enemy.

From afar, Zhao Yanyan saw that the people from the Gates of Eternity Sect were very excited, Zhao Yanyan could not let this happen, she had to make the morale that the people of the Gates of Eternity Sect have to shrink.

Zhao Yanyan started playing the Saint Light Zither in her hand, when Zhao Yanyan played the Saint Light Zither, an extremely powerful light force came out from the Saint Light Zither.

This power of light is like a wave in the sky.

"boom" the power of Light that Zhao Yanyan had just released slammed into the barrier Array belonging to the Gates of Eternity Sect.

"Crack.. . " The barrier array that had been constructed since the era of the first ancestor of the Gates of Eternity Sect easily shattered upon receiving this wave of light attack.

Everyone within the Gates of Eternity Sect fell silent when they saw what had just happened right before their eyes.josei

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