Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 937 - Power Of God Master One Sword (2)

Chapter 937 - Power Of God Master One Sword (2)

Chapter 937 - Power Of God Master One Sword (2)


Even though Ye Chen didn’t understand the language Hun Chao was speaking, Ye Chen knew what Hun Chao was trying to do.

It was obvious Hun Chao was trying to use a high ranking technique that he had.

Ye Chen couldn’t allow Hun Chao to use such a dangerous technique, he had to stop what Hun Chao was trying to do right now.

Ye Chen rushed to attack Hun Chao, he swing his Divine Yin Yang Sword towards Hun Chao.

It was only a moment before Ye Chen swing his sword, Hun Chao’s body was already enveloped in an extremely dense darkness.

This darkness began to spin and form a vortex of wind that sucked everything in.

Seeing this, Ye Chen immediately retreated backwards, he immediately went to protect himself from the vortex of darkness that tried to suck up everything around this place.

The vortex of darkness was really very strong, it was able to suck anything into it, various items such as stones, concrete, trees and trash were easily sucked into the dark market.

This vortex of darkness was like a black hole that could suck anything into it.

Right now Ye Chen was trying to hold on, he was trying not to be sucked in by this vortex of darkness.

If Ye Chen were to be sucked into this vortex, then it is certain that he would have a bad ending so Ye Chen tried to survive so that he would not be sucked into the vortex of darkness.

"What exactly is that person doing?" Mei Yueli started to wonder what Hun Chao was doing, why Hun Chao was sucking things and stuff around this place.

"I feel something bad about this" Mu Xueying felt something bad about this, she felt that Hun Chao was doing something dangerous.

The vortex of darkness was continuously active and sucking everything in, not even sand and gravel were spared from the rage of this vortex of darkness.

In a very short time the surroundings where Ye Chen was located became extremely clean, all the objects that were previously around Ye Chen had been sucked into the vortex of darkness.

After a while, the vortex of darkness finally stopped and disappeared, now only the remnants of darkness could be seen by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at the darkness that was in front of him, behind this darkness Ye Chen felt something strong.

Ye Chen didn’t know what Hun Chao had just done, for sure what Hun Chao had just done was to defeat him.

"Clear. . ." suddenly from behind the darkness Ye Chen saw a pair of eyes that were red like blood, the size of these eyes was quite large, they were even bigger than Ye Chen’s body.

From its size it must be a monster or something very large.

Ye Chen was very curious about this huge figure in front of him, Ye Chen waved his hand, a strong wind began to blow away the darkness in front of him.

When the darkness in front of Ye Chen disappeared, Ye Chen could see a huge monster that had a pair of wings, large pointed teeth and sharp claws.

From a glance this monster has a stature like a human, it’s just that his figure is much more terrible and scary.

"Hahaha, it seems that the transformation I have done is successful." The huge monster let out a voice that closely resembled Hun Chao, most likely this big being that was currently in front of him was Hun Chao.

"So you changed your body to be much bigger?" Ye Chen said to Hun Chao.

Ye Chen didn’t look surprised when he saw Hun Chao’s transformation, Ye Chen was already a little used to the techniques possessed by Demon that sealed this Earth.

"You don’t look surprised by the changes I made?" Hun Chao asked Ye Chen.

"Why should I be surprised by your transformation, isn’t the bigger your body, the slower you are" Ye Chen said to Hun Chao.

"Who said a big body would be slow" Hun Chao was now behind Ye Chen, he moved behind Ye Chen at a fairly fast speed.

"So even though you’re big you can still move that fast, it’s quite impressive too" Ye Chen said to Hun Chao.

Even though Hun Chao’s movements were fast, just now Ye Chen could still see them clearly, so he wasn’t too surprised and panicked at the speed that Hun Chao had just displayed.

"Die you bastard" Hun Chao used his sharp claws to attack Ye Chen, he intended to slicing Ye Chen’s body in front of him.

Ye Chen immediately blocked Hun Chao’s attack, he used the Divine Yin Yang Sword to block Hun Chao’s attack.

In this exchange of attacks Ye Chen was blown away by the impact of Hun Chao’s attack.

"Boom. . ., Boom . ., Boom . ., Boom . ., Boom ."Ye Chen was flown hundreds of kilometers and crashed into several hills and mountains around this place.

The hill that Ye Chen had hit was smashed into pieces, mountains and hills were instantly hollow and shattered everywhere.

"Damn, that sword is really annoying." Hun Chao saw the claws in his hands, Hun Chao could now see that his claws had been partially cut off by Ye Chen’s sword.

If Hun Chao confronted Ye Chen again, then it was certain that his claws could be cut off by Ye Chen’s sword.

Ye Chen is currently out of the rubble of the boulder that buried himself, Ye Chen came out and started to clean the dust that was on his body.

Hun Chao’s attack just now didn’t hurt Ye Chen at all, the attack just now wasn’t strong enough to injure Ye Chen’s body which was already strengthened by Heavenly Armor.

"It seems that I have to end this as soon as possible, if I’m delay too much time, Hun Chao will only get stronger and stronger" Ye Chen felt that he had to end it all, the longer Hun Chao got stronger, if he continued to let it go, it would be difficult to stop & seal it.

"Time to try God Master One Swordtechnique." Ye Chen felt that it was time for him to use the God Master One Sword technique.

"Ying’er are you ready?" Ye Chen asked Yin Ying’er.

"Aye, I’m ready whenever Master needs it." Yin Ying’er was ready at any time, she was ready to defeat Hun Chao.

"Good, let’s defeat this ugly Demon." Ye Chen was happy that Yin Ying’er was ready to defeat Hun Chao.

Ye Chen began to enter into the Dao of Sword Mode, he began to completely fuse with Yin Ying’er.

Since Yin Ying’er is a spirit, this makes Ye Chen easily unite his thoughts and feelings with Yin Ying’er, he is now one with Yin Ying’er.

Profound ice and fire began to envelop the Divine Yin Yang Sword, Ye Chen intended to try to combine his power with the God Master One Sword technique.

Ye Chen was really very strange, he loved doing this kind of crazy experiment.

After all the preparations were done, Ye Chen started to open his eyes.

"One God Slash" Ye Chen started to swing his sword horizontally towards Hun Chao who was in the distance.

Ye Chen’s slashing power contained extremely terrifying power, it was certain that it could cut through anything that stood in the way.

" slash . . ." Instantly the sky that was previously dark due to thick black clouds instantly brightened, all the dark clouds were swept away by One God Slash’s slash.

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