Kill the Sun

Chapter 173 173 – The Bleeding Lady

Chapter 173 173 – The Bleeding Lady

Chapter 173 Chapter 173 – The Bleeding Lady

The five people went to the third floor.

Right now, only the Bleeding Lady was on the third floor.

Kiara led everyone to the Containment Unit containing the Bleeding Lady and showed them how to operate it.

The Containment Unit that Ardum had bought for the Bleeding Lady was even better than the one that currently housed the Dreamer, and it had a couple more functions.

After that, Kiara looked at Jonathan. "You show him."

Jonathan knew what Kiara meant and nodded.

"Boss, I'll bring you to the Bleeding Lady. She's very unstable and gets aggressive very quickly, which is why Stephen and Futuma always told us that we should go into the Containment Unit with at most two people. Any more, and she might become violent."

"Well, more violent than normal."

Nick nodded.

Then, Nick and Jonathan went through the door.

Compared to the warehouse, this building had small rooms between the hallway and the Containment Unit.

After going through the door, Nick found himself in a small locker room with a shower.

"Boss, if you don't want your uniform to get ruined, you have to take it off," Jonathan said as he started to take off his clothes.

Nick raised an eyebrow but did what Jonathan said.

"Keep your underpants on, boss," Jonathan added. "The Bleeding Lady has a very strong reaction to male genitalia."

Nick nodded without saying anything.

"Next, we cleanse our bodies," Jonathan said as he walked into the shower.

A moment later, blue liquid came out of the shower head, and Jonathan left the shower after around ten seconds.

The good thing about Cleansing Liquid was that it didn't stick to someone, which meant that they didn't get wet.

Nick also took a quick shower.

"I presume you're comfortable with blood, boss?" Jonathan asked.

Nick just nodded.

Jonathan nodded back and put his hand on the actual entrance to the Containment Unit.

Then, he sighed. "She's probably quite upset right now. Be prepared to get cut a lot."

"Are the cuts dangerous?" Nick asked.

"Depends," Jonathan answered. "She has two kinds of cuts. She has the good ones and the bad ones."

"The bad ones will actually kill you, but she only uses them when she feels threatened. The good ones will draw blood and are very painful but will close very quickly."

"The good thing about her is that it is very clear when she is about to actually attack you. If it happens, I will warn you."

"For now, please just follow my commands, boss," Jonathan said.

Nick nodded. "Sure. You know her better than me."

"Alright," Jonathan said with a sigh before turning to the door. "Here we go."

Then, he pushed open the door, and the two of them slowly walked in.

The door closed behind them, and Nick found himself in a crimson-red room.

This surprised Nick a bit since Containment Units usually didn't come in that color since it was quite ominous.

The Containment Unit was lit by a reflective light shaft that captured the sunlight from outside and brought it in here.

In the corner of the room, Nick saw a person quietly sitting.

By her looks, she was a young woman, probably about 18 to 20 years old.

She was completely naked, and there were numerous healing cuts all over her body.

Long black hair fell from her head and almost encompassed her body.

"She's the reason for the red color in here," Jonathan whispered to Nick. "She gets agitated when she's somewhere that isn't red."

"She painted the room red with her own blood."

Nick felt his heart rate increase, but he still had control over himself.

His body was ready to jump into a fight any minute.

The Bleeding Lady must have already noticed the two new people in her Containment Unit, but she didn't show any sign of doing anything.

She was just looking at the ground, her face hidden behind her hair.

Jonathan gestured for Nick to slowly follow him and walked forward.

"Hello, long time no see," Jonathan said with a quiet and calming voice.

The Bleeding Lady showed no reaction.

"Do you want to have a bit of blood?" Jonathan asked carefully.

She didn't say anything.

"You can have a bit of blood, but only if you want," Jonathan said carefully as he bent down to be at her eye level.

Then, Jonathan stopped advancing.

There was still about a meter between them.

After some seconds, she lifted her head.

Nick felt a cold shiver run down his back when he saw the bleeding holes where her eyes should be.

For a bit, she just looked at Jonathan.

Then, she slowly turned to look at Nick.

Nick stood a meter behind Jonathan.

"Hello, I'm Nick," Nick said with a calming voice.

Nick looked deeply into the Bleeding Lady's "eyes".

"He's my new boss," Jonathan said. "He's just here to meet you."

After about five seconds of silence, the Bleeding Lady slowly lifted one of her fingers, her long nails extending upward.

"I will kill you," she spoke quietly with a cute voice.

Nick didn't do anything and just watched.

"Yes, you will kill me," Jonathan said with a nervous smile before he extended his right arm.

The Bleeding Lady's long fingernail went to Jonathan's wrist and moved upward.

A deep cut appeared on Jonathan's wrist, and he started to bleed heavily.

Nick watched with worry.

Surprisingly, not even ten seconds later, the blood stopped flowing out, and a deep red crevice was left in Jonathan's wrist.

Jonathan did his best to seem calm, but Nick could tell that he was in severe pain.

"I will kill you," she said again as she moved her long nail over Jonathan's chest.

A huge cut went across Jonathan's torso, but just like the last one, it quickly stopped bleeding.

"I will kill you."

Another cut went across Jonathan's entire arm. josei

"I will kill you."

A huge one appeared on Jonathan's leg.

About two minutes later, the Bleeding Lady stopped cutting up Jonathan's body.

There were over ten cuts going across his body.

Yet, surprisingly, the first ones were already starting to vanish, and Jonathan didn't seem like he had been weakened by the blood loss in any way.

A moment later, the Bleeding Lady turned to look at Nick and extended one of her nails.

"I will kill you."

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