Chapter 129 Infernai

Chapter 129 Infernai


" So this is my office..." Leo was sitting in an extremely comfortable chair that was behind what he could only assume was an expensive desk due to how sturdy it was.

There were book shelves on either side of the desk and a safe inside the wall behind it. The room was about 4 meters wide and 8 meters long, with the desk on the opposite end of the room from the door.

When sitting at the desk and facing the door, there was a window on the left side of the room. The window looked out over the training grounds and otherwise faced away from the building.

The 'fortress' as Commander Anders called it, was more of an assortment of buildings surrounded by a sturdy wall. Both the buildings and the wall were made of solid stone, with the wall being around 10 meters tall and the buildings being just below that with only two floors within.

'How did I end up becoming a General? Less than three months ago I was a slave that had never seen the outside world and now I'm in charge of half a kingdoms fighting strength.' Leo was slightly overwhelmed and extremely baffled at his situation.

'Well... Second in charge.' Dreifus pointed out.


'Well, although you're still a bit naive and ignorant about people and the world around you, you're learning extremely fast. You have an intelligence thats above most people thanks to the system and you have the most power among ability users. It's not strange that you're in a position like this, the only thing you can do to improve yourself is to get more life experience and negate your naivety and ignorance.' Dreifus said with a lecturing tone.

~Knock~ ~Knock~

"Come in."

The door opened and Anders walked through it. "How are you liking your office, General Rune." Anders exaggerated the last bit while looking at the name plate on the desk that read 'G. Rune'.

"It's alright, I think... I don't have anything to compare it to so I can't really say if it's good or bad. I like it though..." Leo answered honestly.

"I'm glad. It's not the best office I've ever seen but it's certainly not the worst." Anders shrugged.

"Is it time for the announcement?" Leo suddenly asked.

"Yes, I came to get you."

~Sigh~ "Alright, let's just get it over with." Leo stood up, buttoned up his jacket, and followed Anders through the hallways.


Every ability user that had been at the academy a few days ago was now gathered in the courtyard between two buildings at the Infernum headquarters.

There was a walk way connecting the two buildings and they were all told that the Commander would be speaking from that walk way.

All the trainees were wearing the official uniform of the Infernai. Infernai was the word people had chosen to use when referring to those who were members of Infernum.

Although Infernum was only recently created, the entire kingdom already knew of its existence. The King made sure that everyone knew of the power and authority held by the Infernai so that there wouldn't be any missunderstandings.

The Infernai that had gathered below the walkway were standing in rows and chatting away with the person next to them while waiting.

"He's here!" Someone suddenly shouted, to which everyone quickly started to quiet down. Anders and Leo came walking out from the building on the right.

Anders walked right to the center of the walkway and looked down at everyone. Leo was standing just a bit behind Anders and to his left. On the opposite side of Anders stood another person, a young man with blonde hair. He and Leo glared at each other for a moment before looking away.

A voice amplifier had been placed on the walkway and Anders made use of it now as he began his speech.

"My name is Roy Anders, I am the Commander of Infernum. Infernum was created so that you, the ability users of our kingdom, would be given a place where your talents would be put to good use."

"There are tough times ahead of us and all of you need to be prepared for the battles to come. Each of you has a role to play in the coming war with the Cult of Umbra, as well as all future threats to the kingdom that arise during your lifetime."

"Naturally, for any organization similar to this one, a chain of command needs to be established. Our forces are going to be split into two platoons going forward. Platoon one will be lead by General Rune."

Anders lifted his left hand and gestured to Leo. Leo stepped forward so that everyone would be able to see him.

"Platoon two will be lead by General Snythe Wesley." Anders lifted his right hand and Snythe stepped forward just like Leo had.

"You will all be placed into one of these two platoons depending on your abilities. The goal is to evenly distribute you all so that neither Platoon is lacking in anything."

"Each General will be responsible for choosing their own direct subordinates within the next few days. If you're hoping to receive one of those positions then I advise you make a good impression. That is all."

Anders walked back down the walkway towards the building he had come from before. Leo and Snythe both glared at each other before walking away from each other, Leo back to his office, and Snythe towards the other building.

It had been set up so that each building was designated to each of the Platoons. The building Leo's office was in was for Platoon one.

Leo was annoyed with Snythe becoming the General in charge of Platoon two. This caused him to think back to the conversation he had with Anders about it in the carriage on their way here.


"Why do you want Snythe of all people!? He's the worst choice!" Leo raised his voice, unable to contain his anger.

"I understand that you don't like him, but he isn't a bad choice at all. Leo, you must to remember that we need the support of the nobles."

"I mean no offense but they are not happy with an orphaned slave becoming General of the Infernai. Snythe is a noble and his ability is powerful as well. He's intelligent and most importantly, he is known to be someone you dislike." Anders explained his reasoning but Leo was still confused.

"Why does my opinion of him matter?"

"Because it assures the nobles that we didn't select someone because we're friends with them. You were probably thinking 'if you need a noble then why don't you choose Nila?'. Am I right?"

"Yes..." Leo admitted.

" Exactly. Nila is a good choice but because her connection to you is known we can't give her the position. We would get accused of favoritism and lose face with the nobles. This is the only way to make as many people happy as possible while also choosing someone who seems competent."


'I understand why Snythe was chosen but I can't help but feel frustrated by it.' Leo thought as he entered his office and sat down in his chair.

'Snythe only defended Trent, he didn't actually do anything to you or your friends. Maybe he was just trying to help a member of his family.' Dreifus said, trying to play devils advocate.

'I doubt it, but I suppose you're not wrong. I'm willing to give him a chance to prove that he's not what I think he is, but I won't change my attitude towards him until that day comes.'

~Knock~ ~Knock~


A woman entered the room. She was wearing a uniform that was similar to the rest of the Infernai but with a slight difference.

Her uniform had more red in it and she had no badge or ropes on her uniform. This signified that she was part of Infernum but that she was an office worker rather than a militant figure.

"I was told that you needed assistance, General." The woman said.

"Yes, Kelly. I need you to find all the people on this list and have them come to my office immediately." Leo said while placing a list of names on the desk.

Kelly picked up the list and left the room without another word. Kelly was assigned to be Leo's personally assistant. She didn't have an ability and was someone who was sent over from the military. She used to be Lord Zogarths assistant and he assured Leo she could be trusted.

A few minutes went by and there was another knock on the door. Leo voiced out that they could enter and several familiar faces walked through the door into his office.

Cain, Clay, Rene and Nila. All of Leo's friends had there names on the list and as such came to his office, but there was one more name on the list.

"It's good to see you again, Leo. Or should I say General now?" Leonard, the former rank 4 of the academy, said with smile.

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