Chapter 132 Capture The Flag (Part 2)

Chapter 132 Capture The Flag (Part 2)

After watching dozens of fights over the passed few hours, Leo was starting to feel hopeless.

There were a few people with decently strong abilities, but none had any sort of leadership qualities that Leo was looking for.

'Is it really that hard to find someone who has even a slight amount of leadership potential?' Leo thought as another fight had ended with him feeling disappointed.

'There have been some promising ones among those that we've seen, ones that stand out with their abilities and how they use them.' Dreifus said while thinking back on some of the people he was referring to.

'There's more to this than just being strong. They need to show us that they're able to make good decisions during battle at the very least.'

'Then what about Cain? He's made stupid decisions during battle before and he's definitely not the most intelligent person. Remember what happened when you all fought that monster, how he didn't think about his actions and just charged in? It sounds to me like you're being hypocritical.' Dreifus said with an accusatory tone.

' You're not wrong about Cain but what you're not mentioning is that he instantly recognized his mistake and apologized. He has shown that he is capable of understanding his shortcomings and improving himself so he doesn't repeat that mistake.'

'But the ones down there are doing the opposite. I can hear how they blame things like bad luck for their loss or claim that it wasn't fair because the other team was stronger.'

'When you're fighting for your life, would you rather have someone like Cain next to you, who continues to improve and learn from his mistakes. Or someone who complains like a child that the situation isn't fair and blames everyone else for their own failure.'

"Uh, Leo...? Are you okay man?" Leonard asked while looking at Leo with a confused expression.

It was then that Leo realized he had been twisting his face to match his emotions while speaking to Dreifus in his head. In a normal conversation nobody would think his expressions were strange given the topic of discussion but because none of them knew he was talking to someone it looked incredibly strange.

"Oh... Yeah I'm alright. I just got a little frustrated." Leo replied while trying to hide his feelings of embarrassment.

Leonard looked at Leo with slight suspicion for a moment before he disregarded it and turned to focus on the fights again.

"I understand your frustration, almost all of the fights have gone just like this one." Leonard let out a sigh as he watched.

Leo hadn't been paying attention to the fights for the last few minutes so he hadn't noticed what was happening in this match yet.

Like many of the fights before, one of the teams was completely fine while the other was down to just their defender.

The now lone defender for the blue team watched as all four of the red teams members walked towards him. He hadnt gotten the chance to do anything in this match yet so his ability was still unknown to most watching.

One of the people on the red team called out to him "Your whole team is down, there's no point in fighting anymore. You won't be able to beat us by yourself so just give up and let us have the victory."

The defender from the blue team was an average looking guy with light brown hair. From their seats it was hard to see any of his features so Leo and the others didn't even bother to try.

"No thanks. I'd rather lose the fight than give up. Besides, you don't seem too strong." The man from the blue team said with a smirk.

"Fine by us." The supporter from the red team stayed in the back while the other three all attacked.

One of them fired some Energy beams from their eyes and another one shot some green liquid at the defender. The last one dug his hands into the ground and pulled out a large chunk of rock and threw it at the defender.

The blue defender jumped to the side to avoid being hit by the rock and the green liquid, but unfortunately the one with the energy beams only had to follow the defender with his eyes and the beam would change direction.

Luckily the Energy beams couldn't be fired non stop and only appeared for a few seconds at a time, making them somewhat manageable to dodge.

The man with the Energy beams was about to fire off another attack as his eyes began glowing. Suddenly a heavy rock like object slammed into him from behind and threw him forward a few meters.

He go up from the ground and saw that he had been attacked by a large humanoid rock creature. "He's the guy that makes Golems. I didn't recognize him since he's got such a boring face." The Energy beam guy said with an annoyed tone.

Two more Golems erupted from beneath the ground right next to the other two members of the red team and attacked them.

One of them jumped backwards while spraying a green liquid at the Golem. The liquid landed on the Golem and it seemed to slowly melt away at the part it touched, leading everyone to believe that the liquid was some type of acid.

The other man, that everyone assumed had super strength, lifted his arms and caught the Golems arm as it attacked. There was a loud thumping sound and some cracks appeared on the Golems arm but the cracks disappeared almost as quickly as they arrived.

The Golem that had been hit with the acid took slightly longer to recover but once the acid had vanished it also had its damaged repaired by new rock that replaced the missing pieces.

"These things can fix themselves! We have to destroy them quickly before they get the chance!" The Acid user shouted.

"I have a better idea." The man with super strength slammed both fists into the Golem and pushed it away from himself. He then charged directly at the defender that created the Golems, the two of them were about 20 meters away from each other so it only took him a few seconds to reach him.

,m "If we take him down then the Golems will disappear! I know those Golems aren't fast enough to keep up with me, you made a huge mistake summoning all of them so far away from yourself!" He lifted his arm and prepared to throw a punch at the defender.

"Who said that was all of my Golems?" The defender said with a smile as another Golem erupted from the ground right beneath the strength user and grabbed him by the legs.

It used the momentum from when it came up from the ground and lifted the man above its head, slamming him into the ground with immense force.

A small crater was made around the body of the man and some cracks spread out along the ground around him. He didnt get back up after receiving the attack so everyone assumed he had been knocked unconscious.

The Golem that had initially been facing the strength user ran towards the Acid user and joined the other Golem in fighting him. The newly created Golem joined the fight against the Energy beam guy.

With the seemingly endless Regeneration the Golems had, as well as their powerful physical strength, they were able to defeat the red team easily now that they outnumbered them.

The supporter wasn't able to do anything and surrendered after claiming that all his ability could do was heal.josei

"Kelly, the one from the blue team that creates Golems. I want you to mark him down as a strong possibility." Leo ordered as a look of excitement and hope filled his eyes.

It had been frustrating watching all these battle end because of bad decisions made, but after seeing what the blue defender had done he felt hopeful that not all of them were idiots.

"I thought he was just trying to match their numbers with his Golems but he was holding back and waiting for one of them to attack him directly so he could catch them by surprise. He's the first person that's actually put some thought into their actions today." Clay said with a tone of approval.

"I agree, he clearly planned to do this once his team had been defeated. Most of them are just trying to overpower their opponents, while he probably could have done that with a decent chance of victory, he chose to use a plan that garunteed success rather than risk a direct fight." Leonard added, also approving of the defenders skills.

Everyone seemed to approve of the defenders tactics but they were also impressed by his ability.

"Did you guys see how quickly they fixed themselves? I want to try fighting one." Cain said with a look they had all seen from Cain before.

He was easily the most battle obsessed in the group and they could see his lust for battle whenever he saw something on par with himself.

" Depending on how much damage they can take and how many times they can fix themselves, one of those Golems would be quite annoying to fight." Clay said.

"Yeah, and he can make at least four of them. I don't remember seeing those Golems at the ability test though..." Leonard said as he tried to recall that day.

"That's because they weren't there." Leo said

"I remember when he took the test. He only used one Golem and rather than stone, the one he used was made out of hardened mud. It seems he's managed to improve them since then."

"That's right, I do remember something like that. He didn't score very high that day and ended up in class two if I'm not mistaken." Nila said.

"I think you're right. I knew some people would have improved, but this is a massive leap. He could have been at the top of class one with Cain and I if he had this strength a few weeks ago." Clay sounded impressed.

"I'm satisfied with having him become the fourth Captain but I do think we should keep watching to see if there are any other candidates." Clay said while looking at Leo.

"I agree. Kelly, at the end of the day have each of the people we select come to my office for individual meetings. I do think I'll need to speak with them before any decisions are made." Leo said as he turned back to watch the next match.

"Yes, General. I'll be sure to gather anyone you select." Kelly replied.

'I doubt there will be anyone that will surpass that Golem guy, he's almost garunteed the position...' Leo thought to himself with certainty.

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