Chapter 160 Survivors

Chapter 160 Survivors

Tia, squad ones Lieutenant, had been ordered to escort the captured prisoners and surviving civilians to Drom.

In relation to the Infernum headquarters, Drom was half a day closer to the town. This made the obvious choice when escorting civilians, especially when most of them were walking rather than using a horse.

Some of the civilians that managed to escape the fighting had been injured in the process and died during travel, despite Tia's best efforts.

She only had one other Infernai with her and he was a defense type supporter. Tia was capable of creating and controlling ice, a decently versatile ability that could attack or defend if used correctly.

Her ability to adapt during combat, her skill when using her ability, as well as her raw power, these were the reasons she was chosen as squads one Lieutenant.

In any case, neither of the two Infernai was capable of helping the injured any more than a regular person could. Some of the civilians died while others could only push through the pain and hope they could get treated upon arrival in Drom.

Although it wasn't clear, there was a chance they were being followed by assailants. For this reason, other than short breaks to recover stamina, the groups continued on. They walked right through the night.

Tia and the defender had both brought their horses, as did a few of the civilians who had the chance. The injured were given the horses to use, any spare horses were used in turn for the elderly.

The morning sun peaked over the horizon, revealing the large city walls in the distance. The civilians dejected moods were suddenly lifted as they saw their goal in sight.

They still had a distance to travel but being able to see the distance shorten with your own eyes was giving them the strength to push on.

They arrived at the city around noon that day, all of them depleted of stamina and sleep deprived. The bandits that had been captured were the only ones who hadn't worked hard during the trip since they were inside the prison cart.

"Stop! State your business." A soldier from the military shouted from the city walls.josei

Tia stepped forward, coming to the front of the group "I'm Lieutenant Tia of Infernum! Ive escorted these people here on orders from Captain Cain!" She shouted in reply.

There was no reply from the soldier as he disappeared behind the wall. A few seconds of nervousness passed before the gate finally opened.

Tia lead the group into the city and was immediatly greeted by two people who she recognized immediatly.

"Captain Connor, Captain Rene." She said in greeting.

"You're Cain's Lieutenant, right? Where is he?" Connor asked. He looked around as he asked but failed to find his target.

Rene suddenly seemed to notice the injured members of the group and quickly ran to assist in healing them. A few other healers soon joined in as well.

"I don't actually know. There was a complication while we were performing our mission and I was ordered to escort these people to safety." Tia answered.

"A complication...i take it you were attacked by either monsters or cultists, right?" Connor said.

"Cultists." Tia replied "How did you know?"

~Sigh~ "Take a look around." Connor replied while gesturing to the damaged city behind him.

Tia looked around and for the first time she noticed the damaged buildings all around her. "What happened here?" She asked.

"We were attacked by around 50 monsters that came in two seperate waves. That's I asked about monsters." Connor replied.

"What about the cultists?" She asked.

"That would be the headquarters. They were attacked at the same time, preventing reinforcements." Connor explained. "Tell me what happened during your mission, don't leave out any details."

Tia went on to explain everything regarding the bandits and their arrest, as well as the sudden cult attack on the other side of the town at the same time.

"After hearing the civilians say that someone was turning people into monsters, Captain Cain seemed to immediatly know the culprit. He said it was Trent Zemor." Tia said, finishing her retelling of events.

"Fuck." This was Connors response. He suddenly started looking around and then started walking in a certain direction with purpose.

Tia didn't know what his intentions were but the sudden change in Connors mood was enough to concern her so she followed him.

Connor walked up a set of stairs that went up the side of the wall like a zigzag. He reached the top and immediately walked towards an Infernai standing at the top.

"I need you to take a message to Colonel Clay immediately. Tell him Trent Zemor attacked the town that squad one was sent to and that Captain Cain, as well as most of his squad, are unaccounted for." Connor ordered.

The Infernai was surprised to suddenly be given orders but quickly recovered" Yes, Captain." He said. In the next moment the Infernai vanished, his body seemingly turning into small particles of light.

" Colonel Zogarth is here in the city. I need to explain what's going on to her as well. "Connor said before walking off with purpose again. Once again, Tia followed behind him.


[Infernum headquarters a few minutes later]

Clay was on his way to his office to do some paperwork regarding the structural repairs for the base when a man materialized out of light right in front of him.

There was a moment of surprise but this wasn't unusual for him anymore and thus he recovered quickly.

"I have a message from Captain Connor." The Infernai said before passing on the message. A few minutes later, Clay was passing the same message along to Leo.

Leo was still recovering but he wasn't lying in his bed anymore. He was able to move around now and had been in his office when Clay found him.

"If it really was Trent then it's possible they were all killed or captured." Leo said with a grim tone.

"Cain knows how powerful Trent is, he wouldn't engage with him directly if it could be avoided. Maybe he managed to escape before things became too dangerous." Clay said, trying to stay optomistic.

"Maybe... We should send someone to investigate. Have someone who teleport go, if there are still enemies nearby or they're ambushed then they can escape easily." Leo suggested.

Clay nodded and turned to leave. Before he could, however, Leo stopped him with a question.

"Has John said anything yet?"

Clay paused his steps and without turning to face Leo "No, he hasn't..." he then left the room.

'Let's see if he's willing to talk to me then.' Leo thought. He traversed the hallways of the Infernum headquarters and descended into the dungeons.

The dungeon had been specially created by Officer Thorn so that abilities wouldn't be usable within.

He walked passed the cells, peaking into each one until he finally arrived at the one containing John.

The red skin was unmistakable. He was leaning against the far wall with his head hanging low. Leo watched him for a few seconds but he didn't show any signs of acknowledging Leo's presence.

"John." Leo finally said.

There wasnt much of a reaction but through the use of Aura, Leo could feel John's breathing rate increase.

"I've tried to tell you this already but you're being manipulated. You've spoken of visions, in which I destroy the world? You realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?" Leo said.

"It's the truth, I've seen it myself." John replied as he lifted his head. His eyes met Leo's and put his anger on display.

"Don't you think it's possible that those visions were lies? That the cult did that to trick you into joining them?" Leo said, trying to reason with him.

"I did consider it... I was planning on joining them while also watching them from within. If I didnt agree with their methods or goals I was going to leave. I still had some faith in you at that time." John replied, a hint of sadness mixed in with the anger.

"Then why allow them to change you into one of them, into an Imperium?" Leo asked, his patience thinning as his confusion grew.

"It would have made me stronger. I didn't see a downside to that. Then you and the others came charging in and ruined everything." John replied, the sadness gone, leaving only anger once again.

"We risked our freedom to help you regain yours. We fought to rescue you, only to find that you had joined them!" Leo said, anger welling up inside him as well now.

"You're just saying that now! Everything would have been fine if it wasn't for you getting involved... If it wasn't for Rene."

"Rene was only trying to help you. Your were bleeding to death!"

"She didn't help me, Leo. SHE TURNED ME INTO A FUCKING MONSTER!!!"

It was in this moment that Leo realized something while looking at John. It wasn't anger he was seeing in John's eyes. No.

It was hatred.

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