Chapter 199 Weapons From Nowhere

Chapter 199 Weapons From Nowhere


Leonard's body was flung backwards with immense force as a massive explosion occurred right infront of him. The explosion was so large that Michael could see it from the Gate.

Leonard was flung backwards at an incredible speed and smashed into the mettalic gate that stood at the entrance of the city.

Michael, who had seen the explosion, used his ability to teleport to the wall as fast as possible. When he arrived, he saw that the front gate had been destroyed and there was a hole in the wall of a nearby building.

The metal gate had been completely ripped out of its place in the entrance and had been horribly mangled and dented in places.

'I was only gone for a few minutes, Leonard couldn't have lost that quickly!' Michael felt a sense of panic as he made his way to the newly formed hole in the wall of a nearby building.

He knew it was a new hole because there were still pieces of the wall and ceiling breaking away as he walked towards it.

He climbed through the hole and saw that the room infront of him was completely recked. The furniture had been destroyed and there was another hole through the wall on the other side of the room.

This pattern repeated itself for another 2 buildings before Michael finally found where Leonard had landed.

Leonard was pressed into the wall on the other side of the room, cracks spreading outward along the floor and wall around him.

His skin was covered in the silver metal that are part of Leonard's ability but there were several areas that were exposed.

The front of his torso was mostly exposed and was charred completely black from the heat of the explosion.

His arms had pieces of missing metal where the burned areas beneath could be seen. Not only was he missing the metal that would protect him, the skin in those areas had been burned away, exposing the muscles beneath.

His face was completely charred on the left side and his eyelid looked like it had been melted shut.

"Leonard..." Michael didn't know what to say or do. He felt extremely panicked and wasn't prepared for this situation at all.

"I... I ahiuild take you to the capital right? To get healed... Yes..." Michael said out loud, allowing his thoughts to be vocalized.

He knelt down and reached out to grab onto Leonard's less burned shoulder. He thought it would be better to try avoid touching the burned areas.

" W-ait"

Michael paused, completely stunned that Leonard was speaking, let alone conscious.

"Dr-om..." Leonard said with a dry voice and pained voice. Apart from his speech, he remained completely motionless.

"You want me to take you to Drom? Why there? There are plenty of healers in Veneria and it should be safe enough there." Michael asked, trying to understand Leonard's reasoning.

"Re- ~Wheeze~ Rene..." Leonard said.

"Rene... You mean the Captain for all the supporters? Oh, That's right! She's a healer..." Michael said, annoyed at his own forgetfulness.

He placed his hand on Leonard's shoulder like he tried to before and teleported the two of them to his saved location within Drom.



The Imperium leading this portion of the cultist army was standing ahead of her troops with one other person.

The person beside her was another woman who wore a similar outfit but didn't have the physical appearance of an Imperium. In other words, she was just a regular ability user.

From the city gates, a man wearing Infernum attire walked alone towards the cultists. He was just over 1.9 meters tall and had short black hair.

The ability user walked towards the Infernai, intending to meet him in the middle. As she walked towards him, she noticed something odd about the man.

His expression was an uncaring one, like he couldn't be bothered to be here. He walked as though he was just taking a stroll through a garden. His entire demeanor was unlike someone about to fight to the death.

The two of them stopped when they were about 5 meters away from each other. The man still having an uncaring expression on his face.

"You don't seem to be too concerned about this fight..." The woman said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"I'm not." The man said.

"Do you believe you're strong enough to behave like that infront of an enemy?" The woman asked, her tone becoming increasingly frustrated.

"It's not that I'm strong enough. It's because you're weak enough." The man replied as he kicked a stone on the ground, sending it rolling for a few meters.

"I thought you just didn't care but... Are you actually bored right now!?" The woman shouted with anger.

"Yeah... Look can we just fight already." The man said with a lackluster tone.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to behave like this infront of someone like me!? I'm Kara Dyskra, one of the strongest ability users out there!" The woman, Kara, shouted.

"That's nice." The man said as he covered his mouth with his hand to hide that he was yawning.

"Just fucking die!" Kara yelled as 3 pillars of dirt erupted from the ground, twisting as they formed sharp edges and moved to impale the Infernai man.

~Sigh~ the man let out an exasperated sigh as he saw the pillars heading towards him. He lifted a sword and swiped it towards the two pillars, cutting their sharp tips off, and then stepped to the side to avoid them.

The pillars slammed into the ground and the man looked at his own sword for a moment before he started walking towards Kara.

"Where did that sword come from? How did it cut through my attack so easily!?" She shouted as she slammed her hands together.

A wave made of rock and dirt erupted from the ground and swirled towards the man like it was made of water.josei

It was at least 8 meters high and twice as wide, making dodging it almost impossible. The man lifted up a shield and allowed the wave of dirt and rock to slam into him.

When the dust settled, Kara could see the man standing in the exact same spot holding a shield above his head.

He dropped his shield arm and a tone of dirt rolled off the shield. Apart from dirtying his clothes, she hadn't managed to affect him at all.

"Where do you keep pulling these weapons from!?" Kara shouted, demanding an answer.

"I'm making them with my ability, obviously." The man replied. The shield he was holding suddenly dissappeared as though it were never there.

"Making them? Only one person had that ability..." Kara said, her face lighting up with a look of realization.

"Fuck... You're Heath, aren't you? One of the former rankers at the academy." Kara asked.

"Yeah but that ranker stuff is over with. I'm a Colonel now so you should probably refer to me like that." Heath said.

"Shit..." Kara lifted her hand, ripping a large chunk of rock out of the ground and flinging it towards Heath.

"I knew this would be boring..." Heath said as he created another sword and slashed right through the giant rock, splitting it into two.

"How are you able to get through my attacks so easily!?" Kara shouted with a voice full of fury.

"I said it earlier didn't I? You're just too weak." Heath replied as he continued to stroll forward.

Kara continued to launch attacks at Heath for the next minute or so. Creating objects out of rock and trying to caught him off guard by trapping his legs with dirt.

None of it was able to work against him. He would either destroy the attack with a weapon he created or take the attack head on with a shield in his hand.

He never took damage even once and just stood still while his feet were trapped, completely unfazed.

~Sigh~ "I'm even more bored than I was earlier. You haven't made this fight interesting at all." Heath said.

"I think I'll just finish this now, there's no point in dragging it on." Heath added as his body was suddenly covered in full plate armour.

The armour was a dark black colour with golden accents in some places. The only part of him that wasn't covered now was his head.

He took a step forward, ripping through the dirt that was holding his legs in place. His ability to effortlessly disregard all of her attacks was causing Kara to feel genuinely frightened now.

After breaking through the dirt, Heath looked at Kara with a look of pity. "Well, thanks for trying I guess. Goodbye."

Kara was confused by his words for a moment but couldn't say anything as Heath dissapeard from her view.

Suddenly, her point of view was suddenly spinning and rising into the air at a rapid speed. The confusion faded, along with her consciousness, a few seconds after she realized she had been decapitated.

"So you guys are supposed to surrender or something now, right?" Heath said as he looked at the Imperium.

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