Chapter 204 War With The Cult (Part 4)

Chapter 204 War With The Cult (Part 4)

"There she goes." Lord Zogarth said as Nila used her own energy constructs as steps to reposition herself.

"We can't let the young ones do all the work, Zogarth." Supreme Commander Colt said as he pulled out two daggers.

"We haven't fought together since we were in our twenties... Lets show them how true warriors fight!" Lord Zogarth said with gusto.

He walked over to a weapon rack that was placed on the wall and grabbed three objects from it, two shields and a longsword.

He held one shield in his left hand and the longsword in his right. The extra shield was placed on his back as a spare.

"You focus on defence and I'll take them out." Supreme Commander Colt said.

"Of course." Lord Zogarth replied. "One of us needs to get to the troops below, the cultist are charging towards the gate and will break through it eventually. We need to lead our troops."

"We need to clear the wall before we can even descend to the others so let's be quick about it." Supreme Commander Colt said.

Lord Zogarth lifted his shield infront of himself to cover his upper body with it as he moved towards the cultists.

Supreme Commander Colt was hanging back and to the side, making himself more difficult to see if you weren't trying to spot him already.

"Haaaaa!!! Come at me you bastards! I'll take you all on myself!" Lord Zogarth shouted loudly with confidence.

Two cultists, one Devoran and the other appearing to be an Imperium, turned to face the noble.

The Devoran lifted his hands and created four ice like shards that were red in colour. The Imperium jumped into the air with a sword in hand.

The Imperiums actions confused Lord Zogarth for a moment since jumping was a terrible way to attempt an attack.

His confusion vanished when the Imperium changed direction in mid air and started flying freely towards him.

The Imperium held his sword in a thrusting position and flew directly for the noblemen. Lord Zogarth was prepared for the attack and lifted his shield accordingly.

As the sword as thrusted forward, Lord Zogarth loosened his grip on the shield slightly and shifted his body weight to the left.

The sword made impact with the right side of the shield, causing it to tilt from the force. The shield turned 90 degrees to the right, something that would have broken the Noblemans hand.

However, Lord Zogarth had done this purposefully. He allowed the shield to twist this way and stepped diagonally to the left and forward and turning his body to face the right side.

As the shield twisted, it ended up being perfectly natural for the Lord, allowing him to avoid injury.

The sword scraped along the shield as it slid forward with nothing to thrust into. The Imperiums momentum carried forwards even after his attack failed, he tried to slow himself but was completely unable to do so.

Lord Zogarth noticed the Imperiums instability and took advantage of it. As the Imperiums upper body was directly infront of him, Lord Zogarth swing his sword up with force, decapitation the Imperium.josei

It was a swift maneuver and if the Imperiums attack and Lord Zogarths deflection are counted towards the time of the encounter, only 4 seconds had passed.

When Lord Zogarth looked towards the Devoran who had created the red shards, he saw the Supreme Commander standing over his corpse with a bloodied dagger.

"It seems we haven't lost our touch just yet." Lord Zogarth said.

"We're a bit slower than in our prime but we're not out the fight just because we're getting old." Supreme Commander Colt said with a smile. "Let's continue while we can, we can't afford to waste any time."


Two Imperiums had decided to remain outside to fight against Heath as the rest attacked the city.

One of the Imperiums was the leader of this attack while the other was just a strong fighter. Heath, with two Greatswords and a full set of armour, charged towards the two without hesitation.

Heath moved with incredible speed, arriving infront of the leader in just a moment. He swung one of his Greatswords in a horizontal slash towards her waist.

The sword sliced through the air with so much speed and power that the wind around it became visible to the naked eye and the sound of the air being cut could be heard even from a distance.

Even with the incredible speed of the attack, the leader was quick enough to react. A shadowy creature appeared between her body and the blade, absorbing all the force of the attack.

As the sword connected with the shadow creature it stopped instantly. For Heath it felt as though he was trying to push his sword through an endless amount of water.

No matter how much effort he exerted, the sword wouldn't move forward. The other Imperium, a bald man with bright purple eyes, charged toward Heath with two long swords in hand.

Heath pulled his sword away from the shadow creature, giving up on his attacks to swipe through it. He took a few steps backwards just as the bald Imperium delivered a double downward strike with his swords into the spot Heath was just stood.

Heath lifted his other greatsword and swung it at the bald Imperium, this time doing an overhead swing.

Heath was incredibly skilled at weapon usage, after all it was the whole premise behind his ability. Typically he would use near perfect form when attacking, however this time was different.

Heath was feeling incredibly bored and wanted to see something that would make him feel some excitement.

Because of this, he chose to use two Greatswords, one for each hand. A greatsword is something that's extremely heavy and slow to wield even when used with both hands.

Due to the size and weight of the swords, Heath gave up on trying to have good form and attacked with simple and wild swings.

He had essentially sacraficed his form for power in hopes of seeing an explosion of blood when he finally made contact with the enemy.

Due to the simplicity of the attack, the bald Imperium was able to side step the greatsword at the last second.

The greatsword slammed into the ground beside him, destroying the ground and sending rocks flying through the air in every direction.

The bald Imperium was blown away by the force of the strike even though it didn't hit him directly. His body flew through the air like the pieces of rock and slammed into the ground several meters away.

'What the fuck is that power? He didn't even hit me...' The bald Imperium thought with a bewildered expression as he attempted to stand up.

He pushed himself up with his arms, lifting his face out of the dirt. When he tried to bring his legs beneath him to stand, he felt an incredible pain shoot through his body.

He looked dropped back to the ground do to the pain but rolled onto his back. He sat up to get his legs in his line of sight so he could see how injured he was.

His eyes widened in shock as he realized he no longer had any legs. One leg was missing from the thigh down and the other was blown off at the knee.

The leader of the attack, the woman Imperium, was looking at the bald Imperium with a shocked expression on her face as well.

'How is he so strong? Isn't Leofalor supposed to be the strongest ability user!?' She thought a panic seeped into her heart.

The sword Heath used to attack the bald Imperium had been lodged completely in the ground.

Rather than try to pull it from the dirt, he released the sword and summoned a new one. The sword in the ground disappeared as the new one appeared in his hand.

He slowly started walking towards the bald Imperium who was a few meters away on the floor.

The bald Imperium knew he couldn't fight back so he rolled onto his stomach and started crawling away as fast as he could.

He looked at his leader with a pleading expression as Heath slowly caught up to him.

"Do something! Please, I don't want to die!" He shouted as tears rolled down his cheeks.

The female Imperium bit down on her lip and took several steps back with fear in her eyes.

"I can't beat a monster like this, not alone!" The leader shouted as she turned and ran.

All the hope the bald Imperium had that his leader could save him vanished as Heath arrived beside him.

He rolled onto his back and looked up at the armored Infernai as more tears poured out his eyes.

Heath lifted his sword with an expressionless face and slammed it into the Imperium with full force, destroying him and the ground beneath him completely.

A small smile appeared on Heaths face when the Imperiums body exploded into a red mist but it faded just as quickly.

'Maybe the next one will be even more fun.' He thought as he dashed in the direction the leader went.

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