Chapter 212 War With The Cult (Part 10)

Chapter 212 War With The Cult (Part 10)

As Connor walked through door he was immediately made aware of the city's current predicament.josei

Members of the military, as well as Infernai, were engaged in a deadly battle with cultists in every direction he looked.

Flashes of light and splashes of blood filled Connors vision while a faint buzzing sound overlapped the muffled sounds of shouts and screams.

His hearing hadn't completely returned to him yet and his body was still incredibly weak from the poisons lingering effects.

Even though he was in this condition Connor didn't hesitate to join the fight where he was able.

He reacted to the situation quickly, electing to ask questions later and act now, and summoned as many Golems as he could manage.

To his disappointment the most he was able to summon was two, far less than his maximum of six.

'I'm wearing one of my Golems like a suit of armour so I've actually summoned three... Half power is still enough to be useful.' Connor thought as he ordered is Golems to kill the nearby cultists.

The Golem charged into the battle as soon as they received their orders and got to work. Regular cultists stood no chance against Connors Golems, especially after he improved them not too long ago.

Still, the cultists continued to swing their weapons at the Golems in vain as their comrades died around them.

Initially the battle was going in the cultists favour with the appearance of the Golems the dynamic had shifted.

Even the Imperiums found themselves being pushed back by the sturdy Golems as their abilities had little to no affect. What little damage they did to Golems was repaired by Connors energy, however limited it may be.

"Dammit, this area was supposed to be practically empty! There are more Royal Army here than there's supposed to be and a powerful Infernai is with them too! This is bullshit!" One of the Cultists shouted out in frustration as he barely managed to dodge a Golems fist.

"The master said it would be practically undefended! What the fuck is going on here!" The cultists shouted again as the two men beside him were crushed.

"I knew I shouldn't have joined th-" The cultist was crushed by the Golems fist before he could finish his sentence.

Within 20 minutes of Connors arrival to the battlefield his Golems managed to wipe out the majority of the Cultists, including the Imperiums.

There were a few who ran away after realizing their situations but Connor chose not to pursue them personally. He was already low on Energy and saw the surviving Royal Army members from the battle chase after them.

Connor waved his hand and the two Golems infront of him dissolved into the ground within a few seconds.

'I should focus on recovering my energy for now.' Connor thought. Like most Infernai, Connor couldn't replenish his energy while using his ability, that's why he chose to get rid of his Golems.

The Golem functioning as a suit of armour was no exception to this and Connor knew this. He began heading towards the building he had woken up in, planning to lay in one of the beds until he recovered a bit more.

'I can't believe I'm already out of the fight after only a few minutes... That poison must have been seriously strong if it's able to affect me for this long.' Connor thought while walking.

Although his thoughts were calm and rational, Connor couldn't help but feel frustrated with his inability to help in the battles being waged throughout the city.

He knew this was the turning point of the war, that whoever won today would likely come out as the Victor in the end as well.

As Connor was about to walk back into the building, the ground began to shake violently. It felt as though dozens of little earthquakes were happening every second, sending out ripples of force that converged into one powerful vibration.

With each ripple the intensity increased until finally it began so intense it was painful. The vibrations went up Connors legs and into his body, causing a type of pain he had never experienced before.

His bones felt like they were trying to escape his body with every vibration and his organs felt as though they might explode from the force.

The intense vibrations only lasted about 3 or 4 seconds before Connor found out where it was coming from.

Something smashed through the wall of a building on the other side of the streets and smashed into him with enough force to kill several regular people ten times over.

Connor was slammed through the door of the building beside him and flew all the way to the opposite end where he smashed into the wall.

Connor coughed up an extreme amount of blood as his broken body slumped to the ground.

'What the Fuck just hit me!' Connor thought. 'If I didn't have the Golem around me then I would've died instantly! I'm amazed I'm still awake...'

Although he had somehow managed to avoid passing out, Connor could feel that he wouldnt be able to stay awake for much longer. His vision was blurring by the second and it was struggle to keep him his eyes open.

There was something lying on the floor a few meters ahead of him but his vision was too blurred to make out what it was.

'Is that... What hit me...?' Connor thought, his mind beginning fade into unconsciousness.

Connor placed his all into focusing his eyes and managed to get a glimpse of the thing that hit him.

' Its a person...' He thought.

There was indeed a human body infront of Connor, thought he couldn't make out who it was. He could tell it was an Infernai by the colour of the uniform but that was the best his eyes allowed him to see.

'It would be... a miracle if that person is... Still alive..' Connor thought.

The sound of slowl footsteps filled the room and Conor tried to look up at the approaching figure.

His vision quickly went black as his mind and body had reached their limits, but not before he caught a glimpse of the figure.

The only thing that stood out about the man was something he was wearing, a mask that seemed like it was made out of the bark of a tree.

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