Chapter 3 The Great Escape (Part 2)

Chapter 3 The Great Escape (Part 2)

His right foot steps past the corner and he begins to turn right towards Leo... Leo was about to be seen when there was a sound coming from a barrel ahead of the soldier. The soldier paused his steps and looked at the barrel with a confused look on his face.

Zack, who was hiding behind the barrel, thought the soldier had seen him and he started to panic, his legs started to feel weak and he stumbled to the side. The soldier now clearly seeing one of the slaves somewhere they aren't meant to be, Began smiling with a sadistic look on his face.

Leo, who by some miracle has not been seen, notices the way the man smiles. It's at this point that Leo notices that this soldier is the same one that whipped him. Leo could feel a surge of hatred rising within him. This soldier is personally responsible for more than half the scars Leo has.

This soldier always took pleasure from hurting the slaves and would so whenever he had an excuse. Still smiling, the soldier walks forward towards Zack, who is shaking in fear and sitting on the floor trying to crawl backwards and away.

But just then, a sharp pain can be felt in the right side of his neck. He reaches up and can feel a piece of rock lodged into his neck. After another second he starts struggling to breathe. Blood starts pouring out nick neck and mouth in bursts.

Turning around, he can see a young Boy who he recognizes well. "41...?" He stumbles back and falls to the floor griping his neck. Leo walks towards the soldier on the ground and kneels beside him.

Staring into the eyes of a soldier who's caused him so much pain the last 5 years, Leo grabs the rock in the soldiers neck and speaks," I hope this hurts more than I think it will." Leo applies force to the rock and uses it to slice the soldiers throat. "Now die."

As the soldier lay on the ground bleeding out and trying to breathe, Leo stood over him with a calm look on his face. As the light in the soldiers eyes began to fade and his body stopped moving, a hint of a smile could be seen on Leo's face, but only for a brief moment.josei

Leo spent the next minute grabbing the jacket and shoes the soldier was wearing and putting them on. Although wearing a dead man's clothes isn't something he wanted to do, they would be helpful once escaping and he didn't have many options.

Zack, still sitting on the ground, no longer moving away but not getting up either. 'What just happened. How did Leo...' Zack thought to himself, still unsure of exactly what had happened since its dark and he could hardly see it

Turning and walking towards Zack, Leo felt no remorse or pity. He was actually pretty happy since he was able to handle the situation quick and cleanly. Leo couldn't help but think about what just happened. ' I'm glad he was drunk, otherwise I doubt I could've killed him so easily... Or at all.'

Reaching his hand out towards Zack to help him up , Leo expected Zack would have said something by now but he was silent. Instead Leo spoke. " Come on, we should hurry before anyone else comes through this way and finds us... or him. " Leo points behind him at the corpse of the soldier.

"Y-Yeah, right..." still shaken up, Zack grabs Leo's hand and uses it to help himself stand up. " Thank you." Leo just gives a nod at Zack.

Leo walks towards the south wall and Zack follows a few meters behind. When reaching the wall, Leo takes the rope and makeshift hook and starts getting ready throw it. The wall is about 5 meters tall and more so resembles a wooden fence than a wall. Although, it doesn't have any grooves or slits to use as hand or foot holds for climbing.

Leo swings the rope a few times then releases the side with the hook while holding on to the opposite end. He has to do this more than once as it doesn't hook on the first few attempts. After about 6 tries he gets it to hook onto the top of the wall and he pulls down on the rope to test that it's sturdy.

Leo looks at Zack and says, " Ill climb up first and stop at the top. Once you've climbed up I'll place the rope over the other side of the wall, then we can climb down and leave this place." Zack nods and Leo starts climbing.

At first glance you wouldn't think Leo is particularly strong. But as he climbs up the rope and his muscles buldge with effort, you can see that he's in good condition. Leo has a slim but defined build, with his muscles more visible than most boys his age.

When reaching the top, Leo situates himself so he has one leg on either side of the wall as he waits for Zack. Reaching up and grabbing the rope, Zack begins his climb and soon reaches the top, sitting opposite Leo with one leg on either side of the wall as well . Leo grabs the rope but then he hears something a about a 100 meters away.

"HEY! EVERYONE WAKE UP! SOMEONE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE!" Panic spreads over Leo and Zack. "Shit. They must have found the soldier I killed." Leo says. 'I was really hoping we'd have more time before they found him... '

"Alright Zack, we don't have time to climb down, we have to jump." Leo grabs the hook and throws it on the ground near where he's planning on landing. Zack isn't confident in having to jump but understands that there is no other way down now that the rope is on the ground.

Leo jumps first and lands while rolling on the ground. He quickly picks up the the rope and hook and ties them around his waist ' Although I doubt it, we might need this later for something. I also don't want to leave it behind since it will give them a clue about where we've gone.'

Zack, seeing Leo unharmed on the ground, decides to stop thinking about it and just jump. He falls through the air for a second and unlike Leo, he didn't do a roll when he hit the ground. All Leo heard when Zacks feet touched the ground was a crunch and a pop.

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