Chapter 47 Crystals

Chapter 47 Crystals

The class was quiet as Professor Wenry announced what she would be teaching. Leo had never heard of these 'crystals', so he was interested.

"I'm sure all of you already know the basics of what crystals are and their uses"

'Not even a little.' Leo thought

"but we have to go over it again anyways, so bare with me."

'Thank the gods' Leo let out a small sigh of relief.

"First, let's start with their uses" Professor Wenry stated. "We have many different ways that crystals are used. From everyday appliances, like a bathtub..."

Leo's attention regarding the subject of crystals sharpened, 'I must know how it works.' His face hardened with concentration.

"to weapons and armour used in combat. They provide any range of functions, such as heating water, or increasing your strength. It all depends on the crystal and the item it's used on."

"The process of using a crystal on an item is called energizing. The energy within the crystal Is transfered over to the item and creates the skill. We refer items that have skills as 'Energised' ."

"For example" She continued "If you energized a weapon it created a skill that's able to light the weapon on fire at will, the crystal used here would be a fire crystal. Using the exact same crystal for a bathtub will not make the bathtub catch on fire, but provide a different effect, since the item type is different." Professor Wenry explained.

She paused there and waited to see if there were any questions. Leo was the only one who had his hand raised. She gestured for Leo to speak.

"Is the effect always the same or are there differences at times?" Leo asked.

"It depends, usually the effect will be the same, with slight differences. If the difference is large then it means the crystal Smith is either very skilled or completely useless." Professor Wenry replied.

Professor Wenry cleared her throat and continued. "If you use a fire crystal for a weapon, you get an offensive skill, but if you use the same crystal for a shield then you would get a defensive skill, such as fire resistance. Armour is much harder to predict, since it can be offensive or defensive, you're more likely to get defense from a chest piece, but offensive skills aren't out of the question. The opposite is true for helmets. Boots will most likely provide a movement skill, but could provide something else. Gauntlets are the most unpredictable, you never know what you will get." Professor Wenry explained at length.

Leo and a different trainee raised their hand at the same time. Since Leo had already asked a question, professor Wenry allowed the other trainee to go first.

The trainee was a 1.78 meter tall dark skinned girl with black hair styled in a Bob cut. "What about accessories, like rings and necklaces? Can those have skills applied to them as well?" She asked.

Leo dropped his hand, since this was the same question he had as well.

"Yes it's possible, but it requires a master crystal Smith to do such a thing, this means that energised accessories are very expensive and rare." Professor Wenry answered.

'So my ring is rare it seems. Good thing I didn't tell anyone about it.' Leo thought.

"Our next topic will be the different types of crystals. There are plenty of different types of crystals, the basic one like fire and ice, the more rare ones like lightning, and finally the most rare, shadow, light and spacial." Professor Wenry explained.

Everyone in the class was thoroughly intrigued by the rarer crystals. A hand was raised.

p "Is there an official tier system for crystals based on their type?" He asked.

"Yes." Professor Wenry wrote down the tier system on the board.

Common - wind, earth, water

Uncommon - fire, ice

Rare - lightning, acid

Legendary - Spacial, storage

Mythical - Shadow, light

'My ring probably has a storage crystal, so that would make it legendary? I'm thanking the me from the past more and more for not telling anyone about the ring.' Leo felt like he had really dodged an arrow.

"These are the different tiers and some examples for each, there are more types of crystals for each rarity, this is just to name a few."

"Certain types of crystals will affect your energized items skills. Such as using a storage crystal on your armour, you won't be able to get anything other than something that stores away other things, not very useful for defense or offense." Professor Wenry explained.

Leo raised his hand, "Is every type of crystal equal to each other, or would i be able to find two different fire crystals?" He asked.

"The only difference between crystals of the same type, will be their size. The size of a crystal determines how much energy is inside it, the more energy, the stronger the skills." Professor Wenry replied.

"All crystals are white when you find them, only when bringing the crystal to a crystal smith, will they be able to determine the crystal's type. Once the smith has done so, the crystals colour will change to represent its type."

'The crystal in my storage is about the size of my hand, I'm only just unable to close my hand around it, but I don't know if that's considered large or small for a crystal.' Leo thought while he raised his hand.

"What are the different crystal sizes, what's considered to be large and small?" Leo asked. Many students nodded, they too wanted to know this.

"There are many different sizes and they are hard to classify since their size could be between classifications. For the most part, anything you can't wrap your hand around, would be considered on the larger side." Professor Wenry wanted to give a more detailed explanation, but she believed that seeing crystals and being shown their size classification in the moment was the best way to learn about them.

"Those of you who wish to continue with this class will be able to learn about all of this in more detail." Professor Wenry said.

The classes for today are all just introductions into the class topics. Each trainee must pick 1 class that they would like to participate in. Combat classes are compulsory.

"Professor, where do you find crystals?" Leo asked. The whole class was quiet and everyone looked at Leo in a strange way.

"You don't know?" She asked. Leo shook his head.

"Crystal's are found underground and inside places like mountains, they can be found in monsters as well but only 1 in every 3 monsters will have one. The stronger the monster, the more likely they will have a crystal inside them." Professor Wenry explained.

After about 20 seconds where no more questions were asked, Professor Wenry spoke again. "It's been great giving this class, if you do choose to continue the study of crystals and you wish to become a crystal Smith, then I urge you to choose my class and return here tomorrow. Until then, goodbye." She said with a cheery voice and large smile on her face.

All the trainees got up and left the room, heading off to their next class.josei

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