Chapter 55 Culprit

Chapter 55 Culprit

Everyone followed Leo as he walked down the hallway. They all noticed that Leo had gone into the section of the building that had been reserved for rankers and their assistants.

Leo walked passed a door with the number 3 on it and stopped at the assistants room next to it. The people inside would be Snythes assistants.

Leo knocked, but there was no answer. "Maybe nobody's inside?" Cain said while shrugging his shoulders.

Leo activated his Aura and Cain could see Leo's eyes start glowing blue. Leo could sense 4 people within the room, 'There's only 3 assistants for each ranker. So why are there 4 people inside?' Leo thought.

"No, they're inside. I'll just have to knock a little harder." Leo said. Pulling his leg up and preparing to kick the door in.

"Wait!" Cain grabbed Leo's leg "Let me do it." he said with a devilish smile on his face.

'He really enjoys breaking stuff and fighting people. He's such a simple guy.' Leo thought while smiling. "Alright." Leo replied.

​ Leo got out of the way and let Cain have a go.

He did the same thing Leo did and lifted his leg. He lightened it and kicked forward, increasing the weight at the last second.

The door blasted open and the top hinge for the door broke off. Now the door was leaning forwards, held up by only the bottom hinge.

Cain burst into the room as he kicked the door open, "Alright you slimy bastard, which one of you did it!?" He shouted out with a mostly aggressive tone of voice. You could also hear his excitement peaking through a bit.

After a moment went by, Cains eyes widened as he saw what was happening inside.

Trent and his 2 underlings, Bron and kimmil, were all sitting on chairs laid out in a triangle format , surrounding a girl who was in the middle of them.

The girl was crying and had half of her clothes on the floor. Her top half was completely nude but she was still wearing a skirt. She had her arms wrapped around her chest, trying to cover herself up.

When Leo walked in and saw what was happening inside and the state of the girl, he assumed that they were doing something to force this poor girl into doing this.

Before he could move forward, Clay whispered into his ear, "That's the girl who healed you after you were attacked."

"What do you think you're doing?" Trent voiced out from across the room. His seat was the furthest from the door and he was currently facing Leo.

"I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing to this girl?" Leo asked. His eyes were still glowing blue since he hadn't stopped using aura. This made Leo's gaze appear very threatening when accompanied with the furious expression on his face.

"We aren't doing anything to her. Can't you see she's enjoying herself? Isn't that right, Rene?" Trent aimed his question towards the girl.

"Y-Yes, I am..." Rene said. More tears came streaming down her face as she spoke. Her body was shaking and Leo could see the plea for help coming from her eyes.

"Put your clothes on and get behind us." Leo said to Rene. She hesitated for a moment before she bent forwards to grab her shirt and bra from the ground.

When she did, from behind her and on the left of their group, Brons hand reached out and went under her skirt.

As his hand started moving, Leo could already sense it before he could see it. Sensing movement in this way gives Leo an extra half a second when it's needed.

'Add on point to speed and one point to strength.' Leo said inwardly while he channeled his energy through his body.

- Speed 9~10

- Strength 9~10

Leo felt the boost from the increase in stats, as well as the extra he gained from hitting 10.

"Where do you think you're goi..." Bron was in the middle of speaking while he was reaching out when he felt something.

Leo charged forwards and grabbed onto Brons wrist before he could touch Rene. A crunching sound was heard and blood fell onto the floor.

"AARRGGHH! My hand!" Bron screamed out. He tried to pull his arm away, but Leo wouldn't let go.

Tent jumped to his feet and lifted his right arm, which had started to glow orange.

"Whats going on in here!?" A voice from the entrance of the room was heard. Everyone turned to the door and standing in the doorway behind Leo's group, was Snythe.

"I'm just excersing my right to punish the trainees who commit heinous acts." Leo said with a cold tone and an expressionless face.

"You have no reason to be hurting my assistants. Stop this at once or I'll..."

"Or you'll what?" Leo interrupted. "I've just finished interrogating one of the men who attacked me. He told me that Trent was the one who instigated everything." Leo turned to look Trent in the eyes, "I'm here to punish him."

Tents body started shaking. "Y-You have no proof!" He shouted, seemingly regaining some of his courage.

"You can't just barge into their room and start attacking them! You could of at least told me about it." Snythe said with a irritated tone of voice.

"It seems your Rank has gone to your head. You can't do whatever you want just because you're rank 1." Snythe added.

"You should use that same logic against this noble scum." Leo gestured towards Trent.

"How dar..." Leo turned back to Trent.

"If you know what's good for you, you'd shut the fuck up and stay still." Leo said with a tone that insinuated Trents potential death if he didn't comply.

Trents words got stuck in his throat and he stopped talking. He was still acting tough, standing with his chest puffed out. But Leo could sense how his body was shivering. All of them were shivering, even Snythe.

Leo turned back toward Snythe, who took a step backwards when his eyes met Leo's.

"Your assistant plotted to have me killed. Not to mention they were forcing the girl who healed my injuries to strip in front of them. A punishment for preventing my death I assume. The way I see it, these crimes are punishable by death." Leo said.

Leo let go of Bron and walked towards Trent, grabbing him by the throat with his left hand and lifting him into the air. Everyone could see Leo's other arm start to glow a faint blue as he lifted it and prepared an attack.

When Leo grabbed Trent and lifted him, Trents arms began to glow orange for a moment but Leo tightened his grip around Trents neck. Trent understood that if he tried to use his ability, Leo would snap his neck.

"You'll be dooming yourself and your friends if you kill him!" Snythe shouted out and began walking forwards toward Leo.

Leo stopped and lowered his fist, he still held Trent in the air as he turned to look at Snythe again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Leo asked.

"My father is the Duke of this kingdom." Snythe stated with a proud tone.

"I don't care." Leo said.

A frown appeared on Snythe face, "You should. My father is the queens brother. Trent and I are related as our mothers are sisters. If you kill Trent now, you'll be making yourself and your friends, enemies of the kingdom by killing a relative of the royal family." Snythe explained. His voice had turned spiteful when Leo said he didn't care who their parents were.josei

"Tsk! You filthy nobles and your political ties. You say I'm abusing my power? Just look at yourself you hypocrite." Leo becoming more and more furious by the second, his hand was clenching tighter around Trents throat and Trent was starting to turn purple because he couldn't breathe.

"Then kill him and see what happens. I dare you." Snythe said.

'Leo, he's trying to provoke you! Don't do it, you'll only make everything harder for yourself and your friends. It's not worth it.' Dreifus said, trying to convince Leo.

'I can't just let him get off without any form of punishment! I don't care about him attacking me as much as I am upset about what he did to that Rene girl!' Leo shouted inwardly at Dreifus.

'You can find another way! Have a meeting with the rankers and decide on a course of action, if majority of the rankers agree with you, then you can do whatever you want to him. If they don't agree then just find a different way to get back at him.'

Leo thought about it for a moment. The room went quiet, except for Bron moaning because of his hand and the occasional gasp for air from Trent.

Leo pulled Trent closer to him so that their faces were almost touching, "If you do anything to harm me or my friends, I'll kill you without a second thought. And if I catch you forcing another girl to take her clothes off for your amusement, I'll make sure you suffer a fate worse than death." Leo said just loud enough for Trent to hear.

[Palm strike activated]

Leo dropped Trent and palm striked him in the chest before he could hit the ground, sending him flying into the wall.

When Trents body hit the wall, an indent of his body was made and cracks spread across the wall, even reaching the ceiling and floor.

Leo then turned and walked out of the room. His anger growing stronger as he saw the smile on Snythes face when they walked passed each other.

"I'll see you around, Number 1" Snythe added with a triumphant tone as Leo left the room.

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