Chapter 59 Trent Who?

Chapter 59 Trent Who?

Trent was leaning up against the door to Leo's room. Bron and Kimmel were nowhere to be seen, so it seemed Trent was alone.

'He's got some nerve showing up in front of me after all that. Especially since Rene is with me.' Leo thought, a deep frown appearing on his face.

Leo could feel his blood boiling. Although he hadn't known Trent for too long, the 2 interactions they've had were negative. Finding out about the people who attacked him, as well as what Trent did to Rene, it was more than enough to create the feeling of hatred within Leo.

Leo didn't want any surprises this time and so he activated his Aura to check their surroundings before he approached Trent. Everything seemed normal.

Trent noticed Leo's eyes glowing blue, but of course, he had no idea it was because Leo was using Aura. Trent assumed it had some thing to do with Leo's anger, or that Leo was going to attack him.

"You look rather pissed off, meeting not go as planned?" Trent asked with a smirk.

Leo stopped and stepped in front of Rene, he didn't want her to have to look at Trent. He could feel her body shaking through his Aura.

"I wouldn't say it went how I wanted, but it was good enough for now." Leo said with a calm voice. Apart from the frown on Leo's face and his eyes glowing blue, nobody would think he was upset. Not that his eyes actually have anything to do with his mood.

A frown appeared on Trents face. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a cautious tone.

"You'll find out soon enough." A taunting smile appeared on Leo's face. The thought of Trent believing that he was going to get away with everything, only to have the punishment hit him out of nowhere. It's something Leo was taking pleasure in.

Trent scoffed at Leo and walked away saying something about a dirty commoner or whatever. Leo wasn't paying attention to him.

'I've realized something about you Leo. You're a good person, but you have an evil side to you as well.' Dreifus said.

'What's that supposed to mean? An evil side?' Leo questioned back.

'Mhm, you help people because you want to, not because you get something. That's what makes you a good person. But you also kill without feeling anything, as well as feel nothing for the suffering of others, unless they are innocent. You even take pleasure in the pain of someone who's guilty.' Dreifus stated his reasoning.

' Well, I don't see anything wrong with killing those who are evil or who try to hurt you and those close to you. I don't so much take pleasure in the suffering of someone guilty, I take pleasure in the fact that a guilty person is being punished.' Leo stated.

'There's barely a difference.' Dreifus said.

Leo just shrugged his shoulders and entered his room along with Rene.


Within the wealthy area of the kingdom.

Inside a room on the top floor of a grand mansion, sat a plump man in luxurious clothing. He was around 1.65 meters tall with brown curly hair. He had a thick brown goatee on his face and was currently sitting behind a desk drinking a cup of tea.

A knock came from the door and after a few seconds the door opened without the man within saying anything.

"What is it Ronald, can't you see I'm taking a tea break?" The plump man had an annoyed look on his face and spoke with a tone that suggested he had better things to do.

"Forgive me, lord." Ronald bowed his head forward slightly. "There's some urgent news regarding your son, Trent." He proceeded to say.

"Trent again? What has he done this time? Surely you can just throw some money at it like usual." Lord Zemor said while waving his hand dismissively.

Ronald was the head butler for the Zemor family. He handled all of their affairs, such as organizing the maids and chefs. As well as receiving and sending news. He was a highly trusted servant to the family and had served them for years.josei

Ronald was an older gentlemen. He had short short hair that was beginning to fall out. He was a slender man at the height of 1.9 meters tall.

"I'm afraid that's not possible this time, Lord. He has caused trouble within the military." Ronald said.

"Is it serious?" Lord Zemor asked, finally treating the matter seriously.

"Yes, Lord. He's been kicked out of the military academy for the ability users and is currently being brought back here to the family Manor. He should arrive within the hour." Ronald explained.

"Make the preparations, I'll be receiving him in the guest hall." Lord Zemor said with an exasperated tone while he lifted his hands to massage his temples. Ronald left the room to comply with his masters wish.


The guest hall is a room similar to the throne room that the king uses. It's on a much smaller scale and far less grand than the kings, but it's purpose is similar. Within each noble family, their home will include this room. It's purpose is to recieve guests of high standing, as well as a means for the head of the family to address everyone.

Within the Zemor household, Lord Zemor was currently sitting on a chair that had been elevated on a small platform. He was close to the wall furthest from the door and was facing the room.

2 large double doors were opened on the other side of the room and in walked Trent, along with Ronald just behind him.

The pair walked along the red carpet up until they were the proper distance from Lord Zemors seat. Trent got down on one knee, while Ronald continued up to Lord Zemors side.

Ronald bowed slightly and extended his hands, upon which lay a letter that had been sealed using the militaries wax seal. Lord Zemor took the letter and opened it, reading its contents.

Trent was silently waiting for his father to speak. The room was silent as Lord Zemor read the letter, but Trent could see a vein bulging on his father's forehead. To Trent, the room became rather loud as his heartbeat filled his ears.

Finally, Lord Zemor spoke, reading the contents of the letter aloud. " For the crime of Sexual assault against a fellow trainee, Trent Zemor has hereby been removed from the military academy and has effective immediately, been stripped of his noble title." Lord Zemor crumpled the paper out of anger. His voice was full of disappointment and rage.

" Father I..."

" ENOUGH!!" Lord Zemor shouted, silencing Trent." I have put up with your stupid decisions for years. Always pulling you out of the mud and saving you from your transgressions. No more! You have gone too far this time!"

"I hereby disown you as my child. You shall no longer carry the name of Zemor and shall be known as a commoner from this day forward." Lord Zemor stated with a disgusted expression on his face.

Trents eyes widened "No! Father... Father please I won't ever..."

,m "SILENCE!!" Lord Zemor interrupted. "Get this pathetic excuse for a child out of my home immediately." He ordered with a tone filled with scorn.

Trent continued to plead for his father's mercy as he was dragged out of what was once his family home. Trent had been thrown into the street in front of the Manor. The gates closed to him forever.

The eyes of everyone nearby staring at him made Trent feel embarrassed. He felt like they had all been present in that room when his father disowned him. Of course they hadn't, he was just being paranoid and self conscious.

Due to this feeling, Trent started running, he ran between buildings and through alleyways, eventually coming to a stop between 2 buildings.

Trent couldn't believe what had just happened. He had lost everything he cared about in a single day. His family, his title and his home. 'It's all HIS fault! ' Trent screamed internally as he punched and kicked the walls around him. An expression of pain and anger on his face.

"You want revenge right?" A voice said from behind Trent, further into the alley.

Trent turned towards the voice and noticed a man in a hood standing there. His face covered by shadows.

"I can offer you power. Enough power to have the revenge you desire, to take whatever it is that you want! All you have to do, is come with me." The man extended his hand towards Trent.

'Power. Yes, I NEED MORE POWER!' Without hesitation, Trent reached out and grabbed hold of the man's hand.

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