Chapter 62 Duels (Part 2)

Chapter 62 Duels (Part 2)

Cain was standing with a double headed hammer in each hand. These were the weapons he had chosen to train with a few weeks ago.

Heath summoned a large 2 handed Warhammer and prepared himself. As Leo shouted for the match to begin, both Heath and Cain charged towards the other.

Cain made his entire body lighter so that he could move faster as he ran forwards. Heath jumped into the air and swung his Warhammer down at Cain.

Cain jumped to the side, avoiding the strike. The Warhammer impacted the ground, creating cracks where he struck.

Cain charged at Heath, spinning in a circle and swinging both of his hammers in the same direction towards Heaths torso. At the same time, he increased the weight of his hammers and his entire body at the last second.

Heath lifted his Warhammer and took the hit against its handle. The weapon flew from his hands and his body was sent sliding backwards by a few meters.

Heath managed to keep his balance, but had dropped his weapon in the process. Cain charged at him again, this time he jumped up into the air and swung his hammers down, increasing his weight as soon as he started descending so that he would get maximum speed from the fall.

Cain, as well as everyone else, assumed that Heath wouldn't be able to do anything without his weapon. They looked to see how far his weapon had landed from him, to see if he had a chance of recovering it. But... It was no where to be seen.

Suddenly, the Warhammer appeared in Heaths hands again and he jumped backwards just enough so that Cains strike would miss him.

Cains hammers hit the ground and a cloud of dust burst upwards. The dust settled very quickly, allowing everyone to see what was happening within immediately.josei

Cain was still pulling his hammers up from the hole they made in the ground, while Heaths warmhammer was aimed for Cains head with a horizontal attack.

Cain could see the attack coming and knew he could easily dodge the strike if he went under it. Unfortunately, Cain was already moving up as he was trying to stand, and so he wouldn't be fast enough to go down again.

His hammers, although lightened, were still slowing him down, so he did the only thing he could and released one of them. Allowing him to move faster than if he held onto it.

Cain dodged the strike by a hair and jumped backwards a couple of meters. He now only had one hammer with him, the one in his right hand, while the other was at Heaths feet.

They both took a moment to gather themselves and think. Cain decided to go on the offensive. He needed to push Heath back in order to retrieve his other hammer.

Cain ran at Heath and swung his hammer down and diagonally towards Heaths left shoulder. Heath stepped backwards and avoided the strike. He lifted his Warhammer to counter attack, but Cain didn't stop there.

Cain used the momentum from his hammer and allowed it to continued moving towards his left leg, going passed it. Cain followed the momentum and did a spin side ways while jumping.

He used the momentum and made his hammer as heavy as he could, striking down at Heaths head.

The strike was too fast to dodge and Heath couldn't raise his weapon to block either. All he could do was pull his head to the side as fast as possible.

The hammer hit Heath on his left shoulder, pushing him down and back. A cracking sound was heard and everyone knew that Heath had taken a hefty amount of damage.

Leo had his Aura activated right now, so he could sense Heath was moving his head. That's why he chose not to stop Cains attack.

Heath was sent rolling along the ground for several meters before coming to a stop. Cain believed the fight was over with that attack and allowed himself to relax a little.

The Warhammer in Heaths hands disappeared and he laid motionless. Cain took a step towards his hammer that was on the ground. It was only a meter away from him.

Suddenly, a metallic ball, about half the size of a tennis ball, was seen flying through the air towards Cain. The ball slammed into his arm, just above the elbow joint. A cracking sound was heard and everyone could see Cains arm bend in unnatural way.

"Aaarrghh!" Cain let out a scream. He tried to hold it in but all he did was make the scream sound muffled.

Luckily, the arm that had taken the hit was his left, while his hammer was held in his right. Another ball came flying towards Cain and he could see that Heath now held what can only be discribed as a slingshot in his right hand.

It's the type of slingshot that you must swing in circles before releasing the object held at the end of it. It was something that was meant to be used with only one arm.

Heaths left arm had been dislocated at the shoulder joint and his collarbone was sticking out through the skin. His left arm was completely useless, so this weapon was his only option.

Cain spun on the ground, sweeping his leg in a circle. This allowed him to dodge the metal ball that was flying towards him. At the same time, Cain swung the hammer in his hands with all the force he could muster, and hit the hammer still on the floor.

A loud bang was heard and the hammer on the floor was catapulted through the air, heading straight for Heath. At the same time, Heath was swinging his slingshot and released another ball aimed straight for Cain who was crouched on the ground trying to regain his balance.

From what everyone could see, the metal balls were just appearing inside the slingshot after each one was thrown. It was clear that Heath was summoning balls continously.

The 2 attacks landed at the same time. Heath taking a hammer to the chest and being sent flying backwards, tumbling across the ground several times. While Cain was struck in the head by the metallic ball, knocking him to the ground a meter back from where he was standing.

A moment passed and neither of them were moving. Leo walked toward them each, one at a time. After he had checked them both, he announced to everyone. "Both of them have been knocked unconscious and the duel is over. The rankers, aside from Heath, will decide what will happen regarding this match at a later time. For now, the duels must continue."

The healers came rushing out and began to heal Heath and Cain.

'I can't believe they both knocked each other out at the same time.' Leo thought. He then looked at Cain on the ground 'I'm impressed with Cains performance, he fought well with those hammers. I also had no idea that Heath could summon anything other than that Warhammer.' Leo thought.

'Cain was the best of all those in class 2. His score wasn't much lower than Heaths, so it stands to reason that they would be close in power. This fight came down to skill, but it seems they were evenly matched there as well.' Dreifus added.

'That's true.' Leo agreed. 'I can't help but wonder if Heath can summon any weapon he wants, or if he has a few he can switch between.' He continued.

'Who knows. He may not even be limited to just weapons.' Dreifus shrugged.

'I suppose we will find out eventually.' Leo replied.

"That was a great fight. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. Who would've thought that your assistant could stand up to a ranker like that." Leonard said from behind Leo.

Leo turned to face Leonard "Yeah, he's stronger than I thought as well. I'm impressed." Leo replied.

"Why did you come down here?" Leo asked.

"I thought I'd take your place for the rest of the duels. I figured you would like to rest before your own duel later on." Leonard said.

"Oh Uh, thanks. I appreciate it." Leo said awkwardly. "I'll leave it to you then." Leo turned and walked away, heading towards the sidelines where the other rankers were watching from.

'Is it just me, or is Leonard a little odd?' Leo questioned internally.

'I think he's a lot like Cain. Only a little smarter.' Dreifus replied with a chuckle.

'Something just feels off about him.' Leo said, ignoring dreifus.

Leo stared at Leonard while he walked away, wondering why he had such a strange feeling about him.

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