Chapter 85 The Continent

Chapter 85 The Continent

"There are three different territories that exist on the continent. Although we are part of the continent, our kingdom of Veneria is located on an island slightly away from the main land. Because of this whenever there's a war we have always been known for our defensive capabilities since its rather difficult to attack an island from the water." Nila began explaining.

'I didn't realize we were on an island. That could be why I've heard nothing about the other kingdoms before...' Leo pondered.

"To the north of our kingdom and on the west side of the main land is the kingdom of Hyrelum. They control one third of the main land currently. They are known to be crafty, using information and assassins to win their battles rather than direct force. As far as wars go they aren't exactly the strongest, but they aren't weak either." Nila paused for a minute so that everyone could take in the information.

'I don't like this kingdom already.' Dreifus chimed in. 'Hmm? Why not? All is fair in war.' Leo replied. He was slightly confused by Dreifus' blatant dislike for a kingdom he just heard about a few seconds ago.

'I dislike those sorts of sneaky and roundabout fighting methods. I especially dislike the use of information to win battles. Of course I'm not referring to strategy and such, I just hate it when the ones in charge are blackmailed and forced to destroy their own people from within! From what I'm hearing, that's the sort of methods Nila is implying they use.' Dreifus sounded upset as he explained his reasoning.

'I do agree to some extent, but as I've said, when it comes to winning a war anything goes. I myself would rather fight without having to blackmail someone on the opposing side, but if it's the only way to win, I'd do it. I also have no problem with assassins, why should anyone have to give their enemy a warning before a fight. In my opinion, the truly strong are always ready for a fight rather than expecting a heads up from their enemy.' Leo replied.

"Then there's the Integra Empire. Initially there were three kingdoms on the main land, but Integra took over the third, thus they went from being a kingdom to an empire. They have the most military strength and control two thirds of the main land. They are known for the individual fighting strength of their soldiers. They use simple strategies when fighting wars and prefer to rely on brute strength to win." Nila had finally finished her explanation and looked at the others to hear their thoughts.josei

"I like their style!" Cain exclaimed. "Fighting straight up without any tricks, that's my kind of fighting!"

"I disagree. If I'd have to choose the type of fighting style I'd be best at, it's that of the Hyrelum kingdom. Knowledge is power after all." Clay said while shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you think, Leo?" Clay asked. "Yeah, what do you prefer!?" Cain added on with an excited tone.

"I don't like to limit myself to one fighting style. I believe that being able to use the tactics that best suit the situation is the best course of action. If a straight up fight is needed then so be it, but if I need to take a less forcefull approach then I will."

"I agree with Leo." Nila said. "M-Me too!" Rene shouted as she jumped to her feet, her chair falling over behind her.

"Uh... Thanks, both of you." Leo awkwardly said. 'Why did Rene suddenly get so excited?' Leo thought.

'You're clueless when it comes to girls aren't you?' Dreifus laughed as he spoke. 'I've lived with only men my whole life, what do you think?' Leo replied with a snarl.

'I think you're hopeless!' Dreifus continued to laugh hysterically within Leo's head. If he had a body, he'd probably be rolling around on the ground holding his stomach.

"Alright, Its starting to get pretty late. It would be best if we got a good night's sleep before we question the chief tomorrow." Clay said as he stood up.

Cain stood up as well and the two of them walked up the stairs towards their rooms.

"He's right, we should all get some rest." Leo said as he too started heading towards his room. Nila and Rene saw no reason to stay in the bar any longer either so they followed Leo up towards their rooms. Rene entered her room first, leaving Leo and Nila alone as they walked up the stairs to the next floor.

Leo reached his room first and stopped while pulling out his key and placing it in the lock. As he opened the door he heard a voice. "Could we speak alone for a moment?" Nila asked.

Leo looked behind him at Nila, wondering what she could want to talk about in private at a time like this. "Sure, let's talk inside." Leo gestured into his room and Nila walked in. Leo followed behind her and closed the door.


A group of people were climbing off their horses just outside of Grove village. Each of them was wearing a dark cloak and plain black mask over their faces.

The one at the front of the group was staring at the village while another walked up from behind.

"We're ready to move in on your order." A masculine voice said from behind.

"Good, we'll be attacking in an hour once the village has finally settled in for the night. You all know the plan, if done right they won't even know what hit them." A feminine sounding voice replied as she let out a soft chuckle that sent shivers down the spine of the others near her.

The man turned and went to speak with the other members of their group, while the woman stayed out in the front, still staring at the village. Her cloak was slightly different from the others and had a red embroidery over the shoulders.

'I won't fail him again. You will be coming with us tonight, I'd rather die than go back empty handed!' She clenched her fist hard as she thought of her targets face.

"Your days are numbered, Leofalor."

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