King of Kung Fu in School

Chapter 4 A Special Animal in This World

Chapter 4 A Special Animal in This World

Chapter 4 A Special Animal in This World

Alan smiled. "I had suggested that you should write the love letter to Kelly who is from ordinary family and obviously easier for you to chase. But you ignored me and said that maybe Shirley would accept you since you' re handsome. then you can live a rich life."

"What?" Kevin was shocked, "Did I really say such shameless words?"

"Yes, now you know the result. Although you look handsome,Shirley wouldn't like you since she's rich and even learns martial arts. Of course, you still won't succeed if you chase Kelly. Although Kelly ispoor, her academic performance is excellent. And she is one of the four school beauties that many boys are chasing after her. You're still not good for her."

Kevin smiled, "Stop, already feel shamed."

Alan said, "I have told you that we shouldn't want to chase the school beauties, but you just ignored. You're only a little more handsome than the average boy, but you can't be considered as school hunk. Besides, handsomeness is useless. Only being rich and powerful and learning martial arts are useful."

"Hah hah!" Kevin smiled. He didn't know whether he was rich or powerful, but he indeed learned martial arts. Even if he had just taken control of this weak body, ordinary people would be no match for him.

The problem that Kevin needed to solve now was how to survive in this bizarre world. Moreover, Kevin did not know the identity and family of this body.

Alan asked, "Kevin, tell me what exactly happened to you? Why do you sometimes look insane?"

Kevin smiled, "I don't know. I forget a lot of things."

Alan said, "Do you really suffer from acute transient mental disorder?"

Kevin hurriedly nodded, "No doubt, that's it. So can you tell me my identity?"

Alan was stunned that Kevin even forgot his identity.

Alan said. "Actually, I don't know either. Although we are deskmates. you always look mysterious and never talk about your family I only know that you live in the Lakeside Neighborhood."

"Ah?" Kevin never thought that even Alandon't know his identity.

Kevin smiled. "It's fine. I'm just suffering from acute transient mental disorder. I'll recover sooner or later."

Kevin also didn't want others to know that he wasn't the original Kevin, so he pretended to have that disease.

After lunch, Alan went back to the classroom first while Kevin was walking around the school alone to learn more about the world.

Kevin looked at all the strange and novel things, especially a big box, wondering why the box could move after people got in. Was it a special animal in this world?

Finally Kevin exclaimed deeply, "This world is indeed advanced."

Then Kevin returned to the classroom.

However, there was already a teacher giving lecture. Seeing that Kevin was late for half of the class, the teacher angrily said, "Kevin, where did you go? Why do you come so late?"

"Uh!" Kevin was stunned and said, "I went to the gate to see the animal that looked like a box." Kevin now knew that the person standing on the podium was as the same as teachers in his world, so he answered truthfully.

The teacher frowned and couldn't understand what Kevin was saying. "What are you talking about?"

"It's the zoo at the gate. Isn't there a lot of animals like boxes there? I'm sorry for wasting some time there."

"Zoo? Animals like boxes? Kevin, what are you talking about?"

Kevin said, "I mean those animals which look like boxes and have different colors on the left side of the gate. This animal runs very fast."

The teacher finally understood that Kevin was talking about the car in the parking lot at the school gate. Gosh, the teacher and all I students were dumbfounded that Kevin referred to the parking lot as a zoo and cars as animals in the zoo.

There was a dead silence. Everyone stared at Kevin blankly since they didn't expect that Kevin even couldn't recognize cars. josei

The teacher only said. "Come in."

"Thank you. Sir." Kevin walked to his seat.

Kevin was respectful towards teachers. In his world, teachers had a very high status because teachers could teach people how to read. Those who could read were educated people and were respected by everyone. There are few literate people in some small villages.

After Kevin sat down. Alan whispered. "That'sa car."

"Oh. car. It runs very fast. By the way, I've been looking for its mouth for a long time but failed. Doesn't it eat?"

Alan was helpless.

"Tomorrow is weekend, you should go see a psychiatrist. I hope you will recover soon."

"Who's weekend?"

"Weekend means you don't come here for class tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. You can stay at home and do whatever you want." Alan felt it was difficult to communicate with Kevin.

However, the three classes in the afternoon finally ended. Of course, the teacher had asked what was wrong with Kevin. Everyone said that Kevin had been crazy since the morning and probably had mental illness.

After school, everyone carried their school bags and walked out of the classroom.

Seeing that. Kevin felt a little disappointed because he did not know where to go.

"Kevin, I'm going home. See you next week." Alan picked up his schoolbag.


Now there was only Kevin in the classroom.

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