King of Mercenaries

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: The beginning again

After recruiting the attendants, Marin began training these attendants. After all, he is going to fight on the battlefield. His attendants can't understand anything. Marin paid for himself and bought a mail armor and a spear for each of the six attendants. In addition, Marin also asked the blacksmith to create an iron helmet for everyone. Its style is naturally the imitation of the famous German M35 helmet. Of course, this is not a steel helmet, but an iron helmet made of pig iron. The quality is incomparable with the real steel helmet. But in this era, it is enough.

Old Hoffman is not awkward, knowing that his son is going to the battlefield. Moreover, now the family is well-off, coupled with Marin's Eastern arable land technology, resulting in surplus livestock at home. So he simply took out 5 horses and equipped them to Marin's attendants.

As a result, five of the more capable attendants, each of whom was assigned a horse. As for the thin Kohler, it is still driving a four-wheeled ox cart pulled by the big black cow "Li Chen". As for Dallas, it was thrown at the Hoffmann Manor. The next thing is to train the riding of the five attendants. In fact, the five attendants, except for the cows that Kahn had been riding for a long time, were a bit of a ride. The other four, including Schwarz, have never been able to ride a horse.

In the days that followed, Marin trained five people to ride horses every morning, while in the afternoon, they trained them to use spears and fight. In riding training, Kahn is more prominent. In combat training, Schwartz crushed others. Even at the time of the battle, Marin was not an opponent of Schwartz. Mainly, although Marin's combat skills are not worse than Schwartz, the physical quality and Schwartz's difference are too far. The 16-year-old Marin is about 1 meter 73, and his body is still thin and his strength is average. The 20-year-old Schwartz, who is 1.83 meters tall, has muscles. Therefore, two people with similar martial arts levels, Schwartz relied on the body to crush Marin. Only in the immediate moment, Marin can rely on superb riding, and Schwartz can't find North. But this is also because Schwartz is not used to riding. When Schwartz riding become fluent, Marin was to be suppressed again. Therefore, the helpless Marlin began to drink ribs soup every day, striving to grow taller and stronger.

As for the smuggling of Kahn, Marin found in his training that his spear was not used well. But picking up the stick and swearing, Kahn is very talented. So, Marin simply let the craftsman create a mace, so that Kahn make use of his strength.

Then, in the battle Kahn, who began to use the mace (not nailed) hit Schwartz. Unlike before, when it was a spear, Kahn was always "tick" by Schwartz. In the riding, the Kahn who waved the mace on the horse seems to have a great increase in power. Even Marin, who had the strongest riding in a few people, dared not easily hit Kahn, who was wielding a mace. However, at the beginning, Kahn only knows how to wield a mace and does not know how to avoid or block a lance. Therefore, Kahn was always hit by a lance. But after the brain opened, Marin began to teach Kahn how to use the mace to first offset the opponent's lance, and then quickly backhand waved the mace to the knight himself.

(This trick can only be used against the plate knight, because the knight charge is usually a large hand-held lance, it is sometime used by both hands, and the knight wearing a full plate armor.)

The result of this was that Marin himself was pitted by himself - Kahn practiced the battle in the immediate aftermath, and used this method to take Marin down...

Fortunately, the ground they practiced was covered with thick grass. Marin and Kahn are also wearing a breastplate. Therefore, being squatted will not be hurt too much. But falling from such a high horseback is also very painful. Moreover, although wearing a breastplate, Marin was smashed into the chest by a mace.

Still suffered a certain amount of damage. Of course, it is only a minor injury. Otherwise, in the horse battle of high-speed hedging, the party that was laid down was basically hit by flying, and it was easy to be broken or even smashed. In addition to training the martial arts and riding skills of the five attendants, Marin also began training their IQ. In particular, let them be familiar with their orders. The most basic is IQ training, such as turning left and turning right. But the most basic turn to the left and turn to the right, also makes Marlin a little crazy. Of the five people, probably only Schwartz's head, who had had been trained to be a knight, was smart. The other four people are all goods with developed limbs and simple minds. Whenever Marin issued an instruction to "turn left" or "turn right", the scene suddenly became chaotic. Only Schwartz, the two instructions are better done. As for the other four eucalyptus heads, I trained for a month, and they got a lot of military sticks. Then, it is the problem of the horse going forward and backward. Let these 5 guys line up and go forward, generally no problem. After all, he also trained the for a month. However, as soon as the charge is launched, someone will immediately rush ahead and someone will fall behind. In the end, Marin gave up the idea of ​​a wedge-shaped charge. He also felt that this kind of request is too difficult for those guys with inflexible heads. It is no wonder that the infantry phalanx requires all soldiers to slowly advance in accordance with the rhythm. The reason is that as long as it rushes, the formation will basically be scattered. In general, only when chasing the enemy who fled, will it be required to let go of the charge. After thinking about it, Marin didn't ask them to charge in a formation. They only asked for a neat and backward movement at the speed of normal walking. As a result, the five people were barely qualified.

Thus, in mid-October, Marin estimated that Maximilian I also began to collect war taxes in his own territory. When he arrive in Vienna, the first batch of taxes should be in place. At that time, he may have the opportunity to enter the army of the emperor. After all, to fight the French 60,000 troops, the emperor is also more prepared to send troops. The 16,000 army that the emperor himself currently holds must also maintain local security. Do not say anything else, the Habsburg family is currently hostile to the Kingdom of Hungary. A few years ago, King Mahagas I of Hungary also encroached on most of the territory of the Habsburg family's nest in Austria, and also occupied the old nest of Vienna in the Habsburg family's nest. If it weren't for the sudden death of Magath I, Maximilian I had no chance to retake Austria. Now the royal dynasty of Hungary, which controls the Kingdom of Hungary and the Kingdom of Bohemia, is very powerful. Therefore, the army recruited before must guard against Hungarians. In order to participate in the Italian war, a new army must be recruited to participate in the war. josei

In order to join the emperor's army as soon as possible, Marin decided to take five assistants who had a little bit of training, and Kohler's oxcart went to Vienna. At this time, the coal mine at home finally began to make a profit, which is much earlier than Marin expected. But it is not surprising, because Marin has already helped solve the biggest problem of the coal mine, the sales problem. Now, the Hoffman family will ship the excavated coal to the dock, and the cargo ship of the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce will be loaded. Moreover, the people of the Wiggins Chamber of Commerce are very proud, and the money is on the spot. After selling a few ships of coal, the Hoffman family immediately had funds.

After Marin decided to officially set off, Old Hoffman gave Marin more than 300 marks, which made Marlin's money reach 800 marks. And, under the guidance of the old Hoffman, Marin saved his money and deposited 600 marks into the bank of the Hanseatic Business Alliance. With the credibility of the Hanseatic Business Alliance, Marin can use the deposit slip to get money in any large-scale city in the Holy Roman Empire. And himself, leaving 200 marks of cash, handed over to Kohler, who is driving the ox cart. At the same time, Marin's armor and stables, as well as five lance (when the lance is in the knight, if the opponent wears a hard armor, it is easy to break, so prepare for spare), they are also placed on the oxcart. .

As for Marin himself, he usually wears a M35 iron helmet, wearing a two-thirds breastplate, carrying a sabre, and marching forward. As for the other five combat attendants, in fact, each person also wears a two-thirds breastplate (made by the own blacksmiths of Hoffman Estate, the quality is average), but generally placed on the oxcart, until they are battle they put it on.

At the same time, horseback riding to Vienna is actually an exercise for five attendant riding. Normally, the five men wore helmets, wearing the mail armor and holding spears (except for Kahn, who took the mace), and some similar to the Lancers who used the spears to poke German tanks in later generations.

In order to exercise the five followers and their own guts, Marin also took them to the forest to attack the wild boar. How terrible is wild boar in the forest? Generally, hunters do not dare to provoke wild boars. Because the bow and arrow is very difficult to hurt the wild boar. The musket, the power of this era's musket is not enough, it is difficult to kill a wild boar. Only the powerful guns of the later generations can kill the wild boar. Therefore, hunting wild boars in this era is a very dangerous thing. However, Marin is not a person alone, but he has 5 beaters to follow. Moreover, Kahn and Schwartz are still fierce brothers. For the first time hunting the wild boar, there was some accident. The horse that Sauer rode was scared by the wild boar, causing Sauer to be landed by the horse and suffered some injuries. After that, Marin simply let Kohler take care of the horses. He took the five attendant and walked around to kill the wild boar. Kahn and Schwartz were really fierce, and Marin had to go down the drain. Especially the Kahn strength, with a mace he is like a mammoth. There was a wild boar that just rushed up and didn't hurt anyone. It was cracked by Kahn's mace. Schwartz is also extraordinary, he often uses Kahn, let Kahn yelling to attract wild boar attention. And he sneaked a wild boar from the side.

As for Marin, he stood behind the crowd and directed everyone:

"Fast! Surround it, Sauer, Tara, Garland, raise the spear, and hold it on the line... Kahn, the big door, pick it up... Schwartz, ready to attack, right..."

Then, a wild boar that was wronged, was shot by Schwartz on the eye, and it was horrible, bloody, and alive.

Along the way, Marin took five hitters and killed more than a dozen wild boars. Not only did they exercise their courage and cooperation, but they also sold a lot of money by hunting wild boars. At least, we have solved the food expenses for everyone along the way. You know, there are 3 big men and 5 horses more than before, but the cost has increased a lot.

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