King of Mercenaries

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Private Transaction

"So, why do we buy captives? What good is it for Venice?" A member of the parliament asked doubtfully.

"Good question, this is what I want to ask."

"I think I know how to answer." said the governor of Venice, Agostino Barbarigo, slowly.

"Wish to hear from the Governor."

"Venice is rich, everyone knows."

"Hahaha." Everyone present laughed heartily.

"But we lack prestige and prestige. Many people, many forces, treat us as fat sheep." The crowd was a little silent, and Agostino's words were indeed very reasonable.

"So, I plan to buy a group of French prisoners of war with this greedy commander of the Empire and declare to the outside that they were captured by Venice and the Empire.

"How to ensure that no secrets are leaked? The regimental commander can control his men, but he cannot control the French. When they return, they will reveal the matter."

"This is a problem. I personally went to the west to talk to the commander of the legion." The next day, the governor of Venice, Agustino Barbarigo, quietly took 50 guard knights to the Marin station.

"Mr. Governor, are you worried about being exposed? This is simple. I will tell those French people that the army I lead is half Venetian."

"Can you do this?" Agostino Barbarigo was a little hesitant.

"No problem, wrap it on me. By that time, I will have 1,000 men who participated in that battle go back to you, and they are all Italian."

"Really?" Agustino Barbarigo was a little surprised.

"Of course!" josei

Marin was talking about the group of Italian farmers near Fornovo, which were the first to be recovered. They did join the war, though to frighten the French. And the French did treat them as reinforcements. Until now, Count Fryer thought they were Italian reinforcements ... Solving this headache, Agustino Barbarigo quickly talked to Marin with interest. Marin had 2,000 captives outside. Another 2,000 people were hidden in another station by him.

Moreover, the Venetian business is not losing money. Because Marin wants cash. Venetian wants fame. Moreover, the Venetian who got this captive can also recover the ransom with the French, so it is not a loss. At most, the food expenses of some captives are borne, but compared with fame, this money is drizzle.

After negotiations, Agostino Barbarigo and Marin reached a captive agreement of 500 gold coins. But Governor Agustino Barbarigo asked for more.

"Captain Marin, please tell me the truth, how many captives do you have?"

"Uh... 4000 ..."

"Then why are you willing to sell only 1,000 people? Don't you know that your poor ghost emperor won't give you a few dollars? Captive into him, do you still want to have your ransom?" Agostino. Barbarigo was a little angry.

"Uh, actually, I want to change the title with His Majesty. I am not even a baron now."

"This ..." Agustino Barbarigo was also speechless. As emperor, Maximilian I had the most advantage over others in that he could be awarded a title. In this regard, as the governor of the Republic of Venice, Agustino Barbarigo's horse-racing could not keep up with Maximilian I. Although there are nobles in the Venetian Republic, they are all titles that have been passed down for a long time. The Republic now generally no longer grants new titles.

"Well, you sell me 1,000 more people. I don't want nobles, but ordinary knights."

"But that's a total of 1 million gold coins, Lord Governor! Do you have that much cash?"

"Hum, Captain Marin, don't look down on Venice's financial resources. Venice, not bad money!" Agustino Barbarigo's face on that shoehorn was full of pride as if he was carrying his hand Uncle Benshan led by.

"Uh... deal!" Marin also sacked out for 1 million gold coins ...

"By the way, Governor, I still have a group of outstanding French horses and plate armors ..."

"How much?" Governor Agustino Barbarigo turned back abruptly, his eyes fixed on Marin. He almost forgot that Marin captured the French knights, and everyone had warhorses, armor, and weapons.

The Republic of Venice is an ambitious country, plus they are not bad at money. So they are ambitious too. The French invasion of Naples showed them the weakness of the Italian nations. So, they are also a little bit tempted. Otherwise, there will not be a Cambrai League war 13 years later. That war was because Venice wanted to expand, and as a result, it caused a rebound in the states and caused Venice, which just wanted to expand, to be beaten by the masses.

Venice is not short of money, sailor or infantry. But they seriously lacked cavalry, because after all, Venice was a country born on the water, and it always attached importance to the sea.

But if you want to participate in land hegemony, you must have a large number of cavalry. Otherwise, infantry alone is difficult to say.

Today, Marin says he has a large number of war horses and armor, and Agustino Barbarigo is immediately tempted.

"Give me, I want them all!" Agustino Barbarigo's eyes were red.

"Master, I cannot give you all, otherwise, I will not be able to explain to His Majesty." Otherwise, his reputation in the Empire will immediately fall to hatred. In that case, Marin may not be able to mix in Germany.

"Okay, I want half!"

"Master, war horses and armors are also expensive!" Marin reminded kindly.

"How many warhorses and armors do you have?"

"2000 warhorses, 6000 plate armor."

"This ..." Agostino Barbarigo took a breath and was frightened. He was frightened.

Warhorses are not the same as horses. Cavalier warhorses have much better load capacity than warriors of irregular light cavalry. Not to mention, just a full set of plate armor weighs 50 pounds, plus horse armor, it weighs about 100 pounds. Therefore, the cavalry's load-carrying capacity is much better than that of the light cavalry. At least, it is hundreds of pounds more than the cavalry's steed in terms of weight.

"1000 war horses, 3,000 sets of armor." Gritted his teeth, Agustino Barbarigo decided to give a handful of blood.

"The price..."

"Marin, I can't give you too much price. Those captives, the French will pay. And these war horses and armor, I don't know the opinions of the congressmen. So, I propose that the warhorses are sold 100 Ducat, A set of plate 50 Ducat. "

The price offered by Agostino Barbarigo is not high, it is probably the reserve price. Because heavy horses used by knights generally have more than this price. But, as he said, he wasn't sure if these armors would fall into his hands.

After the talks, Agustino Barbarigo went immediately and rushed back through Venice's developed post road to Venice City to discuss the business with the lawmakers.

"What? So many warhorses and armors? Come on, Lord Governor, this will make Venice's combat power soar!" An army general shouted excitedly. With these warhorses and armors, Venice will have an additional "tank unit" with full armor, which can directly strike the enemy formation on the battlefield. Except for the Swiss Spear Formation, withstand the charge of thousands of heavily armored knights.

"So many armors, or, Governor, we robbed him?" A congressman suggested.

"I'm afraid it's not right. They have 4,000 troops and strong troops. They can defeat 8,000 French heavy cavalry. Can we beat them? And, if things are revealed, we and the Holy Roman Empire will turn against each other." No one can beat 4,000 Swiss mercenaries. And Marin is also "4000 people", can beat the 8000 French Cavaliers, and it is very difficult to mess with. Also, the Empire had tens of thousands of troops in Venice. Once the German army is enraged, Venice may be looted. Therefore, the Venetian cannot afford to gamble.

"Well, then promise, but the price of war horses and armors will be down."

Then Agostino Barbarigo rushed back and bargained with Marin. In the end, Marin sold 2,000 ordinary captives to Venice at a discount of 1 million ducats. Also, 1,000 war horses with horse armor were sold at a discount of 100,000 ducats. Horse armor's money was also included, and Marin was a bit of a loss. But Marin was also anxious to "sell stolen goods" and couldn't control that much. The plate armor was sold to Venice for 50 ducats for a price of 150,000 ducat gold coins.

In this way, Marin instantly earned 1.25 million ducats, but he immediately remembered the three spy planted by his emperor and earl in his army.

In order to keep the secrets, Marin had lost his mind to the three. Anyway, it is a war period, and a few people can report to death but considering their 15 men, if all of them are eliminated, it will alarm the emperor and the count of.

As for the others, they are basically illiterate serfs, and they are not very clear about the significance of Marin's series of actions. Also, they are also used to obeying Marin's orders, so they are not worried about their mouths. Only the three knights and their attendants were a bit difficult to handle.

Agustino Barbarigo knew Marin's concerns, and laughed, saying that it was not a problem at all ...

"What should I do?" Marin had a headache.

"It's easy, we pay money in Venice, give the three of them a large sum of money, as a sealing fee."

"Very nice."

That night, Agustino Barbarigo went out and gave the three of them a 30,000 gold coin each. So the three of them knelt. As for their followers, the master was on his knees, and the followers were not yet on their knees?

You know, the three knights, their family territories, earn up to two or three thousand ducats a year, or they are still in a good harvest year. 30,000 Ducat, enough for their estate income for more than ten years. Therefore, the three of them signed a confidentiality agreement, took an oath on the Bible, and received more than 10 years of benefits over the output of their estate. As for the poor beggar of emperor, can he give so much money? Even now, the emperor owes part of their salary ...

Moreover, Marin knew how to do things properly, leaving half of the booty for the emperor, enough to explain. This is where their confidence lies ...

However, Marin had a headache about how to take away so many coins. Because, 1.25 million gold coins, more than 4 tons of weight alone. If people learn that he is carrying more than 4 tons of gold on the road, it is estimated that many people will come and rob him ...

In the end, Marin decided to trust the Venetian business reputation, as long as 500,000 gold coins in cash. The remaining 750,000 gold coins were temporarily stored in a bank in Venice, and the bills were issued, and they would be collected later.

Then, Marin took out 100,000 gold coins and distributed them to 1,100 brothers. An average of eighty or ninety gold coins were distributed to each of them. This group of guys were very happy.

You know, the second group of men who picked up gold coins in Mantova and Milan, each picked up an average of twenty or thirty gold coins, which is far worse than them ...

As for the Italian farmers who were arrested to fill the facade, they did not receive such good treatment. After all, it is a "temporary worker" and there is no related "welfare" treatment.

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