King of Mercenaries

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Finally home again

Marin originally wanted to leave Vienna early and go home. However, the emperor left Marin for propaganda and cooperated with the emperor in "activities" and became "models."

Whenever foreign envoys and representatives of the Principality and Bosnia came to Vienna, the emperor would bring them with Marin. The emperor would then "kindly" introduce Marin, the "empire young hero," to the guests. And Marin, at this time, had to stand up and bow to pay tribute, with a smirk on his face, and by the way, put a few pulling POSE for the guests to watch ...

Then, everyone will watch Marin like a monkey and comment from time to time. Many people have questioned Marin's merit because Marin is too thin. In the eyes of some aristocrats advocating force, Marin who defeated 8,000 French knights must be a muscular man at least 2 meters tall. Who knows, after seeing Marin himself, I knew that the other party was just a boy who was 1.75 meters tall (longer) and slightly thin.

Then, the emperor would tell his guests about Marin's flicker. And Marin stood side by side and cooperated with the emperor's speech.

Marin was allowed to leave Vienna with his men for a month as a "model" without pay. With a look of sorrow, Marin came to the men's residence in the west of the city and ordered everyone to leave.

"Boss, how are you?" Schwartz asked running strangely as he came over. The title of "Boss" is because Marin has watched more Hong Kong films in his previous life and feels that he is very imposing. Moreover, he didn't like the title of "Sire", so he just let Schwartz and others call him the boss privately. As for the attendants such as Kahn and Kohler, they continued to be called masters.

"Nothing, my boss is exhausted these days, and I pose with the emperor every day, just like a puppet ..." Marin said angrily.

"Boss, don't be content. You can stay with the emperor. The whole empire doesn't know how many people envy you ..." Schwartz rolled his eyes. If the emperor was willing to take him out to show off, he would have liked it. Really more than people, angry. However, who is the boss of Marin? As for why they were able to ambush the French, he couldn't figure it out until now.

Of course, if he wants to understand, there is a ghost. Who knows, Marin is a rider?

Marin's number one dog, Kohler soon came over to report the situation-the extra horses in his hand were shot in Austria. Austria is the richest region in Germany. Although there are far fewer wealthy people than Venice, they are definitely stronger than the northern noble territories. Because Austria is also a prosperous region with developed agriculture. There is also a great demand for horses in developed regions. Therefore, Kohler in Austria, lowered some prices, it is easy to sell the extra 1,000 horses.

Then, Kohler had 200 stallions and 800 mares left, and 30 war horses recovered from the emperor with Marin, a total of 1,030.

When Marin accompanied the emperor on the "show", Schwartz and others also taught these 400 men and learned to ride horses. When I hurried back from Italy to Austria, we had to walk along with each other because we had to work with the large troops. Now that Marin has taken everyone out of the army, he can naturally ride on horseback. In addition, 400 people have 1,030 horses, and everyone can change their horses and ride on horses, and they can speed up the road.

"Brothers, it's time to go! When I get to my territory, I will give everyone some land so that your family can become a self-cultivator. And, if there is no wife, I will give you a way!

"Thank you, boss, thank you!" Everyone cheered.

Those who came out as mercenaries had poor family conditions. Many people, simply some estates, the serf owners thought that they were overpopulated and rushed out. Many people are from serfdom families, and have no land at all. They went back and had nothing to rely on, so they might as well follow Marin. At least Marin is now a baron,

Can afford them. Most of those who left the team before were self-cultivated farmers, and their identities were relatively free. Unlike many people left behind, many are still serf children. If they went back, the serf-owners would be happy and continue to enslave them. Probably, that 100 gold coin will also be stolen.

And with Marin mixed, He is proposing to lift them up, let them become free people, can they not be happy? Free people in Europe are rampant. If you don't see him, many revolutions in France were initiated by the group of free citizens in Paris? Who's heard of the serf revolution? Although there are, it is not a climate at all. Because serfs became accustomed to slaves and lacked the desire and confidence to fight. The free people, by themselves, are very confident. As long as there are many people, they dare to confront the monarch.

Later, Marin found someone to write for them (this group is basically illiterate), helped them write homework, and told their families to prepare for immigration. If it's okay, when Marin settles on Texel, he will send someone to pick them up. If there is a problem, such as the original serf owner who did not let people go, Marin will go through official channels and even pay a little compensation to get the families of the soldiers. josei

The reason why Marin did not let these soldiers go home to pick up people is that on the one hand, he was afraid that they would never return; on the other hand, Kohler still had more than 300,000 gold coins in his hands to escort. If a man runs out and the army comes to grab money, he cannot resist.

Besides, Marin still does not know what is happening on Texel. It would be bad if you hurriedly picked people up and had nowhere to settle.

Of course, when Marin propagandized, he naturally used the last reason. Moreover, this reason is very reasonable.

After unifying everyone's thinking, Marin took everyone, two horses or three horses, and hurried to the Hoffman Manor on the Ruhr.


On the way, Marin and a man from an Italian chamber of commerce previously commissioned in Venice merged in Cologne. Marin seized a total of 7,000 sets of plate armor on this trip to Italy (Charle VIII took off the plate armor for the last 2000 knights to escape) and 5000 sets of horse armor (not counting the 2000 war horses seized Body). In the end, he handed in only 6,000 plate armors (including those for the Venetian) and 4,000 horse armors. The remaining 1,000 plate armor and 1,000 horse armors were commissioned by a reputable Italian Chamber of Commerce to send them to Cologne.

As for why this is because the plate armor and horse armor are huge, these are all corrupted by Marin and cannot be seen by the emperor. The gold coins, because of their small size, are enough to hold a bullock cart, but they are not so conspicuous and can be carried with them. Besides, he was assured to escorted the armor to others, and he was not assured to entrust hundreds of thousands of gold coins to others. What if the escorted person is greedy for those gold coins?

After paying a small sum of money, Marin led the crowd and took the plate armor and horse armor of several carts and marched towards Bochum ...

The transmission of messages in the Middle Ages was relatively lagging. Marin's heroic deeds are currently only widely circulated in Austria, Swabian and Burgundy. In other areas, the aristocracy did not help propaganda, so the news passed slower than the three areas mentioned above.

When Marin was in Austria, he met some fans on the march. But outside Austria, with the exception of those soldiers guarding the city nervously coming to question, the others simply ignored the Marin group.

When it came to the Rhine and Ruhr, most people didn't know what Marin was doing, only if he was a passerby. This leaves Marin, who has received much attention in Austria, a bit lost. Of course, this is not bad. At least, he was no longer worried about people watching while he was marching. When in Austria, many people saw the black cross and white vests worn by their teams, and they knew that they were the "Black Cross Regiment" who defeated the French king, and then there were onlookers that affected everyone on their way ...

So much so that when Marin arrived, he simply asked everyone to take off the black cross vest, so as not to be surrounded by monkeys ...

But to the north of Germany, his fame had not yet passed on. So, they put on black cross white vests again ...

After arriving in Bochum, the old Hoffman and Adler, who had received the letter in advance, had already taken 10 attendants with them, waiting at the crossroads ...

Marin went home this time, quite different from the last time he went home. The last time Marin returned home after failing to apply, the old Hoffman could still take him down.

However, this time back, Marin has become an imperial baron and a baron with a dominion. His status is very different from that of the trainee knight. Even the old Hoffman had to take Marin seriously.

Europe, unlike the East during the same period, emphasized filial piety. In medieval Europe, knighthood was everything. Even as Marin's father, the old Hoffman must respect Marin who has been promoted to baron. Because Marin is higher than him.

Of course, as a father, the old Hoffman didn't have to salute Marin, but he couldn't scold Marin as a baron at will.

When Marin showed up with 400 people and thousands of horses near the intersection, Marin's brother Adler showed strong envy.

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