King of Mercenaries

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Receiving two attendants 1

In this way, Marin went all the way to Vienna, practicing riding and shooting all the way, hoping to hit the prey. But it was not until the territory of Württemberg (Württemberg was to be promoted to the Principality in 1495) that he still could not practice riding.

In desperation, Marin had to give up the idea of ​​Mongolian style archery to get prey. In fact, he can also shoot. However, after dismounting, he had to quietly touch the prey and then attack the prey. The problem is that his horse is not quiet, always snorting, and the hoof is still a few times, making a big noise. The prey heard the sound and was scared away. If you don't bring the horse out, you can send it to the hotel. However, the prey is basically deep in the forest. The area of ​​the town near the edge of the forest is basically nothing prey. Because the prey on the edge of the forest was basically killed by local hunters.

And from the small town near the forest into the depths of the forest, you must ride the horse. It's time to ride a horse, and Marin doesn't worry about putting the horse in a place he can't see. When the horse is tied, it will make a sound to scare away the prey. But Marin was tied too far, and Marin worried that the horse was stolen. After all, in the Middle Ages, war horses were very precious assets. Marlin played a hundred times of hunting, and the second harvest, may not be able to exchange for a horse. You know, a common horse, like Karl, costs dozens of marks (1 mark = 160 Finney, 1 pound = 1.5 mark). Even the most common pony, it is about ten marks. If Carl was stolen, Marin not only lost the means of transportation, but also lost the qualification to be a knight. Therefore, Marin will never ignore his own war horse for a few prey.

These days, he met several knights in the middle of the night. However, the knights are all behind. In general, in addition to the lonely wandering knight (he has seen several), the knights with real estate are surrounded by five knights. Among them, two followers helped the knight transport armor and lance. The other three, there are ways to explore, and even help to cook. In general, one or more of these five attendants can be played. This can be played, generally responsible for the night, to protect the knight from being attacked by others in his sleep. After all, the Cavaliers are aggressive and there are inevitably a few enemies.

"Hey, if I have a waiter to help me look at the horse, I can safely enter the forest to hunt!" Marin could not help but feel.

However, I think that there are hundreds of Finneys in my body, and there is no such thing as a field. Where will there be attendants to follow me? Be aware that the knight's attendants, out of loyalty, are usually chosen in the serfs of their own manor. After all, if the attendant is rebellious, and his family is still in the Knights' Manor, it can't run away.

Marin now has less than 800 Finney left in his hand, and it is okay to hire a waiter temporarily. However, it is difficult to guarantee that the war horse will be handed over to this person if he is temporarily employed. Will this person ride the horse to run because of greed. After all, a horse is worth about six or seven thousand Finneys, enough to make an ordinary person live a long time. You know, the salary of an ordinary person is nothing more than two Finneys every day. Thinking about it, Marin felt that it was better to dig a trap and hunt. After all, I can't shoot without shooting, and I'm not willing to let go of the war. Only digging traps is the most appropriate.

Then he went to the blacksmith shop and was ready to buy a shovel to dig a trap. The last time I used a wooden pickaxe to dig a hole, I almost got myself stuck. This time, he is ready to use professional equipment. What surprised him was that there was no such thing as a shovel in Europe at this time. Only iron hoes, hammers, shovel, etc... Excavating the soil is obviously the most labor-saving and easy to use. As a result, Marin had to customize a short-handled engineering squad shovel to the blacksmith in accordance with the style of the engineering squad used by the later generations. Of course, without folding and other functions, just a wooden handle with an iron shovel, dedicated to digging pits. The next day, Marin paid 10 shillings and got a very practical engineering squad tool.

In the past, Marin went to the back mountain to hunt, and also took an online shopping engineer, digs traps in the woods, pits prey, and is very skilled. Sure enough, after getting the engineers favorite tool, Marin was like a fish, and soon he was able to dig seven or eight traps in the depths of the forest. Moreover, these traps are dug deeper and are not afraid of prey jumping.

After covering the dead branches and turf, Marin rode on horses and returned to the town where he stayed. Halfway, Marin encountered some running prey, and took the arrow to open the bow - sure enough, no kill. After recycling the arrow, Marin was not discouraged, but he went back to the hotel happily.


The next morning, Marin rode forward with anticipation to go to the trap where he dug the pit yesterday and check the harvest. Sure enough, I found the fourth trap and found a wild boar. Then Marin tangled, the wild boar is a very ferocious animal, if you let it up, it may be able to kill you - the wild boar has fangs. So Marin had to make a decision - kill the wild boar and drag it back. After making up his mind, Marin stood on the top of the pit, took the arrow and opened the bow, and shot the arrow in the pit. After wasting five arrows, Marin had toughly shoot the wild boar. The thickness of the wild boar was not blown out. At such a close distance, Marin shot 6 arrows before killing the wild boar. If you meet it in the wild - killing Marin is easy, you will not choose to hunt wild boars. If you can't kill it, you are sure you are finished. I am afraid, only the professional lance that hits the heavy armor can threaten the wild boar.

Marin did not immediately drag the wild boar, but placed it in the pit first. Then he rode on the horse and went to check the remaining traps. In addition to harvesting prey, there is also the meaning of destroying the trap. Why? Traps can not only pit to prey, but also pit people. Daytime is the time of human activity, and there may be hunters entering the depths of the forest. If you hang into a hunter, you are guilty. Therefore, after checking the trap for prey, Marin will usually get rid of the cover on the trap, and then set up a wooden stick to remind others that there is a trap. After several traps, Marin harvested two rabbits. But in the last trap, Marin was stunned.

Why? In this trap, it seems to have caught something. Moreover, it is a tall, strong young man. However, looking at the posture in the trap, it seems that the head is first thing that landed. Therefore, this guy seems to be dizzy.

Of course, this cargo is definitely not life-threatening. Because, after all, the trap is not the bottom of the masonry, but the softer soil. The reason why the goods are dizzy is that the head has been hit.

Soon, this tall young man woke up and looked awkward.

"This... what is going on?" The tall young man scratched his head and seemed to wonder. Looks like this guy is not smart enough.

"Sorry, sir, you fell into the trap that I dug for hunting. It's all my fault. You have this money, I hope to help you." Marin took out 10 Finney and handed it to him. This young man. It is said that 10 Finney is not too small, and can be worth 5 days of work for ordinary people. Moreover, this young man seems to have suffered nothing.

However, what surprised Marin was that when the tall and healthy young man got up and saw Marin's dress, he began to panic. I saw him squatting at Marin, saying:

"Respected knight, the villain has accidentally destroyed your trap, please forgive me!" After that, he didn't pick up the silver coins that Marin handed over.

Marin squatted and responded. This era, but the era of the nobility, civilians such as ants. Originally, it was Marin's trap that hurt this young man. However, after seeing the armor worn by Marin and the horse on the side, the young man realized that he was a knight. Therefore, he is afraid.

You must know that in the chaotic German, the nobility is the law. If the aristocratic lord killed himself in anger, no one would judge for himself. Although this tall young man is taller and stronger than Marin, he dare not reveal a little dissatisfaction. Because, as everyone knows, the knights are all trained from a young age. Ordinary people, even if they have great strength, do not necessarily play the knight who has learned combat skills. Moreover, even if you win, it is not only a good thing, but will bring disaster to your family. So, after seeing that Marin was a knight, this tall young man decisively recognized.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious. Right, what's your name? So what did you do in the depths of the forest early in the morning?"

"Responding to the knight, the little man called Kahn. The small morning came to the forest. I wanted to catch a few prey and go back to the stew to give my mother a make-up."

"Kahn..." Marin had some idea, looking at the looks of this guy in front of him, very ugly...

Then, Marin smiled.

"Hahaha, Kahn, it's too apt..."

"Ah?" Kahn wondered, is his name so funny?

After laughing enough, Marin asked with a good spirit:

"Kahn, you said you are hunting, what about your weapons?"

"This is the javelin..." Kahn looked embarrassed.

Marin looked at it, that is, the wooden stick that had been sharpened. Just, can this thing be used for hunting? Marin deeply doubts.

"This stuff can also be used for hunting?"

"This...the villain is also the first time to go hunting. It is, my mother's body is too weak, and there is no food at home. So, I want to get only the prey for the soup to give it to my mother..." Kahn scratched his head.

"Mother..." Kahn's words evoked Marin's memories. In memory, the pictures of the mothers from his time in China and the mothers of this world kept flashing in my mind...

For a long time, Marin sighed and said to Kahn:

"Kahn, let me go, help me move things, I will pay you!"

"Well!" Kahn was happy. He did not dare to accept Marin's compensation, but did not dare to accept Marin's employment. If you have an employment, it means you have money!

Then, before coming to the pit of the wild boar, Marin pointed to the dead wild boar and said to Kahn:

"Kahn, help me bring the wild boar up!" josei

"Yes, Master!" Kahn, who reached a height of around 185, jumped off quickly and took out the wild boar weighing about 200 pounds. By the way, he also pulled out the 6 arrows of Marin.

Later, under the command of Marin, Kahn dragged the wild boar and walked in the direction of his home...

Soon, Marin and Kahn came to Kahn's home, a forest side cottage.

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