Kingdom's Bloodline

v3 615 Legend and Throne

v3 615 Legend and Throne

Chapter 615 Legend and Throne

Thales was walking alone in the promenade of the Fuxing Palace, with the unextinguishable lights passing by his side, reflecting the dizziness of his face.

Along the way, the guards and servants looked complicated when they saw him and avoided him from a distance.

But Thales didn't care.

He just took a step, pressed a floor tile under his foot, dragged it behind him, stepped again, and repeated.

The front is dark, cold and narrow.

And where is he going?

Where should I go?


"His Royal Highness?"

Thales paused in his familiar voice.

He turned around, turned his head from the darkness and cold, with a gentle smile, and nodded lightly.

"Gilbert, I thought you were leaving first."

The foreign secretary came to Thales with his cane, and saluted the prince respectfully and meticulously.

It's like they met for the first time.

"You know, I won't leave."

Gilbert watched him, with relief and trance:

"Before you and your majesty..."

Thales didn't speak, but smiled slightly.

Gilbert and Thales’ eyes met in the air, one side had complicated feelings, and the other felt subtle.

They were silent for three seconds.

Guy Stellanides, who was with Gilbert's side, the deputy bishop of the sunset church, smiled when he saw this, and left them a few steps behind knowingly.

Gilbert gave his friend an apologetic smile, then turned his head back, and stopped talking:

"So, Your Majesty..."

Thales nodded, his voice did not fluctuate at all: "He let me go."

"that's all?" josei

Gilbert was surprised for a moment: "I'll be honest, but your majesty doesn't, no, the royal guard doesn't..."


Thales did his best to make the ridicule in his words less obvious:

"I guess, Your Majesty is tolerant and kind, and loves his children as his people."

The two were quiet for a while, and both fell into thought.

"Really," Gilbert didn't care about the small flaws in his words, and the Foreign Secretary exhaled and muttered in a daze:

"That's good, that's good..."

Thales was silent.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that Xingchen Cunning Fox was much older.

However, Gilbert calmly drove the car with a light, and brought the dirty and embarrassed beggar into Mindith Hall, as if only yesterday.

"Right, it's a coincidence."

Gilbert came back to his senses and smiled again:

"When you talked with your Majesty, I felt suffocated, so I went out for a walk, and just strolled around Mindis Hall, I just looked around and asked casually..."

Mindis Hall.

Thales was moved, and said in surprise:


The smile on Gilbert's face grew bigger and bigger, like his wrinkles:

"The banner officer in charge of the investigation, Gatan, assured me: After a thorough investigation, the unhappiness at the banquet was just an accident, and the guard servants around you were okay. They should be released immediately, and the Mindis Hall was immediately unblocked—of course, it was strengthened. The necessary'security work', I hope you don't mind."

Thales looked at him in surprise.

"From here to Mindis Hall, it's just a walk, but you can't get there."

"Oh," Xingchen's sly fox's expression remained unchanged:

"Then it seems that I am not old yet, and my feet are fast enough."

Thales did not speak.

Gilbert suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up:

"By the way, I just ran into Mariko Vanguard in the corridor. He and your subordinates—the ones who followed you into the palace, including Wya—were together. I also asked , He and them, um, got along well and had a very happy conversation."

We talked very happily.

Thales was silent for a long time, with mixed feelings.

"Thank you."

Gilbert shook his head, smiled as usual, and looked back:

"Thank you Guy, I didn't want to say that, but thank people for believing in the sacredness and majesty of the setting sun, which gives the vice-bishop special face."

At that moment, Thales only felt tight in his chest:


The Foreign Secretary turned around and sighed:

"And I hope this will reassure you."

Thales took a deep breath, only feeling his voice trembling:


But Gilbert, who has always been good at observing words, seemed to not see the prince’s embarrassment and hesitation. He just clapped his hands and apologized:

"Oh, my fault, your lord, you must be tired. It just so happened that I called the carriage, it's better to go back together..."


Thales had to raise the volume and tried his best to interrupt the opponent:

"Aren't you curious?"

The prince was breathing fast, and he stared at his teacher.

"About why I broke the ban on the palace."

"Why... rebellious against the king."

Gilbert paused, the smile on his face slowly reduced, and he lowered his head in silence, seeming to avoid Thales' gaze.

Thales took a deep breath:

"And, I was inside just now, what did I say to your majesty."


"This is not a joke."

In Ballard's room, Thales listened quietly to King Kessel's words.

"It doesn't matter if you succeed or you fail, if you make a mistake or make a difference, you may be overturned by the horse and abandoned by the car."

"Not only is the eternal life missed the crown, but it also makes enemies everywhere, with enemies everywhere, and even his wealth and life are at risk."

All eyes are hatred, at stake...

The king’s warning was eloquent:

"By then, the precious star cannot save you."

"The stars are so big that they can't tolerate you."

"Even the King," King Kessel paused. He looked at the Star Staff leaning on the seat with a complicated expression:

"I can't keep you."

The king can't keep you.

Thales' eyes condensed, as Ashida's words sounded in his mind:

[What I am looking forward to, Thales, is not your ultimate are caught between your own essence and the eyes of others...Finally torn apart by contradictions, destroyed by conflict, swallowed by regret... 】

"So in case, I mean in case..."

After a few seconds, the boy raised his eyes and smiled a little bluntly:

"You said, Longxiao City will accept political asylum?"

Facing the joke, King Kessel did not respond, only his eyes were deep, not knowing what he was thinking.


Finally, the boy sighed, and put away the ease and joking on his face.

"It seems that you really have no sense of humor."

The king stared at him closely, without saying a word.

At night, the lights are dim.

Two shadows facing each other were projected on the stone ground, extending between the walls, dark and cold.


"That's for me, Your Majesty."

The prince snorted and focused his eyes on the spoon in his hand:

"Please, be healthy and live a long life."

King Kessel's eyes flickered.

"At least the trick is finished. Don't let me go on the stage. Leave me alone on the stage. I can't argue."

At that moment, Thales looked at King Kessel, but thought of King Nunn.

And his head that fell into a pool of blood.

"Trust me, what it's like to call a curtain alone," Thales lingered with emotion:

"Not so pleasant."

Kessel did not reply.

Maybe it was late at night, and the indoor lights became soft.

The light and shadow between the two no longer intertwined sharply like swords, sharply distinct.

It is a whole body, with light and dark coexisting.

"you know."

King Kessel suddenly said: "You could have not done this."

Thales' eyes moved.

"Keep yourself in peace, walk down the rules, don't show any gestures, don't stir any muddy water, and no longer act impulsively and behave like at the banquet and today."

"Then put on the nine-star crown, and the whole kingdom of King is..."

The iron-fisted king said softly:

"It's just a matter of time."

Nine stars crown.

Thales took a breath.

This word seemed to have magical power, leaking out of the air, permeating into Thales's brain, and turning into a growing thought.

"At that time, the entire star will be ruled by you."

The whole star is ruled by you...

The king's voice was long and deep, with indescribable meaning.

The boy squeezed the spoon in his hand.

"It's late," Thales shook his head, expelling the thoughts he shouldn't have:

"I openly banned entering the palace, just to let everyone see. Now I want to look back and stage a family harmony, father, kindness, and filial piety. It's too late."

The king didn't care:

"that's not important……"

Thales shook his head: "No, besides, in case the kingdom falls into..."

But the voice of the iron-fisted king overwhelmed him:

"that's not important!"

King Kessel V leaned forward, with power:

"The important thing is that you no longer have any constraints and have no scruples."

"You can overthrow the old system and set aside the chaos anyway, put all the responsibility on the iron-fisted king, use my faults to consolidate your rule, and use my tyranny to set off your benevolence, just like the'wise king' after the'red king' ."

Thales found his breathing accelerated.

"Then, piece together the kingdom to look like you want."

King’s words with temptation:

"The whereabouts of the stars are all within your thoughts."

"Do whatever you want, let you do."

No more constraints, no scruples...

Ren Ershiwei...

Thales swallowed.

In a daze, he once again saw the young man wearing a crown and facing the towering palace wall alone, the familiar and unfamiliar back.

But this time, the young man stood behind King Kessel, dressed in luxurious robes and extraordinary bearing.

Like looking at a chessboard, he looked down at the many beings in the royal capital outside the window, with a calm posture and indifferent expression.

Thales was choked.

"But, but..." He started to speak, but hesitated.

In the dead silence, King Kessel's voice faintly reached his ears:

"When I was young, my mother said."

"The blood of the emperor's veins can only be gilded and majestic in two places."

Can be gilded, with endless majesty.

I saw King Kessel slowly raising his head and looking at the portrait of the famous minister in Ballard's room:


The light is dim, but the historical figures in the portrait are still alive, and they look scorchingly at them.

Never faded.

Never move.

Thales pressed his lips tightly.

The iron-fisted king lowered his head and knocked on his seat in a daze:


The night breeze swept across the window, and the flames of the inextinguishable lamps in the room trembled and tilted in the same direction.


with no exceptions.

Thales held his breath.

"Four hundred and fifty years ago, the'alien star' that questioned the church's classic became a legend."

"The king of ascends to the stars and settles on the throne."

In the cold wind, the eyes of the king and Thales intersected, in a cold tone:

"Which one do you want to choose?"


"I, I understand, Your Highness."

Gilbert just closed his eyes gently, but this action seemed to exhaust all his strength.

Thales frowned:

"Really? You understand?"

Gilbert let out a long sigh.


When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be many years old:

"Whether it was at the royal banquet or after the Mindis Hall was inspected, you are young and vigorous, you are wronged, and you are naturally unhappy."

Young and vigorous, I feel wronged and unhappy.

Thales listened in silence, clenching his fists unconsciously.

This is what Gilbert means for his actions today?

Gilbert tried his best to smile:

"Obviously, in the six years in Longxiao City, you have become accustomed to the way people from the North get along, so when you entered the palace... Ha, I know, I met, the first time I saw King Nunn , He almost didn't force me to jump from the top of the fortress...Northlanders, the way they express their opinions is always impressive."

Thales did not speak.

But the foreign minister just looked at him lovingly and kindly, and seemed to be able to tolerate all his boldness.

"Gilbert," the prince said lightly, "this morning, I was able to attend the Imperial Conference with a decent attendance after the catastrophe."

"Listen to my father, is it because of your advice and persistence?"

Gilbert was startled, and then smiled with emotion:

"You know, when I got up this morning, I thought there was nothing worse than a hangover-until I heard the news that you came forward at the royal banquet last night."

He sighed:

"His Majesty, I just feel that if you and your Majesty have any misunderstandings, there is no better way than to clarify in person."

"And if you want to explain to your majesty about the banquet, then you can show your face in front of the adults at the imperial meeting, and I can help you more or less."

Thales was silent for a long time before he uttered a word with difficulty:

"thank you."


"For... all this."

Gilbert smiled comfortingly, and waved his hand:

"It's not worth mentioning."

Thales is in a mixed mood.

He wanted to end the conversation and leave as soon as possible, but couldn't help but blurt out:

"But you know, Gilbert, what I do today has consequences."

Gilbert paused.

"No, listen to me, Your Highness," the Minister of Foreign Affairs took a deep breath and smiled.

"Prince Thales is committed to freedom, resists the marriage contract, and pursues true love, so he breaks into the palace and interrupts the royal meeting-this is probably a classic love drama that people like, romantic and bold, and it echoes your Northland experience. ."

He looked at Thales seriously:

"Everyone, everyone will understand."

Thales frowned: "But this is not what I want to say—"

Gilbert chuckled, raising his hand to stop his words:

"But I don't recommend using that lady in blood as a guise, um, the influence is not good, especially after she led the great victory of the Northlanders..."

Thales' brows tightened:

"Gilbert, you know that I want to force the palace to be complicit in rebellion—"

"Your Highness!"

Gilbert, who had always been gentle, suddenly raised his voice and interrupted him.

This surprised Thales.

Gilbert took a few deep breaths and finally eased the distorted face:

"I must admit that I was negligent before."

Gilbert forced a smile:

"It's been six years, whether it's you, me, or Yongxing City, or even your majesty, we all have to have a process of re-adapting and adapting to each other."

"It should not be rushed."

"But," Gilbert looked at him with eagerness and expectation:

"Since you and Your Majesty have opened up the misunderstanding, the biggest problem has been solved, right?"

Thales looked back at him blankly, not knowing how to answer.

"As for everything else, run-in or something, we, and the entire kingdom, we can take it slowly."

"Take it easy."

Unconsciously, Gilbert's gaze had a hint of request:

"Just like... before."

just like before.

This makes Thales feel strange.

And guilt.

"If not."

Thales heard his voice echo in the palace:

"If I break into the palace, it's not just because I feel wronged."

He cannot deceive him.

"If my Majesty and I did not open up the misunderstanding?"

Can't pretend that everything is fine as the other party wants.

"What if we can't go back?"

Gilbert fell silent, and his eagerness disappeared.

"His Royal Highness..."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs took a deep breath, and seemed to use this action to build up his courage:

"what happens?"

Thales forced a smile:

"Let's put it this way, my conversation with him... didn't go well."

Gilbert didn't answer right away, he looked at Thales, then hesitated several times.

"No, I mean," Gilbert's voice trembled a little after hesitating for a long time:

"What's wrong with you, Your Highness?"

Thales looked back at him, maintaining a smile:


"You are not right."

Gilbert shook his head and looked at Thales with extremely complicated eyes:

"Compared to the morning, you are so different. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, I would even suspect that you were replaced by an imposter."

perhaps you're right.

Thales said in his heart.

"What happened to you during the period after leaving the palace?"

Thales was silent for a while, and answered the truth:

"I went to Xiacheng."

Gilbert was startled:

"Xiacheng? But you are not there..."


Gilbert was silent for a while and said:

"You are reckless, Your Majesty, you must know that your status is honorable, and every move..."

But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Thales' vague answer.

"I'm afraid of him."

Gilbert was taken aback:


Thales looked at him, smiled, and looked back at the end of the deep corridor.

"When I was still abroad, even though my life and wealth were full of manpower and dangers, I was never afraid of facing the sinister vampire, the mighty natural king, or the fierce Chaman Rumba."

Well, most of the time I am not afraid.

"But until I returned to the country and saw him."


Thales looked at the darkness at the end of the corridor, gradually lost in consciousness.

Gilbert frowned.

"When I was in the same room with him, I always felt like an idiot and a coward. I couldn't help but figure out the meaning of his behavior, guess the meaning of his words, suspicious, and uneasy."

The prince sneered:

"Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but, yes, I am afraid of him."

Thales turned his head and looked directly at Gilbert, speaking painfully and sincerely:

"But tell me, Gilbert, why am I afraid of him?"

Gilbert just stared at Thales in a daze, at a loss, completely different from the usual self-confidence and calmness of Star Cunning Fox.

"Yes, he is the Supreme King of the Stars, but is he more cunning than a vampire, stronger than King Nunn, and more ruthless than King Chaman? Is he more invincible than thinking about engaging in my shield of deception?"

Thales' eyes were sharp, and he speeded up his speech unconsciously:

"On this road, countless wolves, tigers and leopards who are against me are more sinister, deadly and terrifying?"

Gilbert couldn't understand such a question. His lips were wide open in disbelief:

"But he, he is your father, Your Highness!"

Thales smiled.

"do you know."

"In Xiacheng, I met a boss who does a decent business. He was absent-minded and suspicious in the face of a high-ranking police officer who made a loud noise," Thales said in a daze, "but he was trembling when facing a shameless gangster. Panicked."

"In the same place, there is an ordinary girl. She resolutely rejected the fine clothes and jade food promised by the nobleman. She would rather continue to guard the mediocre and petty and cowardly husband, and lead her mediocre life with no bright spots. People are incomprehensible."

Thales' voice was erratic:

"And in my hometown, a certain former gangster character is unfortunately disabled and hides in a small hut to survive and give up on his own. However, he refused the help of his gang friends and would rather die than return to the one who once gave him the beauty. fraternity."

Hearing these words, Gilbert became puzzled again.

"Like you, these things puzzle me."

Thales looked at Gilbert and became firm:

"But I finally got it."

"The authority of the police officer is not small, but the little boss can do business on the street for so long without incident. It is not the lazy police department, but the long-standing relationship with the gangsters who bully the market. And tacit understanding."

"The riches and clothes of the nobles are very good, but if this has not changed the fate of the girl who belongs to others, then I will not be much better than her husband-at least she also knows her poor husband and knows how to deal with him. ."

"As for that gangster's ruthless character, although his mouth is full of grievances, he actually knows better than anyone else that the scenery of the past is exchanged for a body that can fight and fight. Losing this body and returning to the gang is just self-reliance. Its shame."

Thales took a step forward and looked into Gilbert's eyes:

"Between what they can do and what they can't do, they all understand: what is in control of themselves."

Gilbert took a step back subconsciously.

"So I thought, probably it's time for me to understand."

Thales stood in the deep and cold corridor of the Fuxing Palace and spoke quietly:

"What is in control of me."

"What else can you control."


"Maybe you are right, Your Majesty."

In Ballard's room, Thales lowered his head slightly.

"Maybe I can wait quietly, wait until that day comes, and then there will be no more constraints and no worries."

Thales tightened his tone unknowingly, speeding up his speech.

"At that time, I sat on the throne and held great power. Whether I want to amnesty the kingdom or ease the conflict, I can do whatever I want, and implement my will, and achieve everything you reject me today."

King Kessel stared at him quietly.

Thales looked at the darkness outside the window, his eyes empty:

"As many ‘smart people’ say, if you can’t get used to this system, then join it, influence it, build it, and ultimately, change it from within."

In the next second, Thales' eyes refocused.

"But we all know that it is just the most despicable lie."

At the end of the long table, the iron-fisted king's eyebrows moved.

Thales looked directly at the king firmly:

"Just like you are unwilling to compromise with the princes and nobles even a little bit, even if it actually helps your short-term dominance."

"'Join it, change it'-these bullshits are originally the way it deceives you and confuses you, so as to limit your freedom, disintegrate your resistance, take away your weapons, soften your will, and ultimately defeat everything about you Work hard."

Thales' tone became more determined and unquestionable:

"If you believe it, you lose."

"Because once you compromise and stay the same, you will be the first to be changed, not it."

Thales stared at the king, and said every word:

"Because you are just a person, a person."

King Kessel stared at the prince silently, and suddenly said without expression:


The king snorted:

"Where is it?"

Thales stared at the king, as if the most terrifying beast was hidden in his eyes.

"Then look around, Your Majesty."

Thales spread his hands and asked with a chuckle:

"Where is it?"

The lights flickered and the night breeze flickered.

The two faced each other silently.

The Ballard room seems to be business as usual, not the slightest change.

King Kessel did not look back, but he frowned deeply.

But Thales didn't pay attention to his reaction. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and said to himself.

"At the Broken Dragon Fortress six years ago, that was the first time I saw Grand Duke Heisha."

Thales gradually became fascinated, as if returning to the winter six years ago:

"He is worthy of being a hero of a generation, with a great vision and extraordinary tolerance, which can make countless heroes die loyally."

The boy paused and hummed softly:

"To be honest, it's more attractive than you."

King Kessel's expression remained unchanged.

Thales became serious again:

"In Longxiao City half a year ago, I saw him again-Charman Rumba."

Thales' complexion changed:

"But guess what, what did I see this time?"

King Kessel did not respond as always.

"I saw Exeter's co-existing king, the kinslayer, Chaman I."

Thales continued to speak, his eyes getting more solemn:

"I saw him sitting in the seat belonging to King Nunn, and he began to think, play chess, and lay out like King Nunn."

"He began to enjoy the same pleasure as his uncle, entered the same perspective as him, walked on the same path as him, encountered the same troubles as him, and fell into the same vicious circle as him."

"The chains that once bound King Nunn are also slowly tightening him, and they have already begun to make him pant and sweat."

Thales' eyes widened, as if watching the most incredible drama:

"King Chaman thought that he was desperate to kill the king and successfully overthrew King Nunn and completely destroyed the latter."

At this point, Thales' eyes darkened:

"Physically, yes."

"But in spirit, in value, in a larger and broader sense..."

Thales clenched his teeth:

"He didn't."

The young man suddenly raised his head and looked at the iron-fisted king:

"Because he had to be ruled by the values ??of the born king, imprisoned by his vision, oppressed by his methods and habits, occupied by his way of thinking, and entangled by the dead soul of Nunn day and night. , Thinking about what Nuen thinks, doing what Nuen does, being in it, it’s hard to extricate yourself."

"Until he lives forever and becomes a slave to Nunn-just like when Nunn was alive, he became a slave to the kings before him."

At that moment, Thales suddenly thought of the Black Prophet in the Kingdom's Secret Core.

He was sitting in a wheelchair made up of those demon vines, relying on them to maintain his life, but because of this he was firmly bound by them and could not leave.

"Six years, only six years."

Thales' eyes were filled with rare pain and fear:

"I'm very surprised and sad. King Nunn, who has been dead for a long time, took only six years to eat his nephew, Charman Rumba, from head to toe from the inside to the outside. "

"Nothing left."

King Kessel remained silent, but his eyes were extremely serious.

"As far as I have seen, Chaman is already the top hero."

Thales exhaled, full of emotion:

"Since the night of Dragon Blood, he has made it clear: his enemy is not Nunn, but the things that have dragged down and defeated Nunn-bigger, higher, and more terrifying enemies."

"He killed King Nunn, neither for revenge nor profit, but to prevent another Nunn from appearing again."

Thales' eyes darkened, thinking of the meeting between King Chaman and him in the carriage.

[Tyles, you know better than anyone else, for six years, the ideal Exter is farther and farther away from me. 】

"Until he himself became Nunn's successor, put on the crown, took his place on the throne, and became the second natural king."

"He is aware, struggling, but with little effect, he can do nothing."

King Kessel snorted coldly.

Thales reacted with a sneer, but his words were sad and helpless:

"Don't get me wrong, Chaman Rumba is still dangerous and terrifying."

"But as far as I can see, there are not many things in this man that really belong to him."

Thales stared at his dinner plate complicatedly, watching the spoon sink into the soup.

"It started when he had to compromise with reality and rules and bow to the co-governance oath."

"It started when he gave up his great idea'for the time being'."

"He was collared again."

Thales faintly said:

"Become another Nunn VII."

King Kessel fell into deep thought and did not speak.

On both sides of the long table, the king and prince quietly confronted each other.

At this moment, Ballard's room was extremely quiet, and even the sound of the wind ceased to be noisy, as if this scene could not be disturbed.

Until Thales took a deep breath and looked at the Ironfist King again.

"In the stars, I can't understand your methods and don't accept your will. Of course, I can dormantly and endure, slowly and slowly, taking the opportunity to seize power and waiting for the upper position.

"This may be a more recognized and praised approach. It is the so-called smarter method that will be praised by history books and future generations-just like the previous two months."

But Thales turned around and hesitated:

"But after the scene at the banquet, I was scared."

King Kessel sneered:


Thales took a deep breath and nodded:

"I am afraid. In my repeated acquiescence and concessions, in the silence of'I actually disagree but I don't speak', I will gradually get used to it, become numb, and compromise with'it'."

He said in a low voice:

"I'm afraid. I will get used to the cruelty of your calm and ruined countless people. I will get used to your indifferent coldness in the face of desperate requests for help. I am afraid that when I am punished today, I will pay the price and meet the next one in the future. Anke Bailar, the next injustice will start to hesitate again and again."

Thales' voice trembled:

"I am afraid that one day, I will be unaware of everything, calmly, and finally lose myself and accept the status quo."

King Kessel's eyes slowly changed.

"I am afraid. When I truly sit on the throne and put on the crown, I will sit back and watch others die for me without any burden, without hesitation, and peace of mind."

"And I am not only accustomed to it, but I also feel that it is justified and even worse-as long as someone is unwilling to sacrifice for me or die for King Thales, I will be dissatisfied and angry, and will think that he does not love me and is not patriotic. It is betrayal, even treason."

Thales looked directly at King Kessel’s eyes, as if to see through all the defenses behind it:

"I am afraid that I will become unable to recognize myself."

"I will no longer be Thales Star, but an empty shell occupied by the'Star King'."

Thales' tone calmed down, leaving nothing but emptiness and exhaustion:

"That frightens me more than death, failure, or fate."

The voice fell.

The dead silence in Ballard's room was restored.

But this time, the surrounding lights seemed brighter.

A few seconds later, King Kessel lightly raised his head and his eyes fell on the portrait of Halva, the "chief minister" on the wall.

"It seems that you have made a choice long ago." He said quietly.

Thales snorted.

"I won't play according to your rules," he affirmed, "nor will I play according to their rules."

Thales looked up, his eyes solemn and firm:

"I will not be the next Charman Rumba."

"Or the next Kessel Star."

Telston gave a moment.

"It's like my blood has never, and will never shine with golden light."

Kessel V lowered his head and looked at the prince seriously and seriously.

"Go to his legend and throne."

Thales gritted his teeth, squeezed his fists, and knocked his chest hard:

"My blood, they are bright red from beginning to end."

"The red of mortals, my red."

King Kessel sneered.

The air in Ballard's room seemed to flow again.

"Tyles Star."

He whispered Thales's name:

"Are you really ready to become the king's enemy?"

Thales laughed.

"You are old, Your Majesty."

"This question was asked six years ago."

Kessel's eyes moved slightly.

In the next second, Thales was solemn and serious, and he broke his mouth:


"Already prepared for me."

Cheer up, no sword (shaking vigorously)!

(End of this chapter)

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