Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 629 Hypothesis

Chapter 629 Hypothesis

Chapter 629 Hypothesis

In the study, Thales looked at the magician in a daze.

"After the war."

The teenager repeated it subconsciously.

Ashida looked back at him with a smile, as if seeing the prey entering the nest.

After the war.

After the war?

Thales' eyes widened.

In his brain, a string seemed to be broken.

"Mr. Sackern, the relationship between the two emperors broke down and they were hostile to each other. When was it?"

The magician seems to be busy, so he answered:

"You already said it."

The next moment, the blue light in Ashida's eyes lighted up again:

"After the war."

After the war.

Tels held his breath.

"That, that means..."

The young man slowly cleared his mind, his expression became more and more consterious.

The two magic queens broke up after the war and parted ways.

The reason for their seclusion behind the scenes.

The reason why they blocked mana.

The reason why they are hostile to each other.

The reason why they have such a tacit understanding.

Thinking about the key, Thales' breathing accelerated.

No, it's not Jingshi Feng.

What the magician of Qi discovered was not the result of his grandfather's "greatest king", and it was not the so-called perfect anti-magic weapon.

"Sauron and the Lord of the Rings." Thales murmured, sweating unconsciously.

Axida has doubts:


Thales recovered and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a folktale from the Northland."

But he immediately opened his eyes:

"But the important thing is that if this inference is true, and the two time points coincide, that is to say, these legendary anti-devil armed forces that were issued to the disaster hunters only after the end of the war..."

These legendary anti-magic weapons...

Tels said in a trance:

"They are very likely, after the relationship between the two queens broke down and parted ways..."

He looked at the guide in disbelief.

Under Thales’ incredible expression, Ashida raised her mouth, nodded slowly, and took the rest of the words:

"One of the queens, without the other party or even carrying the other party..."

"Secretly crafted, alone forged."

The study is quiet.

Only the candle is always bright, dispelling the darkness.

Secretly crafted, individually crafted—these words echoed in Thales’s mind, leaving him stunned.


The light in the pupil of the magician is looming: "These weapons are only secretly forged by one of them, and their secrets are not known to the other."

"They are very likely, enough to hurt or even seal—"

The next moment, the blue light in Ashida’s eyes is extremely sharp:

"Another queen."

Hearing this, Thales was completely stunned.

He can only go back and forth, trying to digest the news.

Secretly crafted by a queen, a single-forged weapon.

issued to the Disaster Hunter after the war.

But can seal another...

"And that means—"

"Oh oh oh wait a minute!"

Tyles woke up in shock, he quickly raised his hand to stop the other party from continuing.

The young man called for the crime of the prison river, trying to adjust his breathing to digest this amazing news.

He tried his best not to think about the shocking meaning behind it.

"I understand, Mr. Sackern, this news is not trivial, but we must be cautious before drawing conclusions."

Tyles lowered the volume and looked around subconsciously:

“First of all, we have to figure out why the legendary anti-magic armed forces can’t seal the twin emperors'-is it because as the maker, the twin emperors understand the mechanism of the anti-magic armed forces? Or did they leave some hands and feet in the armed?”

"Even if the'Legendary Anti-Magic Armed Forces Can't Seal the Double Emperors', it's not because the Twin Emperors made them, but because of the level of power or something else? If, if the level or characteristics of the Twin Emperors are determined Can't they be sealed?"

Tyles looked at the magician seriously, and expressed his meaning in a dance.

Ashida also stared at him faintly, expressionless.

At this moment, they are like a pair of real teachers and students, doing the purest discussion on a certain issue.

"Your rebuttal is not unreasonable."

Not long, the facilitator re-speaks, sensibly and clearly:

"But at least it shows: one of the two emperors has the ability to build a legendary anti-magic weapon on his own."

Thales clenched his fists.

"No, this is not necessarily true."

The young man shook his head and questioned: "Why must the arms issued after the war must be made by a certain queen alone, instead of the two emperors working together before they turned their heads?"

"This can't prove that the twin emperors can be-can't prove your conclusion."

Ashida chuckled softly when she heard the words.

He did not directly answer Thales’ question, but turned to another topic.

"Do you know that, taking the Star Kingdom as an example, the origin and manufacturing information of the legendary anti-magic armed forces in various countries can only be traced back to the end of the 14th year."

The end of the calendar 14 years?

Tels narrowed his eyes: That is the fourth year of the establishment of the stars...

"That's the year when the Purification Project started." The magician downplayed it.

Clean World Plan.

The term ?? returned to Thales’s mind, awakening many of his memories.

The magician leaned forward slightly, his sentence was full of suspicion and vigilance: "The question is, why? Why does the Jingshi Project hide this information?"


Thales did not answer.

But a small voice sounded in his heart:

Because this information is critical and sensitive.

is terrible. josei

They must be hidden from the world.

Tyles took a deep breath and looked up and said: "But that doesn't mean..."

Ashida ignored his doubts and went on to say:

"And why, Thales? Why has people acquiesced for thousands of years that all legendary anti-magic armed forces cannot influence and seal the Queen of Magic?"


Talston lived.

"Did the twin emperors tell them by themselves?" The magician was extremely serious: "And if not..."

Thyls remembered something.

【After the war, the human heroes have proved with tragic facts: all the existing legendary anti-devil armed forces cannot seal blood thorns and black orchids. 】

In the prison of bones, Ricky’s weird smile came to mind.

"There must be someone," the young man took a deep breath and followed his memories and thoughts. "To be precise, there must be some disaster hunters who have tried it. They are holding the legendary anti-magic weapons to the Magic Twins— Do it."

It's crazy.

Aishida nodded, with unspeakable fluctuations in her tone:

"And they failed, more than once, to leave such a firm conclusion to the world."

The next second, the magician's words suddenly changed:

"The question is, which hunters did they do? Which weapons? Which queen?"

This question also aroused Thales’ curiosity, and he waited for the answer from the other party.

"There is no answer."

Ashida slowly shook her head:

"Even with the help of Flelan and Giza, with the support of the massive intelligence of the entire Star Kingdom, I have not found any record of'the twin emperors were assassinated by the legendary anti-devil armed forces'."

"There is only the unquestionable conclusion of "The Twin Emperors Fear the Legendary Anti-Demons", which is as unquestionable as common sense. It is circulated in circles that have the right to access and use the legendary anti-demons, as if it were a self-evident truth."

After hearing this passage, Thales' expression changed.

There is not enough robust evidence, but there are very firm conclusions.

That can only prove one thing.

In other words, the conclusion is that it is by someone...

The magician snorted coldly:

"Yes, when you just proposed'Why the Legendary Anti-Magic Armed Forces Can't Seal the Twin Emperors', if we follow along, we can easily find that this concept has appeared very strange from the beginning."

Thyls was in a tight mood.

Ashida continued: "Now, let's assume that those hunters who are trying to assassinate the two emperors with legendary anti-magic weapons..."


Tels interrupted him vigorously, waving his hands in the air constantly:

"No, too many assumptions, too risky, too many uncertainties..."

Ashida responded coldly:

"Hypothesis is one of the important means to promote knowledge progress."

"As long as we can verify."


Tels took a deep breath and said seriously:

"But what if you don’t even hold the hypothetical basis? What if no one ever assassinated the double emperor? If even the fact that someone assassinates the double emperor with a legendary anti-devil weapon and verifies that they cannot be sealed is false and does not exist Yes, it was fabricated..."

Speaking of this, Thales was stunned.

It was fabricated...

Looking at the boy's dazed expression, the magician snorted coldly.

"Yes, Thales."

"If the assassination is false, if the statements such as'someone assassinated the twin emperors' and'discovering that the anti-demon forces are not effective against the twin emperors' long ago were fabricated and told to the world, the twin emperors have allowed it to circulate for thousands of years... "

Ashida did not say anything, but his eyes were extremely sharp.

Tels nodded, and took the other party's words in a dream:

"Then it can be more illustrative: these circulated claims and the concept behind this concept concocted by someone with a heart are very problematic."

Looking at him, Ashida smiled.

"Now, let's go back to the previous step: if those assassinations are real."

"If there are people who are not afraid of death, there are really hunters who have tried the crazy act of assassinating the two emperors with legendary anti-magic weapons..."

The words of the magician made Thales swallowed his throat unconsciously, as if he went back seven hundred years ago and saw those crazy warriors.

"Then they can only happen when the twin emperors have not been behind the scenes-at least then, the hunters can find them to carry out more than one assassination."

Ashida’s tone became very light and soft, but to Thales, it sounded like an overwhelming weight:

"And the problem is here: first the human assassination, and then the two emperors live in seclusion, is there any logical relationship in this?"

The magician whispered:

"Why? Why is it such a coincidence?"

"If those assassinations failed completely and the legendary anti-demon forces proved to be ineffective against the creators, why did the two emperors live in seclusion? Is it really as you said, because they are very ‘home’?"

At the end of ??, Ashida made a rare joke.

But Thales was not in the mood to listen to his jokes.

The teenager shook his head, sorting out his thoughts:

No, it’s a bit messy, a bit messy.

Why did the twin emperors live in seclusion after being assassinated as "ineffective" in the eyes of the world...

"Do not."

Tyles rubbed his forehead desperately: "No, you can't infer the cause from the effect, it's too sloppy..."

"Have you played a Sudoku game?"

Tels looked up for a moment:


Aishida looked at the void and flicked her finger lightly:

“Sometimes, we have to fill in a guessed number in the blank when the basis is insufficient, and then review, test, and compare step by step to verify whether the number conforms to the rules of the game.”

The magician turned his head: "Verify whether it is the only answer."

"Now, break your preconceptions, let go of your shackles, and wander around your imagination, Thales."

"Just imagine, if our guess is true..."

There is a faint bewilderment in his tone:

"If a legendary anti-devil weapon cast by a queen alone can really seal another queen..."

"If they were sent to the world in a strange way after the war, they would equip them for disaster hunters in the world..."

Listening to the other party, Thales’ eyebrows tightened.


Well, let’s ignore everything else. Assuming this is true, follow this logic and fill in the numbers...

The teenager swallowed his throat:

"Okay, if, if this is the truth about the assassination of the two queens, then that means..."

Tyles took a deep breath and forced himself into the other person’s thinking:

"A long time ago, the Queen of Magic was not assassinated by crazy mortals."

"It was assassinated by another empress—her former collaborator, current rival, and future mortal enemy, by a legendary anti-devil weapon created by the other party alone."

Aishida looked at him silently, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and the blue light in her eyes flowed uniformly.

"who is it?"

Tyles raised his head, his eyes sharp:

"Hidden the other party to cast arms alone, and use mortals to plot the assassination, is this Helan or blood thorns?"

"My guess?"

The magician said lightly: "Both are."

He disdainfully hummed:

"Two **** did the same thing."

Thales frowned.

Only listen to Ashida’s words and continue:

"They both betrayed each other, they both secretly created a secret weapon that can seal each other, and at the same time they plan to use the hands of mortals to give each other a fatal blow."

"To enjoy the supreme throne of magic power after the end of the war."


Ashida stared at the starry sky outside the window and did not go on.

"But they survived," Thales murmured.

"Two Emperors meet their opponents. They see through the opponent's conspiracy and escape from the armed forces that threaten them enough-and this is the real reason why they avoid the world, hide behind the scenes, and cannot be found by anyone."

Tyers became more and more frightened as he spoke:

"Because from that moment, they can no longer walk the world unscrupulously-the two emperors have mastered the secrets of sealing magicians, and they both have the greatest malice towards each other, each forging arms that can seal each other, and will They were distributed to hunters and scattered all over the world over time..."

"Hidden in those legendary anti-devil armed forces that are so-called'unable to seal the Queen of Magic'."

Tels was stunned in place.

All weapons can seal the magician.

But there are a few pieces that can seal the Queen of Magic.

Ashida raised her head and let out a pleasant laugh:

"Therefore, they are afraid, they are jealous, and they are wary: in the legendary anti-devil armed that secular mortals have in all countries, there are just so few special weapons that they don't know. They are only from the hands of dead enemies, but they can endanger. Myself."

The magician's laughter stopped, and the murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes. :

"Then, the question left for us is—"

"Which one?" Thales looked up sharply.

"Which ones?"

With unspeakable panic, he asked:

"Which legendary anti-magic armed forces were cast separately, and which magic queen can be sealed?"

But Ashida's mood faded, and he shook his head.

"As I said, all the production records of the legendary anti-magic armed forces have been destroyed, we don't know."

Tels gritted his teeth.

At that moment, countless weapons flashed through his mind:

Supreme Sword, Star Staff, Dark Night Black Coffin, Supreme Shield, Immovable Bow, Rising Sun Sabre, Soulbreaker Blade, Soul Slaughter Gun, Time Crossbow...

Which are, which are not, which may be...

"and many more."

Thyls thought of something, he sighed, his expression disappointed:

"Although we don't know, the queens may not: They know which weapons are made by themselves, and which are definitely not."

"Furthermore, it has been 700 years. If there were such weapons, they would have found them long ago, and they must have been completely sealed and even destroyed in order to eliminate the threat."

The magician has different opinions:

"They can't do it."

Tels frowns:


Aishida is like a leisure time, enjoying the night of Xinghu Castle comfortably:

"One, for them, each other is the most terrifying enemy."

"One of the parties, if they want to find something that can restrain themselves..."

Tyles came to understand and woke up:

"The other party will inevitably do its best to protect or hide it, and even use it as a bait to design an ambush."

Ashida nodded:

"Secondly, they are just like us."

Same as us.

Thyls's thinking changed.

"I understand."

The young man patted his palms, and suddenly said:

"Those special legendary anti-devil weapons, if they are really effective, then the two emperors will not be able to touch or even get close to them-just as you can't get close to Everstar City and Fuxing Palace."

"So, if they want to deal with these weapons, they must rely on other people-in the world, those who are not magicians-to do their work."

The magician nodded.

"So, they will never and can't appear in front of the world," Ashida focused her eyes, "but behind her back, they will use their unimaginable power to stretch out their tentacles and minions to stir up the world."

In the stir the situation.

Thyls’s thinking became clearer.

"The third," Ashida continued, "The hypothesis has been completed. Now, it is time for us to find the basis and verify it."

The next second, he looked at Thales and uttered a word:

"Continental War."

Tels' eyes moved:


Ashida regained her graceful look:

"Eastland and Westland, from the beginning of the second century to the end of the fifth century, experienced four continental wars."

"but why?"

Continental War.

Thales was lost in thought.

"The two continents are far apart. The news is unpleasant. Except for a few countries, the profits of the war can only be worth the cost of the expedition. So why do the monarchs and subjects of various countries go to war across oceans? Is it really for hegemony and benefit? Position and politics?"

Magicist’s talk changed, which made people nervous:

"Or for some inconvenient, perhaps even more inconvenient, more terrifying existence?"

Tels' eyes moved.

He remembered a memory.

It was seven years ago, in the snowy birch woods before he reached the Broken Dragon Fortress on his mission to Exeter.

Blood, blood, death, betrayal...

The words of a certain queen echoed in my ears:

[As for the dark coffin of Mingye, perhaps many forces hope to get a legendary anti-magic weapon, but please rest assured, except for the terrible magician, absolutely no one has the courage to fight the dark coffin of Mingye. Idea. 】

Thinking of this, the boy was shocked: Damn it.


Tyles takes a deep breath:

"You, you let me slow down, this, this is too..."

Ashida snorted coldly and did not speak any more.

Thyls calmed down and shook his head:

"No, the evidence is still not enough, hypothesis or hypothesis..."

"But it's worth putting everything to verify." The magician said lightly.

"Even if there is only one in ten thousand chance."

The eyes of the two meet in the candlelight, one is deep and solemn, and the other is brisk and indifferent.

At this moment, it seemed that Thales was the persuasive teacher, and Ashida was a bold and aggressive student.

A few seconds later.

"Well, if this is true."

Thales sighed.

"If there really is a legendary anti-demon weapon created by a queen in this world that can seal another queen, how come the world never knows..."

Speaking of this, Thales said something.

Ashida’s laughter came:

"Of course the world does not know."

"Because they don't allow it."

Tels stared at him.

"This is the most interesting part, two queens, spear and shield, duality, balance restriction..."

Ashida with a faint smile:

"After seeing through the tricks of the other side, the twin emperors who turned their faces are angry, and hate each other deeply. Beware of it."

"But for their own safety..."

The magician's words are decisive, like the sharpest blade, splitting all the fluke:

"They must also maintain the most basic tacit understanding: work together to completely suppress this secret, and block it forever, so that no one in the world, any mortal, especially mortals who understand the history of the magician, and those who control the legendary anti-magic armed forces Hunters, know the most terrible truth..."

Ashida's tone became lighter and lighter, just like a sharp blade, becoming sharper and thinner:

"That is, the secret weapon that seals the twin emperors has actually been in their hands since the end of the war."

"All people have to do is to know and believe, search and verify."

"Thus breaking the unquestionable creed in my heart."

The surrounding candles are as warm as ever.

There was dead silence on the ceiling.

Only outside the window, a piece of starlight emerged from the darkness: some shone in the sky, some rippling on the lake.

A few seconds later, Ashida whispered:

"Tyles, you asked me: Did we bring the Bloody Year?"

Thales did not answer.

But his face became more solemn.

"But before that..."

Ashida sneered:

"Can you imagine how shocking, crazy, and terrifying this secret is for the twin emperors?"

and... are you excited about it?

"I don't know who brought the Bloody Year."

The magician stared at Thales:

"But I’m sure that once there are any rumors or signs in this world, even if it only hints at this terrible secret—a few legendary anti-magic armed forces are the nemesis of the twin emperors..."

Tels clenched his fists subconsciously.

"For safety reasons and fear of each other, the twin emperors on the top may not show up directly..."

Magicist’s words are getting more terrifying:

"But they will temporarily put aside their unforgettable enmity, give up everything they have, exhaust all their madness, mobilize all power in the world, go back to the source at any cost, block news, cut off the spread, and ensure that anyone who already knows the secret …"

Ashida's eyes sharpened:

"No longer exists."

Tels shivered slightly.

"Even if there are piles of bones, blood flows into rivers..."

"The creatures are covered with charcoal."

Tels breathed in a trance.

[It was also in the **** year, the royal family of Canstar went to Hell River collectively...]

In the prison of bones, Ricky’s voice resounded:

【Shuttle bell. 】

"Can you imagine?"

The blue light in the eyes of the magician became clearer, but the tone became more frenzied.

It was like the first time he saw Thales in the chess room.

"The Queen of Magic, they are so high above and beyond reach."

He smiled softly, as if he had seen something through.

"But because of their hostility, they fell into the quagmire and into the world. They must rely on children's play games like us."

"We opened our posture on the streets, and they called for war between the continents."

Ashida's tone became cold, and she recovered her indifferent:

"There is no difference between the two."

After hearing this, Thales sat blankly on the desk.

Lost and lost.

"Did you know, Ashida Sackern." He spoke slowly, his voice hoarse.

It seems to have finished the most difficult battle.

"You are a **** genius."

The magician looked at him.

"In the so-called Three Plagues Alliance, in Giza and Fleyland, when others are racking their brains, improving their strength, or seeking foreign objects..."

Tels raised his head and looked at him in disbelief:

"But by collecting information, sorting out intelligence, putting together fragments, studying logic, restoring history, and looking for flaws, you discovered the possible weakness of the twin emperors—or at least strange doubts."

Ashida was expressionless, but nodded slightly.

"We have had this conversation."

"Magic is more than just suffocating or pinching a human ball, or even throwing a chair at you."

"Collect information, filter intelligence, compare authenticity, find the key, connect nodes to reach the final discovery..."

The magician of Qi looked at the old and dilapidated bookcase on the other wall, his speech was mechanical, and his emotions were unclear:

"This is also magic."

"We are all on the road to omniscience, discerning the way forward."

The two were silent for a while.

"Then, knowing this, let's say it is a doubt," Thales said cautiously, "what are you going to do?"

Ashida shook her head.

"not me."

"But you: what should you do?"

Thales frowned.


Ashida turned around.

At this moment, he is as sharp as a weapon.

"Welcome to the Anti-Imperial Club, Thales."

The magician said lightly:

"Because from the moment you know the secret, you have officially become the mortal enemy of Bloodthorn and Heilan."

Thales was surprised.

"Because of it, the legendary magic twin will never let you go. There is no possibility of buffering and reconciliation."

Ashida squinted her eyes:

"Think of the **** year, child."

"They will be with you..."

"I never die."

Talston took several seconds before he realized what the other party meant.

"Fuck it," the boy murmured.

"As I said, the burden of truth and secrets..."

Ashida looked at him blankly and said the most beautiful voice in the world:

"It's very heavy."

That’s right, it’s the New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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