Kiss Me Not

Chapter 168 - Until Dawn

Chapter 168 - Until Dawn

Upon arriving at her place, Berry lazily dragged herself towards her room. She slumped her body on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Lots of good things happened today. She had never imagined that a personal assistant like her would suddenly become a COO of a big company Cooper Entertainment and Network.

She felt so blessed and grateful for the trust given to her by Brione and Gavin.

"Can I really do it?" She murmured to herself.

Then a smile made its way in the corner of her lips. Of course, she could do it as long as she put her heart into it.

"I will perform well! I will not let Gavin and Brione down." Berry mumbled with confidence in her words.

She wanted to celebrate but unfortunately, she had no one to share this good news with. Berry heaved a deep sigh as she realized how lonely she was today.

During the Barbeque Party in Gavin's villa, she was the only one who didn't have a partner. Everyone came in pairs, including Kevin and Mitch.

Brione was happily in love with Gavin. Mitch was making good progress with her relationship with Kevin. She assumed that one of these days, she would hear good news from Mitch. The other couples looked very happy and sweet together.

That was the first time she suddenly felt left out and out of place. Somewhere in her mind, she was jealous of not having a partner.

"Sigh, perks of being single," Berry lamented to herself as she stood up and went to her kitchen.

"Should I get a man to make my everyday life more colorful?" Berry said, flashing a silly smile on her face.

She grabbed some beers in the refrigerator as she decided to drink. She was not yet sleepy. She proceeded to her living room, holding four pieces of canned beer. She settled down on her sofa and started drinking.

"Cheers! Congratulations on being a new COO!" Berry said, lifting her canned beer before taking a gulp.

She just finished three canned beers when her phone suddenly rang. She was surprised to see the caller ID. It was Mitch who was calling her.

Berry checked her time on her phone screen and it was already 11:00 pm. She wondered why Mitch was calling her at this hour.

'Did something happen to her?' Berry pondered to herself, answering Mitch's phone call.

"Hey Mitch! Is everything alright? Why did you suddenly call me? Have you arrived home already?" Berry bombarded her with questions. There was a concerned look in her eyes.

"Berry, guess what!" Mitch's exhilarated voice could be heard from the other line. She ignored Berry's questions.

Berry frowned in confusion. It seemed that something good happened.

"What, Mitch? Come on, you are making me curious!"

"Berry! I finally got a boyfriend! Kevin and I are officially going out as a couple!" Mitch informed Berry cheerfully.

She was so happy that she wanted to share this good news with Berry. She liked to tell Berry first because she helped Mitch a lot when it came to Kevin. She gave her lots of useful advice!

"Oh my God! Is that true? Congratulations Mitch! I'm so happy for you and Kevin!!! I knew it! You and Kevin are going to be a nice couple. You look good together!" Berry almost jumped in her seat upon hearing that.

"Tell me how it happened… I wanna hear it!"

"Hmm, I'll tell you the full details tomorrow. Good night, Berry!" Mitch didn't wait for Berry to respond as she hung up the phone immediately. josei

Berry looked at her phone with disbelief. "Eh, what was that? She just told me a piece of good news. And when I asked her what happened she suddenly ended the call?!! Mitch, are you planning to give me another sleepless night again, leaving me hanging and curious all night long about what happened to you?!" Berry complained to herself exasperatedly.

Because of Mitch's good news, Berry became more lonely. "Damn, I am the only single dog left. I should find my man!"

Then she reflexively scanned her phone and dialed Will's number. She suddenly felt the urge to talk to him. The phone rang several times before Berry canceled the call.

"Gosh, it's already late. Is he still awake? Will he call back?"

Berry's eyes were focused on her phone. She wondered if Will noticed her missed call. She sighed deeply while biting her fingernail. She was anxiously waiting.

After a few minutes, her phone rang. Berry's eyes lit up in excitement upon seeing Will's caller ID.

"Oh my gosh! He called me back!" Berry screamed first before answering the call.

"Hello?" Berry softly mumbled, biting her lip.

Berry's heart skipped a beat when she heard Will's baritone voice. "Hi, Miss Berry. Sorry I was not able to answer your call a while ago. Is everything alright?"

Berry tried her best to sound normal, but deep inside, she looked like a teenager right now who wanted to scream in joy after hearing the voice of her crush.

"Huh? Sorry, I think I just accidentally dialed your number a while ago." Berry feigning innocence. "Did I disturb you, Will?" she added.

"Oh, it's okay. No need to apologize. Don't worry, you didn't disturb me at all." Will promptly responded.

Berry covered the mouthpiece and giggled. She couldn't help it. She felt like there were butterflies in her stomach just listening to his masculine voice.

"I'm glad to hear that. By the way, how are you? I hope you are just doing fine." Berry tried her best to have a casual conversation with Will. She wanted to kill her boredom.

"Yes, Miss Berry, I'm good. Thank you."

"Just call me Berry. Miss sounds too formal." Berry complained and Will chuckled.

"Alright then, I will call you Berry."

"Good, because if you don't, I will get upset. And when I get upset, I tend to do crazy things such as ravishing handsome men like you." Berry said jokingly, making Will speechless.

'Oops! Did I scare him?' Berry hit her mouth when Will became silent from the other line.

"Hey, Will, are you still there?"

Will let out an awkward chuckle. "Yes, I'm still here."

"Hmm, nice. So, can you be my Calling Buddy tonight? Just need someone to talk to. I hope you don't mind."

"Sure, why not."

And just like that, Berry found a way to erase her loneliness with Will's company. The two of them ended up talking until dawn.

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