Kiss Me Not

Chapter 351 Oath To Not Let Me Go

Chapter 351 Oath To Not Let Me Go

All things considered, the wedding ceremony went exactly as planned. The vows were exchanged, and it soon ended, which was then followed by the couple joining the royal procession. Seeing that the proceedings were over, Kimmy and Cain headed directly to Derhan Palace where the wedding reception would be held. On their way there, Cain chose to take a shortcut to make sure that they could arrive at the reception hall early. After all, Kimmy was tasked with welcoming guests that might arrive earlier than expected in the reception area.

"Having a procession right after the ceremony looks tiring. I guess it's a good thing we decided against doing the same for our wedding," Kimmy commented, watching the procession live from the TV installed inside the car. "I mean, Brione looks so tired right now."josei

Listening to Kimmy, Cain grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. He took a quick look at the screen and explained, "She's pregnant. I'll contact both an obstetrician and a gynecologist for her later."

Hearing the confidence in his tone, Kimmy turned to him with wide eyes. "You sound so sure. How do you know? Did you check on her without us knowing?" she skeptically asked, not batting an eye as she stared at Cain. "Is Gavin aware of it already? Are they going to have a surprise announcement later?"

Cain gulped, his eyes still trained on the road as he concentrated on driving. He knew there was only one word that could answer all of Kimmy's queries, and that was a big fat 'NO.' However, saying so could complicate things. He couldn't just reveal that he noticed another heartbeat coming from Brione's belly the last time he saw her. And that was on top of him being too consumed in his meeting with Cedric alongside the ordeal he was personally facing. It all added up, and it all amounted to him forgetting to tell Gavin about all of it.

Taking all of that into account, of course, he wouldn't have the courage to tell Kimmy.

Coming up with something, he let out an awkward chuckle as he kissed Kimmy's hand and murmured, "I'm a doctor, my Princess, so it's natural for me to… you know, predict things like that through mere observations." He then added, "I noticed some changes in how Brione was behaving lately, but I forgot to mention them to Gavin. Just today, I think, she really looks like she's pregnant."

Well, it was that, and the fact that his senses had become rather exceptional as of late. Despite that, his case was still far from alarming so long as he wouldn't catch himself craving for blood. 'I'm still good,' he reminded himself.

At his semi-truthful explanation, Kimmy stared at him, frowning suspiciously at her fiance as she thought about what he just said. Somehow, she felt as if his explanations were lacking, but she ignored the thought soon enough. Either way, she was more excited in confirming Brione's pregnancy than to doubt the love of her life.

"Yay… A baby… I hope we too can have one soon," she unconsciously and dreamily uttered.

Overhearing her whispers, Cain suddenly felt a lump form on his throat, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he started to sweat. A baby… He hadn't thought about it at all. Could he still give Kimmy a baby even? Would it still be possible for him to make a baby after he got infected by Cedric's blood? This was worrying… He had to inquire about this to him later.

Thinking about all of it, Cain's shoulders suddenly dropped, a very contrasting reaction when compared to the glowing excitement in Kimmy's eyes. It was only a good thing that the latter was more focused on staring at the monitor than noting the driver beside her. She was keenly watching the procession, eyeing the King and Queen closely as she stewed on her excitement.

Meanwhile, Cain could only hope that the foreign blood in his body wouldn't affect his fertility. Or else, he truly didn't know what to do… As of now, Kimmy seemed too engrossed in the topic of babies being born. And who wouldn't be? Even he was anticipating a baby from the pair… Wait…

His eyes suddenly lit up, a realization hitting him as hope swelled in his chest.

Quickly turning to Kimmy, he asked, "Do you remember when was the last time you had your period?"

If he recalled correctly, he and Kimmy already did the baby-making deed multiple times before he even got into that car accident. If so, he could only hope that their efforts had already borne fruit in case it ever came out that he became infertile due to the vampire blood in his veins.

At his question, Kimmy bit her lower lip, her eyes narrowing as she fell into deep thought. Cain waited patiently, but his anxiety still bubbled within him as he waited for her answer.

"Ah, I don't remember. I have irregular periods, and I don't really have a hobby of noting whenever I have them except for when  I want to make sure that I was regular for the month," Kimmy mumbled. "If I recall, I had one this month. Pretty sure it was during the first week? Maybe second?"

Cain was almost heartbroken when he heard her. But before he could accept defeat, he heard her chime back up again.

"Ah wait… I think I haven't got my period yet for this month," Kimmy corrected herself. "Yeah… I might be late."

Hearing the news, Cain's face lit up, a hopeful smile resting on his lips as he returned his attention on the road.

"Why are you asking anyway?" she curiously asked.

"Hmm, you should get a pregnancy test if you miss your period this month, my Princess." Cain bluntly suggested, giving off a slightly teasing tone as he continued. "And as to why, I was hoping that I got you pregnant before the accident with our constant love-making."

Kimmy's face reddened at the thought, excitement running down her spine as she unknowingly caressed her belly with her free hand, her other hand tightening around Cain's grip as she mused.

'A mother? Her?'

It was a sobering thought. All of a sudden, anxieties about being a good mother ran through her head.

Meanwhile, feeling the sudden coldness coming from Kimmy's hand, Cain worriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Blinking, Kimmy let out a sigh as she voiced out her thoughts, "I just hope I can be a good mother."

With a smile, Cain lovingly kissed her knuckles, pride welling up within him as he whispered, "Ah. There's no need to be so nervous. You'll definitely make for a wonderful mother, my Princess; a gorgeous and super hot mom!"

Kimmy giggled at the assurance, her cheeks blushing from Cain's teasing. "You know I love you, right?" Kimmy suddenly asked, making Cain's heart flutter.

"Well, I love you more," Cain smoothly replied. Oh, how he wanted to just stop the car and kiss Kimmy senselessly right then and there. However, they were trapped in the middle of the road… on top of having a schedule to keep.

Kimmy chuckled, a blissful feeling washing over her. Cain was really trying his best in adjusting himself for her despite their age gap, and she really appreciated how he wasn't acting so serious around her.

"What is it?" Cain inquired, seeing how Kimmy was silently staring at him again.

"Nothing… It's just that I kind of regret wasting all those years now back when I ran away from you before the wedding," Kimmy sighed. "I mean, who would've thought that I'd fall head over heels for the man I'm supposed to marry? Ah, I definitely won't let you go now no matter what!" she stated with utter determination

"Don't worry, we still have a lot of years ahead of us for you to make up with me, my Princess," Cain smiled, before he continued with a half-serious request. "And make sure you keep that oath to not let me go no matter what. Even if I ended up kicking you away… you'll make sure to stick with me and not leave me behind."

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