Kiss Me Not

Chapter 357 Drag Cedric

Chapter 357 Drag Cedric

The awkwardness that Cain felt as he stared at Cedric was uncanny. He knew he screwed up by letting Kimmy tail him all the way to the Forbidden Wing, but what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't just let her bang on the door thinking that he was cheating on her. No, he really couldn't let that happen.josei

"Where have you been?" Kimmy cheerfully asked her cousin. "To think that you're back and you haven't even told me?"

"I've been here or there. In a few places at once," Cedric cryptically asked. "Some private business that needed to be done, is all."

"I see," Kimmy nodded. "Are you sure about that? We're family here, right?"

Cain didn't know what to do as he watched the two have a cheerful, if not a one-sided conversation with his fiancee trying her best to wring out information from the man. All the while, Cedric was adept at making sure that he wouldn't give off enough information for Kimmy to piece together the real reason for their visit.

[Cain, you better explain yourself. Why is she here?]

To Cain's surprise, a voice echoed out from seemingly inside his head. It sounded like Cedric's voice, but he still wasn't sure if it was his condition making him hallucinate, or-

[It's not a hallucination,] Cedric's voice echoed out again. [I'm talking to you telepathically.]

Cain blinked at the answer he just got. Looking at the vampire, the knowing look he gave him was more than enough to confirm what he just heard.


[Just think about what you want to say, Cain,] Cedric interrupted him just as he was about to speak. [We can speak like this while I occupy your wayward fiancee.]

The doctor blinked, [Like this?]

[Exactly,] Cedric mentally spoke to him. [Now, why exactly is my cousin here?]

Cain quickly thought out, [She managed to tail me all the way here. She was banging on the door, and I can't exactly leave her out there to wait for me.]

[I think you could've,] Cedric scoffed out. [Our secrecy is more important. Kimmy could get in danger like this.]

[I know, and I honestly tried, okay?]

"So, what did Cain have to talk to you about to go about all sneaky like this?" Kimmy asked.

"Oh, he's just checking up on my condition," Cedric cooly replied. "Isn't that right, Cain?"

"Wha- Oh, sure," Cain stammered out, barely managing to save himself from screwing up his reply. "He's making sure he's fine before he decided to go out and enjoy himself."

"Oh? That's great!" Kimmy cheered out. "Then you're just about to show yourself to us again?"

[Why the hell did you say that to her?] Cedric harshly thought to him.

[What am I supposed to say then?] Cain inwardly panicked. [You didn't exactly give me time to straighten out our stories.]

[Well, you could've at least thought up of something different.]

Cain frowned, which was thankfully hidden from Kimmy's view as she was still busy pestering Cedric for more details.

[Sorry for being uncreative then,] Cain sarcastically replied. [Anyway, I came here to give some details about my condition.]

[Oh? Any recent developments then?]

[I've been feeling rather hot recently,] the doctor mentally explained. [It's like I… my libido is running off the charts, and I just can't seem to get enough off, well, Kimmy here.]

Cedric gave him a sideward glance before he returned his attention to distracting Kimmy. [I see. Then I take it that you just did the deed with her before going here then.]

Cain nodded. [And that's not all. I heard a voice calling out to me earlier,] he continued. [A woman's voice, and I don't know who it is.]

If Cedric reacted to the news, he didn't show it as he simply continued to entertain his chatty cousin. [So you actually heard the damn woman. Don't worry, she can't do much beyond being annoying every once in a while.]

[Are you sure?] the doctor worriedly thought out. [What if she somehow makes things worse? Make me act out or something?]

[That won't happen unless you let it happen,] Cedric mentally rolled his eyes. [Besides, you hearing her means we're one step closer to finding her in the first place.]

Cain blinked at the news. Well, that was a good thing, at least. It meant that the chances of him being cured of whatever it was that's screwing with him just got higher.

[Is there anything else?]

[None at the moment,] Cain slowly thought out. [I'm still monitoring my condition, and beyond the increased sex drive and random hot flashes, nothing stands out at the moment.]

[Good,] Cedric replied. [Now, let's get Kimmy out of here before she starts asking more questions.]

And just like that, Cain's attention was once again back to the forefront of the conversation happening in front of her. Kimmy was pouting at Cedric for some reason, and it was clear that something was being negotiated right in front of his eyes.

"What do you mean you won't come out?" Kimmy scolded. "We should celebrate your return! It's just one family dinner. I'll even arrange it for you and everything."

"And for the last time, I'm just fine with the current state of events," Cedric sighed. "I'm gonna show myself soon enough. It's just not the time for me to-"

"I'll have none of that lip, Cousin," Kimmy pouted. "I'll have you meet the family in one way or another. Cain?"


"As recompense for you lying to me and keeping this a secret, I want you to drag Cedric with us."


"What? Are you gonna decline?" Kimmy turned to glare at Cain. "I'm not mad anymore, but you still tried to keep this a secret. Why even? It's so silly!"

Cain let off a sigh, flashing an apologetic smile to Cedric as he nodded, "Okay…"

Cedric pinched the bridge of his nose, "Then I suppose there's no other choice… Fine then. I'll come with you guys."

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