Kiss Me Not

Chapter 5 - Leaving Early?

Chapter 5 - Leaving Early?

"It's him!" Brione uttered, realizing that it was the same man she had just encountered in the garden.

'This man is the Prince? No wonder his voice was full of confidence and authority.'

She gulped when the Prince's gaze seemed to be directed in her direction, making her look down as if hiding her face from him. She consoled herself by thinking, 'Maybe I am just being paranoid besides the Prince is wearing a mask so it is hard to tell where he is looking from that distance.'

He walked to the dias and greeted everyone at the party. He also apologized for being late.

Looking at him standing under the spotlight, she noticed that the shape of his face was the same as Gavin's except for the hair color. Gavin's hair was pure black whereas the Prince had golden blonde hair. Then she recalled that Gavin's original hair was golden blonde in color and he had only dyed it to black to compliment her ash gray hair color.

'But he is Prince Cedric and not Gavin Brione so stop doing what you are doing now,' her inner self scolded.

Brione did not know what was wrong with her. She suddenly felt nervous, watching the Prince walk in their direction.

"Manager Ruth will now introduce us to Prince Cedric. Gosh, I wish he was not wearing a mask so that I can see his face, but even with the mask on he already has a strong sex appeal. Look at how majestic he looks just walking towards us," Berry murmured controlling herself from squealing.

Soon Manager Ruth stopped at their table and introduced Prince Cedric to the whole team. His highness nodded and greeted everyone.

Then Manager Ruth particularly turned to Brione and said, "Your highness, this is Miss Brione Yu of Cooper Entertainment."

The Prince extended his hand to her and said, "It's nice to finally meet you in person Miss Brione…"

Brione smiled stiffly as she accepted the handshake and replied, "The honor is mine, your highness."

She unconsciously bit her lip when she felt the Prince gently squeeze her hand. It was like he sent a jolt of electricity to her body so she quickly pulled it. josei

'He doesn't even smile…' she thought, looking at his stoic face.

She sighed when the Prince finally moved his gaze from her and looked at everyone at the table while he said, "I hope you all enjoy your stay here. Feel free to use everything on the island as you need. Manager Ruth will act as your tour guide as well so you can enjoy while you do your work here."

"Thank you, your highness," everyone answered in chorus.

Brione felt uneasy because she felt that the Prince's eyes were back on her or she might probably be mistaken.

'Perhaps I'm just overthinking things,' she thought to herself.

She released a sigh of relief when Manager Ruth escorted the Prince to the other guests in his castle.

"I feel like the Prince is smitten by our superstar guys. Is it just me or were his eyes fixed on our Boss?" Berry commented and everyone on the table agreed.

"That's not new though Berry. Aren't you used to it already?" one of the staff commented.

Berry shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yeah I guess you're right. Too bad he did not remove his mask though. I searched him online and his life seems to be so private that there's no picture of him except for some news articles.

Even in those articles, you won't get a full view of his face. I heard he's a gorgeous and handsome Prince. Well, I can tell he is even with a mask on but what if that's not really the case once he removes his mask?"

Brione shook her head in amusement. She realized it was Berry's time to shine as her entire being brightened up when it came to gossiping.

"There were a lot of rumors I read about the Prince like helpers finding the dead bodies of many women whenever they threw a party for the Prince. The women who died were those who flirted with the Prince or tried to seduce him!" Berry started.

One of the staff laughed and teased, "It's just rumors to stop women from flocking around the Prince, especially a dangerous woman like you who loves gossip!"

Berry's lips twitched as she arched a brow and barked, "Excuse me but to be a qualified PA of a superstar, it's natural for me to love gossip and find out what's rumor and what's real. Well, I looked into the real reports and I couldn't find any evidence to prove that it was true and Sir Noah checked on it too."

Berry looked at Brione and explained, "Boss, you know how your brother Sir Noah is when it comes to your safety don't you? So he checked everything and confirmed that the island is safe and so is the Prince, except for the rumor which said that the Prince is quite promiscuous and is said to be notorious for toying with women. But other than that he said there's nothing alarming which you can't handle yourself well, more so with me around to take care of you.

These false rumors may be spread by someone with malicious intentions against him. You see, there is always some kind of political agenda involved with such people. I read that the Prime Minister and King George are often in disagreement with each other over a lot of things."

Brione smiled and stayed quiet the whole time while ignoring the conversation going on at their table. She was in her own world, particularly feeling annoyed at herself that she was feeling weird at that moment. She stood up and told Mitch, "I will take my leave first. I feel a bit tired so I will rest early."

Berry was about to get up to accompany her as well but Brione stopped her.

"You stay here and enjoy the night Berry, okay? I can take care of myself so you just relax tonight. Who knows… Your Prince might remove his mask at the end of the party," she said with a wink.

"Thanks Boss," Berry answered.

Brione stood up and started walking out of the ballroom with many thoughts in her head. She was caught off guard by how her body was acting weird after her encounter with the Prince. It was as though her body was used to his warmth but was also nervous at the same time. That was a really new and scary feeling.

"Leaving early?" she heard a sensuous and strong voice from behind so she stopped walking and turned around.

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