Kiss Me Not

Chapter 72 - Not Selfish

Chapter 72 - Not Selfish

Another morning came, and Brione woke up to an empty bed.

Strange how she was used to waking up alone but now it felt lonely without Cedric beside her. If she remembered correctly, she and Cedric had slept together only twice. Things were happening really fast but here she was missing him from the bottom of her heart.

She had a shoot in a few hours so she did her usual routine of running then ate breakfast with her team afterwards.

"No news about when he will come back?" Mitch asked Brione while they were on their way to the shooting area.

"Hmmm, I don't think he will make it. I think I will be done with the shoot before he could make time. He sounded like he was really busy," Brione whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will follow you whenever he can no matter where you are," Berry cheered while giggling and added, "And I hope he always comes with his assistant so that I can spend more time flirting with my Will."

Mitch shook her head and said, "He is indeed a persistent man so I guess he will follow Brione even to the depths of the sea."

Berry laughed and said, "Aren't we being jealous? It's a nice thing to have a man like him falling head over heels for us but we are not as lucky as Boss. On the flip side, it's complicated for her because the man she loves has the same face as our Prince Charming. Oh, I suddenly feel that she's not so lucky after all."

Mitch, who watched Brione's shoulders drop, wanted to snap Berry's head because of her loose mouth which was hurting Brione.

Berry zipped her lips seeing the sudden gloom in Brione's expression and hearing her repeated sighs.

"It's okay you two, I mean I have already decided so there's no turning back now. I don't want to be unfair to Cedric. It's just that I'm still curious about the motor skills and birthmarks on the butt so I have to finish checking those factors. I have to check it or my curiosity will kill me. I sound very selfish right?" Brione said.

Berry shook her head and said, "I honestly feel you, Boss. I mean if I were in your shoes, I might've given up because it's so hard. Other people may think you are selfish but it's because they are not in your position and don't understand your situation. It's so easy to judge when they are not the one who is experiencing what you are experiencing.

You are not selfish at all Boss so stop thinking you are. You are doing what you think is best. I mean staying with The Prince is not a selfish move, especially when you've been honest with him from the beginning. He is responsible for how he handles your feelings because it's him who approached you. You told him about Gavin and he knows about your conflicted emotions but he did not want to let you go and insisted on staying with you.

And it's not your fault that you were curious about him since he looked like Gavin and you felt that he might be the same person. Now, forget about the rest and check the two things that are still hinting towards him being Gavin. His motor skills and birthmarks!

After checking it and if it proves that he is Cedric then like you said, move on and let go of Gavin so that you can love the Prince wholeheartedly without feeling guilty."

Mitch clapped her hands and teased, "You surely are our love guru. Wow, who would have thought that a playgirl like you could give such a speech."

Berry crumpled her face and mumbled, "I will take that as a compliment and not as a mocking appreciation. Geez, you two are so naive compared to me when it comes to relationships!"

The three women were snapped out of their trance when the director called for Brione to continue the shooting.

Hours felt so long that Brione wanted to pull its hands to move faster. Fortunately, she was able to finish her part in one take so she got ready to leave. She yawned once she was inside the car that would drop them back to Perdu Palace.

She was closing her eyes and resting when her mobile phone rang. She frowned and opened her eyes to check who it was when a beautiful and exciting smile formed on her lips as she quickly answered it.

"Is the shooting done sweetheart?" Cedric asked as soon as she picked up. He was traveling in his car to attend an important meeting along with his father. His schedule was very tight since his father was starting to expose him to important people and officials.

Lucas was transferring the duties to Cedric bit by bit which made Cedric so busy that he could barely check his mobile phone even for a few minutes. But his thoughts were always filled with Brione, wondering if Brione thought about him too even if it was only once in a while. josei

"Yes, we're now heading back to the palace. How about you? Still busy?" Brione questioned, hesitating to ask when he would come back.

"Yeah, I'm really busy. I really miss you but I won't be able to come back soon. I'm not sure when I can see you again. I will just video call you later at night if that's okay," Cedric asked with a smile.

Brione heard Will's voice in the background so she knew Cedric would hang up soon.

"I have to go now. I called because I wanted to hear your voice. I will call you again later. Bye sweetheart," Cedric said before the call ended. Brione let out a long sigh.

"Just text him if you're unable to voice out how you feel, Boss," Berry, who sat beside her nonchalantly commented.

"You…" Brione mumbled.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, Boss. You know me, I have a high EQ…" Berry said, chuckling.

Brione clicked on Cedric's contact and started typing a message. But after a few seconds, she would end up erasing it and type something again. This continued for a while until Berry could no longer see her struggle.

"Just type 'I miss you' and click the send button. If you want I will do it for you…" Berry offered.

Brione looked at her with a glare so Berry said, "Okay fine!! I will not peek. Ah, I just felt frustrated seeing you type and? delete your text so many times!"

Mitch, who was in the front seat, could no longer control and burst into a fit of laughter. She then said, "It's not too late to hire another PA Brione, just tell me when to start conducting an interview for your new Personal Assistant so that I can make preparations alright?"

Berry's mouth twitched as she complained, "Manager Mitch! Firing and replacing me with someone else will be the biggest crime you will commit in all your life!"

"I sure doubt it…" Mitch mumbled laughing.

Brione sighed and ignored their banter. She bit her lips finally pressed the SEND button, not minding the two women who were still bantering.

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