Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 25 - Slapping your face yourself.

Chapter 25 - Slapping your face yourself.

Chapter 25 - Slapping your face yourself.

It was their manager, Cheng Tian. The same manager who had received Li Luxian and Chen Feng personally. Luckily he was nearby so that Mr. Li and Ms. Chen wouldn’t need to face any inconvenience.

"Mr. Cheng", Lin Min said meekly. To be honest she hadn’t wanted him to appear. This man had never given Lin Min any face before and was never threatened by her status as a member of the Lin family. She guessed that he had an idea about her poor position in Lin family so he ignored her.

"This restaurant under my supervision Ms. Lin and you have violated the moral code and disturbed the peace of the restaurant so I will have to respectfully ask you to leave"

Lin Min was flabbergasted. Even Hua Jin who had been silently sitting on the table and quietly relishing the drama suddenly froze.

"Are you kicking me out?", Lin Min asked. Her eyes were wide and full of disbelief.

"No. Ms. Lin I’m politely asking you to leave. But if you resist, I’ll have to take severe measures to force you to leave. Then don’t blame me for my lack of courtesy"

Cheng Tian was a wise man. Never in a billion lifetime would he enact a sin like offending that scary man, Li Luxian. Who knew if that crazy man got angry due to his woman being bullied and took his anger by shutting down the whole restaurant?

"You can’t do this", Lin Min protested. Her breathing intensified and her limbs turned cold from embarrassment. She didn’t even dare to move her head to meet the eyes of countless people in the restaurant that were eyeing her with uncovered ridicule and scoff.

Getting kicked out of the restaurant? Would there be anything more humiliating than that? Her face was ashen. Hua Jin also didn’t look good. She, alone, as a commoner couldn’t afford such an expensive restaurant. She had relied on Lin Min wallet to enter this place. So she had to leave along with Lin Min.

"Of course Ms. Lin I can do that. I’ve got the authority to do that", Cheng Tian serious tone wavered Lin Min heart.

"My father would never forgive you!"

Cheng Tian lips curled up as he noticed her mentioning her father. Who was she fooling? He was fully aware of the fact that her father never acknowledged her. She was nothing but a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e daughter.

Even if her father took her side, he was just a petty investor. If Li Luxian decided to take his wrath on his restaurant then that petty investor couldn’t save it.

"Ms. Lin get out of here right now or I’ll have to use the force"

Lin Min was not willing to leave that place on her own in any case. How could she bear to be humiliated like that?

"Lin Min, let’s leave", Hua Jin who had preserved her rationality tried to take her friend hand and leave intending to save the last shred of dignity they were left with.

"No I won’t leave", Lin Min violently threw away her hand.

"This is not right. Had that bitch seduced you too?", Lin Min blurted in her madness when she felt hopelessness surging through her. Her eyes looked crazy and on the verge of crying. At this point, she was already spouting nonsense as she had lost all her reasoning and judgment.

Cheng Tian’s eyes darkened. How could she dare to say something like this about Mr. Li’s wife?


And a lot of sturdy uniformed men entered the premise and Lin Min and Hua Jin were thrown out, utterly shamed and stripped of their honor and pride.

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused to all of you by the hassle. Lin’s family has henceforth been blacklisted from our restaurant for disturbing the moral code. The matter is now resolved. Please enjoy your evening", Cheng Tian publically addressed to the guests and left. He held the matter professionally and saved himself and his restaurant.

Chen Feng could only sigh.

That was the best example of slapping one on his own face himself. Because from the beginning to the end, Chen Feng had to say only a few ridiculing words after which she quietened not wanting to bother with them and somehow they still managed to get themselves thrown out of the restaurant on their own without her help. josei

"Having lots of fun bullying others?", a playful voice resounded.

Chen Feng lifted her long brown eyelashes and those chocolate brown garnet like eyes looked at the source of that voice.

"Where has my future husband been when his future wife was being bullied", Chen Feng said half-jokingly and pouting like a baby as they ordered their dishes.

"Bullied?", Li Luxian asked slightly chuckling, "From my perspective, the one who got bullied was clearly those pitiful girls"

Chen Feng smiled like an innocent white lotus.

"You are wrongly accusing me. What did I even do to bully them?", she fluttered her eyelashes to produce an innocent effect in her countenance, "I just sit here and enjoyed them slapping themselves on their own faces. Is it that evil to appreciate a free, intriguing show?"

"Of course you did nothing wrong", Li Luxian said, a tender smile emerging on his thin, firm lips, "And if not for them being humiliated to their last extent, I would have personally tortured them to entertain my wife"

Li Luxian winked at Chen Feng.

That simple gesture looked so elegant and dazzling on him that it stole away Chen Feng’s breath. If there was any other girl, she would have broken into screams that gesture looked that striking on his captivating looks.

Chen Feng felt a fluttering sensation in her chest. She bit her lip to get a hold over her racing heart.

What were these feelings?

As that appetizing, mouth-watering food was delivered almost instantly due to the fast service of that five-star restaurant, Chen Feng attacked the food without any reserve. Li Luxian had been eating slowly and gracefully like a son of noble birth perfectly following the etiquettes of the table and using his knife and fork in his long, white slender fingers. His table manners were impeccable and refined.

Once his eyes landed on his wife to be, his gaped at her, intrigued.

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