Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 31 - If those were all lies then why are you being so anxious?

Chapter 31 - If those were all lies then why are you being so anxious?

Chapter 31 - If those were all lies then why are you being so anxious?

When Chen Mian saw that message, she didn’t waste a moment to call Chen Feng.

Chen Feng lips lifted up into a luring smile as she saw Chen Mian name emerging on her phone with the incoming call. She picked up her call and lazily placed the cell against her ear. Her movements slow and elegant.

"Where have you been, Chen Feng?", a deep furious voice uttered from the other line.

Chen Feng was in no hurry as she silently laid down over her back. She rested over that big comfy bed and played with her smooth silky hair that was sprawled on the white sheets. Her dark brown hair created a fine contrast with on those plain white sheets and produced a beautiful scenario for an onlooker.

"I’ve never seen my dearest cousin so concerned about my whereabouts before. I wonder what is it now?", Chen Feng said in a light, playful tone.

"Don’t try to act smart Chen Feng. You know very well what is it about", Chen Mian said spitefully holding poisonous malice in her tone. She was already on the edge.

"Oh really?", Chen Feng said in her same playful tone that was smooth and unwavering. Her response was completely unaffected by the harshness of Chen Mian tone as she continued to needle her by playing dumb."Why don’t I recall what is it about?", she said in a confused tone.

The fact that Chen Feng was talking with her carelessly like she was dealing with some worthless person, further maddened Chen Mian.

"I don’t know where did you hear those false rumors and lies about me and second son of Jiang family but if you dared to slander my name, I would not let you be in peace. You worthless piece of shit. Haven’t you already witnessed what I am capable of and learned your lesson when I kicked you out of our manor? I was already being generous to you by letting you off with just kicking you out. If you tried anything against me this time, I would not just sit by and do nothing. This time I would take action against you and make you regret ever being born"

Chen Feng only laughed at the end of her long, detailed threat. Chen Mian might have been capable of doing something to her in the past but now that Chen Feng had Li Luxian support, she couldn’t touch a single strand of her hair.

"Rumors? Lies? Really?", Chen Feng voice was rich with mockery, "If those were all lies then why are you being so anxious and going to an extent to use threats to quieten me up?"

Chen Mian was speechless for a moment.

"You! That got nothing to do with you. You just don’t dare to slander me or you’ll have to suffer the consequences!"

"I will never slander my dearest cousin", Chen Feng voice darkened, "I’ll only put forth her true venomous nature in front of everyone that hides under her innocent shadow"

"You bitch! Do you think anyone would even believe you?"

"Of course they won’t believe easily in my words alone if I tell them that my dearest virtuous cousin has been sleeping with Jiang Li and...", Chen Feng started.

Chen Mian laughed inwardly for a moment. There were obviously little chances that anyone would even believe her. But what scared Chen Mian the most was that Fu Jianguo’s mother still saw Chen Feng as her own daughter and she might believe Chen Mian’s words especially with Fu Liling also attesting to her accusation.

"...and they will also not believe it if I tell them it was you who pushed Fu Liling in the pool unless I show them some evidence"

Lightning struck Chen Mian and she was left horrified. The phone almost slipped from her hands and fell down. She stumbled back falling on her couch as her legs felt weak and unable to support her.

"C-Chen Feng what the shit you are spewing now!", She barked, loud and enraged at Chen Feng.

How could Chen Feng possibly have known about that incident?

"Nonsense?", Chen Feng said still playing Chen Mian with her words, "I don’t understand you cousin. If I’ve been just spewing nonsense then why are you getting so aggravated at me?" josei

"W-Who told you that it was me who pushed her?", Chen Mian hurriedly asked, "Was it Fu Liling? She must have been mistaken. You know very well I had already left the party when Fu Liling fell into the pool"

Of course. After pushing her, Chen Mian was quick to leave the party quietly and escaping everyone’s eye so that no one would get suspicious of her.

"Didn’t Fu Jianguo tell you to bring Fu Liling back to him before you left?"

"I-I tried to find her but I couldn’t find her. I was not feeling well so I left. Everyone knows that. Stop accusing me wrongly you who*e!", Chen Mian said indignantly as she got a little hold over her wavering heart. Chen Mian thought that Chen Feng obviously didn’t have any evidence so there was no way Chen Mian was in any sort of danger. She didn’t need to fear that bitch., "I know you have a grudge against me because Fu Jianguo chose me over you. But what now? Does that mean you would take your revenge by spreading such rubbish?’

"Rubbish?" Chen Feng was getting bored by her drama and wanted to get over with it, "What if I have evidence that proves that you are the one who pushed Fu Liling?"

Silence followed Chen Feng words. Chen Mian gritted her teeth silently as a little fear emerged in her heart. She pushed it back assuming that Chen Feng was only saying that to scare her.

"You stop lying! You can’t have any evidence!"

Chen Feng simply sent her the video.

"Still think I can’t have any evidence my dearest cousin?"

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