Kujibiki Tokushou: Musou Hāremu ken

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

My name is Io Akos .

I came to the Adventurer Guild that I was affiliated today . josei

「Yes, I have accepted it . With this, Io-san’s B-Rank promotion procedures have been completed」

Right, I came for the adventurer rank promotion procedure today .

I was C-Rank for along time, but I was finally able to rise to B-Rank .

I received the certificate for B-Rank .

I want to let Kakeru-san see this .

「Io-chan, it’s been a while」

「You went up to B-Rank huh, congrats」

「Thank you very much」

「I’ve heard of your achievements recently . Orycuto Killer Io, it had become famous to some you know」

「I-I didn’t kill it you know」

I was a little embarrassed .

Orycuto Killer Io .

「And to you, I have something to request」

「A request, desu ka?」

「Yes, party invitation . Actually, I had accepted a big job, and I wanted a magician for the strategy」

I was a little troubled .

I am in a party with Kakeru-san right now . Entering another person’s party, I feel bad with Kakeru-san .

Carla-san held my hand .

「Only this time, ne」

In the town’s outskirts, we gathered with the party members Carla-san was with .

There was two men there .

One was carrying a large sword on his back, and the other had two long swords in his waist .

「I am Alexis, looking forward on you」

「I’m Harry」

Carla-san said that naturally .

Of course I know them . Alexis-san and Harry-san, was an A-Rank adventurer like Carla-san, and they were the ace-like adventurers in Roizen .

「E〜to, Io desu, Io Akos」

「I know you, you killed the Orycuto being sold recently right」

「That’s assuring . I’m looking forward」

「A dragon’s child had strayed nearby」

I was surprised .

Dragon . That was a legendary creature that even kids know about .

「It’s the child of that . In the information the witnesses and requester gave, it wasn’t that large」

「Was that so」

「But, even if it was a child, it’s still a dragon . That’s why, the request came to us A-Rank adventurers」

「That’s alright though . Very recently, you know that accident that a lot of undead monsters appeared right . The magician that was on our party had injuries during that and haven’t healed . And when I was thinking what should I do, that was the time I saw Io-chan」

「It was like that desu」

「And then, about how to fight it . You’re Orycuto Killer, so you’re good at lightning magic right」


A simple meeting . An orthodox strategy .

When that was decided, we departed from Roizen .

Along the roads, we walked south .

Harry-san said .

Footprints on the ground, and claw marks on trees and rocks .

Amid the increasing tension, we encountered the dragon .

It was a dragon with huge wings that was one size larger than the mountain cow that I often meet recently .

「Let’s go Harry!」

Alexis-san and Harry-san jumped out, and slashed at the dragon with large sword and twin swords .

I chanted magic .

「Ku! Harry!」

Harry-san covered, and Carla-san ran to Alexis-san .

「Attack boost also」

When Carla-san casted magic, Alexis-san’s large sword shone white .

And again, jumps towards the dragon .

Alexis-san and Harry-san was close combat, and I covered fire with magic .

If one of the two vanguards get injured, he falls back and after receiving Carla-san’s recovery, return again .

As expected of an A-Rank adventurer, Roizen’s ace, I thought .

While fighting, what I thought about was 「What would’ve happened if it was Kakeru-san」 .

The combination of Alexis-san and Harry-san is amazing . Large sword and twin swords, both power and speed complements each other, and covers their weakness .

But, both power and speed, Kakeru-san was higher .

Carla-san said beside me .

「Both of their skills are very good, and because they’re together for long years they have excellent combination too」

I think it was as Carla-san said .

I would have also……if it was half a month ago, I would’ve thought of it like that .

After the fierce battle, the dragon collapsed and stopped moving .

「Oi, aren’t I great」


「Defeating a dragon with only one party, it’s the second time with this huh . Might get Dragon Slayer title some time soon」

Alexis-san and Harry-san heightened their tension while talking like that .

They defeated a dragon, so I could understand their feelings .

But, if it was Kakeru-san .

Even when he crushed the Orycuto into pieces, even the time when he defeated the Hell’s Emperor, even the time when he claimed a princess his own .

Even if he did something great, Kakeru-san had an 「It’s normal」-like face every time .

And when Kakeru-san was like that he was super cool .

Doing an amazing thing, and not being proud or modest with it, as if it was normal .

「Io-chan also, do your best」

「Yeah . For someone who just went up to B-Rank, you’re good」

「If it’s okay with you, you want to enter our party?」

「What do you think, Io-chan . I think that with our combination, we can go pretty well」

It was in front of Carla-san who had taken care of me, but I answered promptly .

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