Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 286 The Dragon Lord

Chapter 286 The Dragon Lord

Vesuvius felt his mind drifting across the endless black void, the golden radiance shining from above his head, bathing his body in its divine energy. He felt the heat seep into his body, lingering within his heart and soul.

Suddenly something pulled him, his consciousness turning into an arrow as it quickly accelerated, getting sucked away into something behind him as if there was a massive black hole.

He couldn't even resist his body being just dragged like a toy by a child.

The next moment he suddenly opened his eyes. His huge body was lying in the massive temple under the golden statue of a dragon. The burning sensation had already dissipated. Instead, he felt immense energy and power flow through every nook and cranny of his muscles, veins and bones.



You gained a title: [Dragon Lord - Apocalypse, Volcano, Thunderstorm]

Conditions: Gain the recognition of the dragon god

Effects: Your affinities will be uplifted into lord affinities, increasing their powers and effects; Your draconic authority increases; Your abilities and evolutions will be changed into lord variants; Even more golden visual effects; Awakens new affinity: Life; 1.5 stat multiplier




Your evolution line was forcefully changed into True Apocalypse Runic Dragon Lord (Curses, Magic, Radioactivity, Volcano, Thunder Storm)


The next moment his whole vision was spammed by announcements, his eyes going wide as more and more of his abilities were changing and improving. A wave of pain passed through his whole body, erupting from his bones reaching all the way towards the tips of his horns.



<<Dragon Domain - (Catastrophe - incomplete) (LV 6)>> --> <<Lordly Dragon Domain - (Catastrophe - incomplete) (LV 6)>>:

(New: Increased precision and power of the control over the elements)

(New: Increased amount of absorbed mana from the surrounding)

(New: Ability to absorb a small amount of lifeforce from nature around to boost healing speed)


'Wait, what?! Isn't this kinda even more OP than before?'

Sadly he had no time to think about it as more announcements were popping up before his eyes, each announcement bursting in golden fireworks.



Draconic Magic of Anger (LV 18) --> Dragon Lord Magic of Anger (LV 18):

(New: Spells will have gold visual effects)

(New: Access to unique lord class spells)

(New: You can incorporate traces of divine energy into your spells)


'Divine energy, what is that...'

A pain stabbed through his head, new spells flooding his mind. They were all spells that were more complex and powerful than any that he ever saw, all containing magic letters that looked different from any magical letters that he had seen before.

It was as if they were an absolutely different alphabet.



Manareinforced Composite Noble Dragon Scales (LV 22) --> Manareinforced Composite Dragon Lord Scales (LV 22):

(New: Golden glint!)

(New: Increased toughness and resistance of the scales against all types of elements)

(New: Much more increased resistance against holy, unholy, chaos and divine attributed attacks)


'Why do I feel like these divine and holy resistances will be useful in the near future.'



Nuclear Noble Dragon Breath (LV 18) --> Dragon Lord's Nuclear Breath (LV 18):

(New: Increased mana efficiency)

(New: More golden visual effects!)

(New: Increased power to bypass elemental resistance by 50%)

(New: Contains small traces of divine energy)


'Again, what is this divine energy?!' the dragon's eyes were darting from one corner through another as he tried to quickly read through all of the popups, constantly flooding his vision.



Noble Dragon Aura (LV 15) --> Dragon Lord Aura (LV 15):

(New: All effects are boosted by 25%)




Dragon Voice (LV 15) --> Dragon Lord's Voice (LV 15):

(New: The coercive power of the voice is increased)

(New: Can directly order elemental and magical energy)


'What is this weird effect again? Ordering magic? That feels kinda redundant... What is even the difference between that and casting?'



Catastrophe Dragon Composite Armour (LV 17) --> Dragon Lord's Catastrophe Composite Armour (LV 17):

(New: All of the materials will be bounded together with much greater force, increasing the toughness and flexibility of the armour)

(New: Much more increased resistance against holy, unholy, chaos and divine attributed attacks)


'This one again... Why it feels like the system and the dragon god are foreshadowing something with this.'



Spellweaving Volcano Horns (LV 15) -- > Lordly Spellweaving Volcano Horns (LV 15):

(New: The power of the horns to manipulate magical and elemental energy will be increased by 50%)




New ultimate racial ability awakened: <<The Crown of a Dragonlord (LV 1)>>

Description: Manifest a crown of your elements, magic and lifeforce above your head, showing your right to rule.

When manifested, it increases your ability to control and manipulate elements with your domain and magic by 50%.

It uses your connection as a high-ranked servant and descendant of a god and the authority gained by that connection to convert your mana into divine energy at a ratio of 100000 to 1.

New hidden stat unlocked: DIV (Divinity) (Ignores the stat multipliers) (Cannot be increased by levelling or stat points)

+1 to DIV


The next moment another spam of popups flooded the dragon's whole visions, the boards of text flashing in bright golden colours, constantly dinging in his head.



The hidden effect of your title [Master of Life] was discovered:

+1 DIV




The hidden effect of your title [Dragon Lord - Apocalypse, Volcano, Thunderstorm] was discovered:

+3 DIV




The hidden effect of your ability <<Lordly Dragon Domain - (Catastrophe - incomplete) (LV 6)>> was discovered:

+1 DIV




You have achieved a world achievement: [2nd player to gain divine power]

Do you wish to broadcast your achievement to the world?


'Hella no! Or maybe? With my current power, it could be fun to troll all of the players. Maybe they would just consider it to be a glitch... No, who knows how much trouble it would bring. Especially when there is a player that for some reason also gained access to this divine power... how is that even possible?'



You gained a blessing: [Lesser Divine Beast]

Conditions: Have a divine energy

Description: A blessing of the world given to a beast carrying the privilege of divine energy obtained through their own hard work or their divine ancestry.

Effects: Part of the ???; +1 DIV; One random piece of the most desired knowledge (Can be redeemed at any time); All of the beasts and animals will fear and obey you


For some reason, Vesuvius didn't feel any joy from the blessing. Instead, he felt his pride getting hurt, 'Such an insult! I am a dragon, not some wild beast!'

The announcements finally quieted down, leaving the dragon slowly absorb all of the changes to his body and soul.

'This was a much bigger upgrade than I expected.'

Finally, the dragon stood up, his whole armour glinting with golden ore veins, a faint golden radiance shining out of the cracks within the black heterogeneous material. His eyes shone brighter than ever before, the golden lights glowing like two massive lanterns.

His long horns, the crystals on his wings, amour back and claws all contained traces of gold, faintly pulsing in red and golden light. The magma flowing within the crevices and cracks of his armour slowly pulsed between golden and purple, the two colours mixing, creating a posh luxurious look fitting even a Byzantine emperor.

His whole body felt like a timed bomb, each muscle and tendon containing enough force to crush mountains and cut skyscrapers in half.

Vesuvius changed so much, even he himself not knowing where to start with his new powerup, 'Divine energy, another source to incorporate with my mana and lifeforce. When I think about it makes sense that dragons should eventually gain access to it. They are descended from a god, so doesn't it makes them something akin to demigods?'

He had no idea what it was or how it even worked as he came into contact with it for the first time in his life.

'I hope it is not only some turbo-boosted mana.'

Vesuvius slowly walked out of the temple, his claws making golden electrical sparks as they scratched against the plain stone floor, his wings itching and begging to be used.

'I am gaining power fast, but I did not have enough time to explore it properly. I should probably slow down and take time to truly digest my gains. There is no need to rush. Otherwise, I will end up as a brute force bulldozer with no semblance of skill.'

The dragon finally exited the temple, and the bright sunlight shone at him, unable to penetrate through the black smoke screen outside his body with a golden electrical spark flashing within it.

He spread his wings, and the green plain under him cracked as he shot upwards with immense speed and force, leaving behind golden lightning and dark black smoke.

'Such a speed?!' it wasn't even him using any of his powers. It was just the effect of his boosted agility and strength stats. His eyes brightly shone as he watched the world under him turn into a blur, 'I hope they will keep their word. Otherwise, I will have to beam them up.'

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