Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 294 The Golden Rain [Bonus]

Chapter 294 The Golden Rain [Bonus]

POV ???:

The small group of players stood frozen in the middle of a desert. The purple, blazing hot sun baked on their backs, making sweat run down their skin. They just stood there, the wind playing with their black mantles.

Strong winds howled around them, all five of them staring at the massive sandstorm far on the horizon. The clouds of sand were spinning in the air, bright lights flashing within it, with occasional shrieks sending creeps down their spines.



An ally party was detected in the dungeon, increasing the difficulty


"What the hell, we are not alone here? I thought that this dungeon was undiscovered..."

"Is anyone here?" One of them shouted, his voice vanishing within the unending sandy landscape.

"I knew it; we have taken too many tries to clear this place!"

Suddenly, a blinding purple light flared up in the massive sandstorm. It was so bright that it passed even through the veil of sand. The next moment, the temperature rose through the roof, making the already hot desert even warmer.

All of them instinctively closed their eyes as a wide, blindingly bright purple beam of flames exploded within the sandstorm.

The beam was so bright that all of the players were forced to avert their eyes. A wave of heat swept through the desert as the fiery beam collided with the ground, sending purple flames erupting in all directions.

They opened their eyes, which went wide as they stared at the beautiful sight before them.

The sand turned into glass, with billions of small glass shards and droplets of magma drifting through the air and reflecting the purple light.

The clouds of sand were smitten from the sky by the massive wave of flames, and the desert under them turned into a massive lake of molten glass.

"Huh?! What is our boss doing in the dungeon?" One of them pointed at the huge dragon staring straight at them. Its bright, golden eyes send shivers down their backs.

"Did we interrupt something important?"

A large vortex raised, pushing away all of the sands revealing dozens of magical circuits levitating in the black cloudy sky, pulsing in blue, red and golden light. The bubble of winds explosively expanded in size, pushing back the sandstorm, and creating a massive barrier separating the dragon from it.

The massive sandstorm in the background kept smashing against the barrier of the wind, getting repelled like the sea smashing against a cliff.


"Graaaaaaaaaaah!" a terrifying growl came from the sandstorm as a massive fist of sand smashed against the barrier of wind. The fist was humongous, it was massive, even larger than the massive dragon, making it looks like a human trying to swat away an annoying pigeon.

The fist smashed straight through the barrier of wind with its sheer force, moving straight towards the dragon.

The players froze in terror as the fist, in the blink of an eye, touched the dragon. They couldn't even blink as it happened, all of them just staring into the sky with horror.

Then a powerful shockwave swept through the desert, and the dragon vanished. There was not even a trace remaining after him, only the spinning magical circles in the sky.

"Ohh shit, we have fucked up!"

Suddenly, the dragon reappeared in the sky. The armor on one side of his armour bent and cracked, boiling purple magma leaking out like blood from a wound.

The dragon opened his mouth again, a golden light igniting inside. The golden radiance bathed the whole desert, reflecting within the clouds of glass shards, making everything look like a fairytale.

The sandstorm spun, all of the sand from the air moving and gathering towards a single point. It no longer looked like a sandstorm but like a swarm of locusts, every single grain coming to the life.

A giant even larger than the dragon formed out of the sand, towering high above the whole desert, its body consisting of an uncountable amount of living sand, each and every grain moving and trembling, making it look like a mass of insects.

The giant opened its mouth of sand. Wind and sand rotate and spin inside of it.

The players bathed their breaths in anticipation, the whole desert almost freezing as the two massive attacks condensed.

The dunes of sand raised, forming streams that all flew straight towards the giant, joining its body. It was growing even larger than before, the two empty eyesockets filled with nothing but sand staring down at both the dragon and the players.josei

The next instant, a golden beam of molten, liquified gold exploded out of the dragon's mouth, drawing a line straight towards the giant whose mouth unleashed the massive vortex-like breath of spinning, fast-moving sand.

The golden beam cut straight through the giant's breath, all of the sand within its path dissipating into nothingness, the golden radiance becoming brighter and brighter. The beams brightly glowed in the sky, rings of magic runes spinning and rotating around its whole length.

Before they could even react, the beam smashed into the giant's chest. It looked small, like a needle stabbing a frog. However, the next moment, the beam exploded. The golden flames enveloped the mass of sand, devouring it as if it was just dry grass.

The whole giant was running right before their eyes into a giant glass statue, with magma and molten gold dripping out of its body.

Cracks filled with golden radiance spread through the mass of sand. The cracks were growing large and larger and then.

The giant exploded, sending molten glass and gold raining upon the desert.

"Just like that, the terrifying giant is gone..."

Everything became so quiet that one could even hear a pin drop as the dragon turned its attention back towards them.

'Isn't it our fault that the boss got punched?!'

The sand turned into glass and magma, the whole sandstorm quieting down, leaving behind only the quiet glasslands. The huge dragon looked straight at them with its golden eyes.

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