Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 483 The Invasion

Chapter 483 The Invasion

Chapter 483 The Invasion

?POV ???:

In the heart of the underground command center, bathed in the cold glow of monitors and flashing lights, General Abraxas stood amidst the maze of high-tech equipment. His officer's purple suit seemed almost out of place among the much less opulently uniformed figures seated at their stations, their fingers dancing over keyboards and control panels.

Above them, a giant screen dominated the wall, showing a live feed of the chaotic skies where giant lizards soared with terrifying grace and shocking speed. The general's eyes, usually steady pools of strategic calm, now burned with a seething rage as he scanned the data streaming in on the screen.

'Freaking aliens!'

Clearing his throat, he addressed the room with a voice that resonated with a mix of grief and unwavering resolve. "Initiate protocol Delta. Launch the tactical nuclear rockets. I will not stand idly by while these extraterrestrial aggressors threaten our very existence."

A murmur of uncertainty rippled through the room as one soldier, visibly younger than the rest, hesitated, his hand hovering over a console. "Sir, the directives from the top were clear. We're to hold fire until—"

General Abraxas cut him off, his voice rising above the hum of the command center. "Forget the directives! What do you think will happen if those creatures conquer us? It will be the end of our freedom, the end of our way of life. I'd rather we go down fighting than submit to alien domination."

The room fell silent, save for the soft clicks of switches and the low buzz of communication systems. Each soldier began to execute their orders with practiced efficiency. The young soldier gulped down and finally pressed the launch sequence.

As the missiles streaked away, a fleeting look of satisfaction crossed General Abraxas's face, quickly replaced by a steely determination. 'Let this be a warning to them. We will not surrender our planet for free. We will fight and make them pay,' he thought, watching the screen as the first wave of rockets hurtled toward the serpentine invaders in the sky.

Even though he doubted they could injure the massive beasts from the sun, he still believed they could take down at least a few of the smaller ones.

POV The wyrm knight Venenumius:

Bathed in the golden glow of the portal, the wyrm knight emerged into the new world. Their silver scales, adorned with glinting crystals, shimmered brilliantly under the portal's radiant light. A confusing cocktail of weakness and strength surged through their body.

The air was bereft of mana, the vital essence that flowed like lifeblood through their homeland. It was a desolate sensation, like gasping for air in an oxygen-poor environment.

Yet, the warmth of the new sun brought a refreshing, near-endless radiance of draconic divine power, compensating for the weak, mana-poor world.

'The lord?! It is the lord's aura. The lord is the star; no, the star, is the lord?' Their draconic instincts screamed at them with a confusing barrage of feelings and information.

As they inhaled the new world's air, they disgustingly wrenched their snot.

'This world lacks magic, but it is livable.'

Not even a trace of grass was visible in their field of vision. Only the desert sprawled like a vast, sandy sea, its dunes rolling endlessly into the horizon. But it was the sight beyond that held their gaze—a colossal gathering of structures unlike any they had seen before.

A sense of curiosity began to take root as their eyes fixed on the alien forest of stone and metal.

Gigantic spires, taller than any castles in their world, reached toward the heavens, tearing the clouds, their surfaces gleaming like treasures.

'Mortals... they never stop surprising me.' Since the day they submerged themself into the study of mortal magic, they couldn't help but admit that the mortals even though they were inferior to the dragonkind were extremely creative.

Suddenly, with a roar that thundered like the drums of war, the lord's command echoed across the desert, stirring the sands into a frenzied dance. "The mortals dare to strike! Obliterate their resistance!"

'Huh?' Venenomius caught a flash on the periphery of their vision. With a roar and columns of flames in their path, three giant metallic tubes headed for their location.

A flash of recognition sparked in Venenomius's mind. These were the same infernal weapons that mortals launched while their dragon lord fought against the angels.

'Even the lord of cautious of them... They must be dangerous.'

With a powerful beat of their crystalline wings, they launched into the air, their body twisting and turning with an agility that belied their size. Below them, the desert floor churned into clouds of dust, a testament to their raw power.

Enveloping themselves in a maelstrom of green flames, Venenomius summoned their unique fusion of fire, poison, and acid. The heat was so intense that the very sands below began to glassify, reflecting their fiery aura.

Conjuring magic lenses in their gaping maw, Venenomius unleashed a searing beam of green energy. The ray, pulsing with destructive power, lanced through the air and struck the incoming projectiles. In an instant, the sky was lit with the fury of blazing mushroom clouds on the distant horizon.

'It blew up?!'

As the shockwave of flames raced towards them, sensing the danger, Venenomius called upon more of their arcane might. Runes etched into their armor glowed with a fierce light, and a shimmering barrier sprang to life around them.

The wave of fire crashed against this magical shield with a force that sent Venenomius hurling backward, yet the barrier held, dispersing the flames in a spectacular display of sparks and light.

With a flap of their wings, they stabilized themselves in mid-air, stopping their uncontrollable flight.

But then an unexpected sensation pierced their composure. 'Huh?!' A strange energy permeated their scales, an itching sensation that rapidly spread across their entire body. It was invasive yet oddly familiar, awakening something deep within.

The itch swiftly morphed into a searing pain, but beneath this discomfort, Venenomius felt a profound shift. Their draconic blood, enriched by the dragon lord's marrow, seemed to resonate with this new mysterious element they felt only from the dragon lord and their innate affinity for chemical fire.

'I am undergoing an awakening,' Venenomius realized with a mixture of awe and anticipation.

This was the natural path of power for their kind, often a slow and gradual process. However, the unique combination of their bloodline containing the new affinity obtained from the dragon lords' bone marrow and the presence of a compatible affinity seemed to catalyze this transformation, allowing them to awaken the new affinity much earlier.

'It must be the influence of the marrow... it contained the same affinity as this.'

They recalled the tales of Astrapolius, the ancient wyrm who began with a singular affinity for electricity and, over eons, had merged numerous powers, ultimately mastering the formidable thunderstorm affinity.

With a resonating crash that echoed across the desert, Venenomius descended, their landing forceful and deliberate. The sand beneath their claws didn't just shift; it melted, transformed by the intense heat radiating from their body.

They needed to rest and fully absorb the new power.

POV Vesuvius:

From Vesuvius's lofty vantage point, the battlefield unfolded like a grand tapestry beneath him. His eyes, aglow with the resplendent light of golden starlight, reflected the intricate dance of a hundred spinning magic circuits that encircled him.

Within them, spheres of blue-hot molten gold, materialized, pulsating with fiery energy inside the runic rings.

"Let the mortals witness our might!" he thundered his voice a tempest of command. At his roar, even more, winged beasts surged forth from the golden portals that ripped through the sky. Their roars, a chorus of primal hunger for battle, echoed across the sky.

With a dramatic flourish of his clawed hand, Vesuvius unleashed hundreds of the magma spheres. They plummeted earthward in columns of fire, streaking across the sky like a catastrophic rain of meteors, each one homing in on the sites of the rocket launchers.

'Luckily, there were some fools who decided to attack.' Vesuvius mused, his gaze fixed on the unfolding chaos. Despite his capacity to single-handedly dominate the battlefield, he remained still. He knew that the morale of his forces was at its lowest after the sudden retreat from Lorenia.

'Their fury must be unleashed, their spirits rekindled. The blood of the defiant will be the nourishment for their rejuvenated zeal,' he contemplated his thoughts as cold and calculating as the strategy of war itself.

"Advance, my undying legion! Seize their seat of power!" His command resonated through the mystical bond of the bloodline. josei

As his horns glowed with a halo of golden light, portals materialized amidst the chaos of the city streets below. From these gateways, his dragonkin players emerged, clad in dark armor and robes, their golden eyes gleaming with fierce determination beneath their helmets and hoods.

At the same time, he posted the mission he prepared, knowing the rewards would only empower his servants even further.


// New competitive faction mission:

Objectives: 1. Capture and secure the government buildings;

2. Capture high-ranking military officers and government officials.

3. Capture the head of the state

For each objective, points will be awarded.

Reward: The points gained can be exchanged for rewards at the end of the mission.


'This should be the capital, or at least a major city, of this country. A good starting point of the invasion.'The initial posting of this chapter occurred via noovelllbbin

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