Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 489 Last Preparations

Chapter 489 Last Preparations

Three days later:

POV ???:

In the harsh, unyielding light of the factory, a man with purple skin found himself ensnared by the cold embrace of fear, standing amidst the gleaming mechanical arms of the production line he supervised.

'Can they sense my apprehension? Why are they here?' The enigma of the alien entities before him unraveled his composure, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and nervously shuffling with his feet.

The factory floor resounded with the clamor of metal striking concrete as a trio of towering figures clad in black armor surveyed their surroundings. The armor was etched with glowing runes, and from its joints and seams protruded tubes and devices that sparkled with life.

Under the helmets adorned with horns that seemed to bridge the realms of sorcery and advanced technology, golden lights flickered behind visors of crimson-stained glass.

"Are you the overseer of this facility?" The foremost among them, adorned in armor that bore the silver decorative marks of high rank, directed his attention to the man.

"Y-yes! Well, no, I... Yes!" Bob's voice betrayed him, quavering under the weight of their scrutiny, his entire being trembling.

He had experienced surprise inspections from both the government and the higher management, but he was never so nervous.

"Very well. Henceforth, you are under my command. I am the envoy of the great dragon of craftsmanship, assigned to oversee this sector." The armored alien continued, not even bothering to hear his entire answer: "We have discerned the function of your facility. You are to continue the fabrication of silicon-based logic circuits, adhering to designs that will be delivered in due course."

With a resonant clang that sent shivers down Bob's spine, the towering figure pivoted on its armored heels, making for the exit, followed by its two lackeys.

A sigh of relief escaped Bob, the tension draining from him as the realization dawned that the ordeal had passed.

'To think such monsters would concern themselves with microchips...' Comforted by the thought that he retained his value to these new masters, Bob allowed himself a moment to entertain the prospect of a peaceful slumber, a brief respite in a world now irrevocably changed.

POV Vesuvius:

In the heart of a cosmos-like cloud painted with the lights of distant stars and nebulae, Vesuvius overwatched two dragons who were slightly lowering their heads in a show of respect

The first, a death dragon, exuded an aura of chilling darkness, its massive form cloaked in shadows and entwined with living roots.

Beside it, a smaller emerald dragon gleamed, its scales shimmering under Vesuvius's radiant plasma light, reflecting a spectrum of greens.

Behind them, three tiny humanoids kneeled in the sand in reverence. Two women—one half-demon in red dress and the second, a white-haired carrier of the winter dragon heritage. And at last, a single player, his body almost entirely hidden behind his massive Roman shield.

'Time to move; the galaxy is waiting for me.' Even though the conquest of the planet didn't end, he was confident in leaving the rest of it in the hands of his minions and the dragonkind.josei

He surveyed the landscape, noting the piles of nuclear warheads that the nations gave up in the submission.lights

Finally, his voice broke the silence, resonating with power as he turned to the smaller emerald dragon. "I am leaving this world industry in your han~ claws; you know what you need to do. You have already seen what the technology and science of mortals can accomplish. Use this world to enrich us and empower our armies."

The emerald dragon, inspired by Vesuvius's confidence, nodded, her horns catching the light in a dazzling display of agreement.

'She is growing fast and always works hard.' Vesuvius was originally slightly worried that turning her into a dragon would make her lazy and sleepy, but to his content, her passion for crafts didn't weaken and grew even stronger.

Turning his attention to the imposing figure of the death dragon, Vesuvius acknowledged its strength. "You are the strongest of our people that remain here; you will guard and protect our weaker."

In response to his words, the death dragon's eyes pulsed slightly, their aura slightly wavering at the praise.

'Even after dying, they keep fighting.'

"You have brought people of your kingdom with you; find a land to your liking and settle them down."

'Even their minions remained loyal after their deaths.' Vesuvius almost sighed in envy, the bitter feeling after the recent betrayal still present in his mind like a foul taste that refused to leave.

Vesuvius lowered his gaze, shifting his starry eyes toward the humanoids kneeling and bowing in the sand.

"You will speak for us and deal with the native mortals. Use a whip when needed, but do not hesitate to throw in some sugar. I want peaceful and productive occupation, not chaos and destruction."

The two-horned women nodded their heads, none of them speaking.

'At least they found each other and can enjoy eternal youth with someone they love.' Vesuvius sighed internally with relief at the joy of his loyal minions.

Knowing it was time to move on to the least pleasant part, Vesuvius shifted his focus to the player, Marcus Antonio. He couldn't help but reminisce about the old times when that player tirelessly led armies to fight him, only to fail over and over.

"Traitors, they are." The tone of his voice turned severe. "An you, Marcus Antonio, I have always overlooked you and sidelined you. However, now I will give you a chance to enter my inner circle."

'I need to raise more trustworthy leaders.' He could remember that even though the player before him always failed in his attacks against him, his skill in commanding other players was great.

"You have shown determination in the face of adversity. It is time for you to rise and lead a cadre of warriors in my name. The traitors who have forsaken us will be your quarry. Go back to Lorenia and bring them to their trial!"

After the dragon's words, silence fell upon the gathering. Vesuvius knew he could return at any moment through the portals linked with his star and divine kingdom, but he still felt unsettled.

'Is this how parents feel when they leave their children home alone?' He trusted his vassals, minions, and ancient beings before him, but he felt they weren't ready to be left in charge of an entire world.

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