Last King of Kings

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Shahanshah first, child second

Chapter 3: Shahanshah first, child second

Farrukhzad was sitting with both Rostam and Jalinus at the table inside his chambers. All three of them appeared a bit nervous, thinking about what each of them has on their mind. Then, Farrukhzad stood up and broke the silence.

"Gentlemen, friends, I want to discuss the future of the empire with you. I do not mean to overthrow our Shah, may he be immortal, but to lessen his burden of ruling. When he delivered us his speech after the coronation, I understood something. He was robbed of his childhood, never getting to fully enjoy it. He didn't even finish his education. Yet he stood tall and firm before us, talking to us as a true Shahanshah, trying to overcome his fear and anxiousness. I understood all of this from his words and actions alone. And I think it is sad. I don't think it is right to force a child to rule over this corpse of an empire. I too, had kids, although all of them are adult by now. And I think we should let our rightful liege to come of age, until he can take the burden of ruling his empire. Let us help him with it, at least for now. I know, that if we give him time to grow, he will become a great ruler."

Both Rostam and Jalinus were stunned by Farrukhzads profound and touching speech.

"I agree with my brother. I too had a child, and I too think that we shouldn't let court intrigues and petty noble squabbles to steal his childhood. But I also think that we should let our Shah have a say in state matters, as rightfully it is still his empire. What do you say, Jalinus?" responded Rostam and invited Jalinus to say his piece of mind.

"I don't have children like you, but I too sympathize with our ruler. But I also think that we still should let our Shah have say in whatever you two will be doing. It is quite clear that you want to be those ruling instead of our Shah, and I don't know if its with good intentions, but because my Shah trusts you, I do too. Just promise me, that you won't succumb to the power your offices will bring you and that you will let our Shah have the final decision in all important matters of the crown." said Jalinus, in Middle Persian with slight accent.

"But what about his childhood?" yelled Farrukhzad. "Isn't it better for our Shah to watch and learn and gain experience before he can have a say in the matters of the state?"

"How do you expect our Shah to gain experience if you won't allow his presence regarding matters of the crown?" attacked Jalinus while frowning.

"Brother, this Armenian is right. If we want our Shah to grow and to gain experience to rule, we have to discuss crown matters with him and aid him in making his decision. This is how we can assure our Shah will be prepared to rule." agreed Rostam with Jalinus.

Farrukhzad frowned again, but seemed to be deep in thought for a while. After a while, he emerged from his own consciousness and replied.

"I am a man who can accept he made a mistake. And today I made one. My acting was that of a child, and my intentions looked like that of a usurper. I just want to make clear, that this was all meant for our Shah's well-being and nothing more. I sincerely apologize, sir Jalinus."

"It doesn't matter now. Our empire is falling apart every minute we waste in this useless debate. Let you lessen our Shahanshah"s burden, but inform him of this and of every important matter you may come across."

"You have my word."

Yazdegerd sat in his chamber at the royal palace in Istakhr, reading and studying Principles of Writing Book, when someone knocked on his door. It was, of course Farrukhzad, informing him of the changes they arbitrarily made without the Shahanshah's knowledge. After informing him on what exactly they agreed, he smiled worryingly. He knew how it sounded, and he knew how it looked. But his intentions were pure. Young Shah looked at him, sadness and frustration, mixed together with pain were in his eyes.

"Bring Rostam and Jalinos here. Quickly." said the Shah while avoiding eye contact with Farrukhzad, who immediately left for the two men. After a while, when he brought them together with him, Shah was already waiting for them, red under his eyes. He was probably crying. Before any of them could ask what the meaning of this is, Yazdegerd interrupted their train of thoughts.

"I ask you, who is your rightful liege and monarch?"

"It is none other than you, my Shah, may he be immortal." answered Farrukhzad, while all three of them kneeled.

"Yes, exactly. I, Yazdegerd III., Shahanshah of Iran and Aniran, King of kings. I am your rightful liege and monarch. So why, why is that you, my most trusted retainers discussed me and my future behind my back, informing me only of the results? I trust you more than anyone, so why don't you trust me? Why did you think it is a good idea to talk about your Shahanshah behind his very back, and then informing him of it? I don't understand. You treat me as a child more than you treat me as a Shah. But I am not your child, I am your Shah, so treat me as one." josei

Emotions like frustration, anxiousness and sadness poured from Yazdegerds words right into gaps in the hearts of these three men. Suddenly, they understood that their behaviour was that of an ignorant fool and their actions were that of a distrusting subject. They didn't beg for Shah's forgiveness, as if he wanted to punish them, he would've done so much earlier. He didn't want to punish them, as they were his only chance of his survival. He wanted them to think of him not as a child, but as their Shahanshah.

After a while, Yazdegerd calmed down, sat on his armchair and continued.

"In most cases though, I agree with you. I am aware of my inability to rule efficiently, I am aware of my illiteracy, and I am aware of my lack of experience. But this is still my Empire, and as such, it should be my word to decide the fate, not yours, not anyones. Just mine."

His words yet again proved to his retainers that the one who is talking to them is not someone with a mind of a eight year old child. But once again, the red under his eyes proved, that on emotional level, a child is still a child. He stood up from his chair, went towards the door and left saying

"Tomorrow, I expect both reports and learning materials brought to me. Don't disappoint me."

Then he left, presumably went to relieve his stress into palace gardens, surrounded by his maids and tasty food and drinks. Three men stayed in his chambers for a while, still kneeling, maybe blaming their conscience. Then they left, their Shahanshah's words still stuck in them.

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