Last King of Kings

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: To act like adult

Chapter 41: To act like adult

"My Shahanshah, this is it."

Farrukhzad showed Yazdegerd a list full of names and next to them according temples they serve in. It was a long list of at least hundred names, maybe even more. No wonder it took over a week to make this list. Yazdegerd was browsing through the list, feeling more tired and irritated with each letter he read, until he had enough and returned the list to Farrukhzad. Farrukhzad looked at him, confused.

"It's too much for me. Just tell me what you think is most important from that list." said Yazdegerd as he was massaging his temples. Farrukhzad frowned at him, not with disgust or spite, but with pity.

"As you wish, my Shahanshah, may he be immortal. As you most likely know, the crimes these people committed differ from person to person. While some committed only small crimes, such as tax evasion or monetary extortion, the ones we should focus on are those that have their hands in much bigger crimes. For example those that still support the changed reforms of Khosrow I. that benefited them. Or those that plan to defy you and your divine right to rule."

While Farrukhzad didn't mean to say that tax evasion or extortion aren't serious crimes, in the situation they were in, it would be better for them to focus on the most serious criminals. To focus on the lesser threat meant to let the bigger threat become even bigger. If they dealt with the most problematic and threatening people first, they'll have much more resources and time to deal with the low-threatening individuals. Plus, how exactly is one or two tax evasions going to hurt them?

Farrukhzad mainly wanted to relieve Yazdegerd of some stress. It was clear to him that the kid isn't coping as much as he wants it to look like. And while Yazdegerd certainly showed capabilities much greater than those of a common ten-year-old, his mental health took too much of a toll from this stressful work.

"My Shahanshah, I can take it from here. You should rest a bit, my Shahanshah. I heard you barely slept last night."

Yazdegerd looked up at him with painful expression, his eyes saying clearly that he's in pain. Most likely a headache.

"No. I have started it. I must see it till end. I can't just throw the responsibility on you."

These were the times Farrukhzad would rather for him to not to act like an adult. But he had nothing to argue with. His offer was rejected, and he couldn't possibly argue back against his own liege.

"As you wish, my Shahanshah."

Farrukhzad then listed the names of most dangerous individuals and proposed a few plans to get rid of them. But Yazdegerd was too occupied with massaging his temples to listen to him. Farrukhzad of course noticed that.

"Should I call for some water, my Shahanshah?"

Yazdegerd looked up on him and smiled. For some reason, Farrukhzad found this smile cute. As if it was his own son smiling on him, not his very liege.

"Please do. And thank you."

Farrukhzad just smiled back at him, then stood up and exited the room in search of a servant. Yazdegerd was then left alone in the room, still massaging his temples. He couldn't sleep last night, thinking about all the possibilities, about everything that could and can go wrong. That his plan will fail, and not only the clergy, but also some not-so-loyal noblemen will rise up against him. He didn't know whether he could handle another rebellion, especially in his current condition. He felt ill, he had unbearable headache and he felt as if he could die every moment. Even breathing hurt. But how could he just go and say he doesn't feel good? Everybody had too big expectations of him for him to be able to just dance out of any problem just because he felt ill. He just had to hold it, at least until the plans are ready to be executed. He'll get used to it in time, anyway, so it shouldn't be wrong to try and bear it a little longer. Right?

Farrukhzad returned back with a servant right behind him. The servant brought two jugs, supposedly filled with water, and two cups. He then put one cup in front of Yazdegerd, filled it with water and bowed. Yazdegerd grabbed the cup instantly and drank all of its contents. It wasn't like water was going to wash the pain away instantly, but it was better than nothing. Farrukhzad dismissed the servant and sat opposite of Yazdegerd. He looked at him with a caring, worrying look. Yazdegerd raised his head and looked Farrukhzad in the eyes.

"Can we continue?" asked Yazdegerd. He asked in a quiet tone, yet Farrukhzad understood every word.

Farrukhzad seemed to be a bit perplexed by this question. He was sure Yazdegerd would want to take a break. But he didn't object.

"Of course, my Shahanshah." answered Farrukhzad, with a warm, yet a bit disappointed tone accompanied with a sigh. josei

They discussed their initial targets and who should they focus on first. After a while, they both agreed on a certain Magi operating in central Persia. Yazdegerd looked much better after he drank the water, but it was still clear he should lie down and rest for a bit – even he himself understood so much. And although he didn't want to at first, he eventually, although reluctantly, let Farrukhzad and Jalinus handle the rest of the planning. He'll be there to finalize the plan and to have the final word, of course, but for now, he decided to rest a bit. It still was a bit too much for him to bear. He still wasn't able to get used to that stress, that pressure, no matter how much he wanted to. There was a reason as to why he couldn't work under pressure, like any adult could. After all, he still was a child, child wearing masks, supressing his own childishness, trying to be an adult. And that was what irritated him the most. He himself.

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