Last King of Kings

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: To discuss and to decieve

Chapter 43: To discuss and to decieve

"My Shahanshah, I bring the reports on the plan's progression."

Yazdegerd immediately understood his meaning. He started paying much more attention.

"The most dangerous individuals have been dealt with. Some took our "friendly" advice to heart, while some needed to be persuaded a bit more."

Yazdegerd frowned on Farrukhzad. He didn't like the way Farrukhzad was telling him that. It sounded like they were some bandit gang plotting local lord's demise. Not like a respected Persian Shahanshah and his trusted wuzurg framadar.

"Farrukhzad, my wuzurg framadar, while I appreciate you bringing me this message personally, I believe I have told you many times to not speak like a common rogue, but as someone befitting your position. What are we doing is just and necessary, so there's no need to be so cautious about saying it out loud. Especially here."

Farrukhzad smirked a bit. He enjoyed speaking in such a "playful" way. But if his liege wished for him to stop it, he really had no other choice.

"I shall be cautious next time, my Shahanshah."

Yazdegerd frowned again. It wasn't as if he trusted Farrukhzad in this matter, he just didn't have the energy to continue pursuing such a childish issue, so he merely nodded.

"What about the others? The less troublesome ones?"

"While we already dealt with a few of them, the rest has to wait a bit. There is much more of the less troublesome ones, obviously."

"And when do you think our reincarnate can overtake the position as the religious leader?"

"In a month or two I believe, my Shahanshah."

"Great. As always, you impress me, my wuzurg framadar."

"Thank you, my Shahanshah."

To be fair, Farrukhzad thought the exact opposite. He was glad his Shahanshah praised him, but if there was anyone impressive here, it was exactly his Shahanshah. In his eyes, at least. This child just ordered, had and then handled the reports of murder. And not just one, but several of them. And all of this without batting an eye. Was he a bloodthirsty monster? Perhaps. For his true colours had yet to be shown. But for now, Farrukhzad could tell that if he was, well, wasn't something, then he wasn't stupid. It looked like Yazdegerd knew exactly what he wanted to achieve and he paved his way to that goal. Farrukhzad couldn't be impressed enough. Suddenly, there was another voice that came from behind the door. The same door Farrukhzad used to enter the room.

"My Shahanshah, may I have a moment?"

It was Rostam. Farrukhzad could recognize the voice of his own brother anywhere. Well, mostly. Yazdegerd also seemed to know who was behind the door.

"Of course, my spahbed. You may enter. On that note, Farrukhzad, you may leave."

Farrukhzad was a bit saddened that his Shahanshah didn't want him on a meeting with his own brother, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it. Even if he could, he had work to do. So he bowed and left. In the doorway, when his brother was entering, he nodded as a form of greeting. When he left, Rostam bowed, as always, and Yazdegerd gestured for him to sit down. He had a feeling this may take a while. They both sat down, looking at each other. Yazdegerd had frankly no idea why Rostam wanted to talk with him. He really didn't know. Well, truth to be told, he had a few ideas, but nothing concrete. And so, he waited for Rostam to begin.

"My Shahanshah, it's about the army..."

Yazdegerd suddenly became more alert. The army was the key to his plan, so he had to listen carefully about any information on it, be it negative or positive. But what could be wrong? Manpower? That shouldn't be a problem, although he did lose a lot of men during the war. But it has to be said that Persia wasn't at its full strength when fighting Arabs. But still, now that Yazdegerd's authority actually reaches the whole Empire, the manpower shouldn't be the issue. So perhaps morale was the problem? It's true that soldiers, hearing stories from survivors or just listening to the common gossip could fear that their leadership is sending them into a bloodbath.

"What is wrong with the army, my spahbed?"

"I'm sure you are already aware, but most of our high command got killed in the war. Only few are left, including me, Bahman Jaduya and Andarzaghar. And while I don't want to insult my dear friend, you surely know how he... botched the battle with Muslims. A member of high command shouldn't be that impatient."

Yazdegerd looked at Rostam with interest. He still wasn't sure what exactly is Rostam getting at, so he continued listening.

"Yes, that is true. He shouldn't. But I'm sure you didn't come to talk to me about such trivialities?"

"Of course, my Shahanshah. With the low number of skilled commanders, can I get your permission to recruit a new one? I already have someone in mind, I'd just need your blessing, my Shahanshah."

Yazdegerd was surprised a bit. The usual calm and iron-willed Rostam was suddenly almost begging him just so he can recruit a new commander. Did he perhaps have change of heart? No, that wasn't it and Yazdegerd was aware of that. That "someone" Rostam already had in mind would almost certainly serve just as Rostam's puppet in any endeavor of his. And if that person would accomplish some military achievements, his power as a puppet would only increase. And who knows what Rostam planned after the Arab threat has diminished?

"So, are you telling me you need a new commander to join your ranks because of the war?"

"Yes, that's the gist of it, my Shahanshah. So, what do you think?"

"You may have Jalinus."

Rostam looked very perplexed at his Shahanshah's response. He didn't understand what his Shahanshah meant.

"My Shahanshah, I don't understand..."

"It's exactly what it means. I said that I will give you Jalinus. He is skilled enough, and I am sure he can exercise both his position of hazarbed and his position of commander simultaneously."

"My Shahanshah, I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think Jalinus is the best candidate. He can't be trusted. He's not even of our religion!"

"My Rostam, this isn't about who YOU trust, but about who I trust. And I say Jalinus is more trustworthy than anyone you have on your mind. And now go, I do not wish to continue this pointless talk anymore." josei

Rostam frowned while facing floor so Yazdegerd couldn't see him. And although he didn't see him, he knew exactly what he was doing. It was understandable and Yazdegerd wasn't bothered by it not a bit.

"I'll send Jalinus to you in a while. You may go now."

"Yes, my Shahanshah."

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