Last King of Kings

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: To betray your home

Chapter 51: To betray your home

Usama eyed Khalid with nervous eyes. When it finally came to it, he felt as if the whole world started falling apart. His heart started beating quickly, and even loudly. Usama was surprised Khalid didn't hear the beating of his heart. He started to lose concentration, but somehow held on and took control of his own body yet again. He looked Khalid straight in the eye, determination in his mind.

"Do I need Umar's approval to go where I want? I am not his child, and he isn't my father. Don't you agree?"

Khalid was a bit perplexed. He didn't expect this sort of answer, perhaps not even in his wildest dreams. But now he wasn't sure how to feel about Usama's sudden visit. He just wasn't sure anymore.

"Yes, of course I agree. But you have to admit, my friend, that seeing you here is, at least highly unusual and, to an extent, unexpected. You can't blame me to be a bit on guard."

"That is completely reasonable, of course. I bet you have tons of military information that can't be leaked or compromised. I understand that."

"Thank you for understanding. Now, do you need anything from us, or me personally?"

"Ah, yes, why not. You see, I travelled here on advice. I want to learn more about the leadership, tactics and such. To be useful for the Caliphate."

Khalid smiled. "So you took the path of the commander?"

"If needed. You know me, I am not a warmongering type. But if it is for Allah, I am sure I will be of use."

"And you were told you should head to our main base of attack to get some experience, I presume?"

"Yes, basically. But I came only for a quick turn, as I have other responsibilities back in Mecca. I reckon I'll stay for about 2-3 days."

"Feel free to stay as long as you like. You are welcome here."

Usama smiled on Khalid and thanked him for his hospitability before being led into a room designated for guests. Now that he established a time limit himself, he had to obey it and obtain the information he needed by then. And he didn't think too hard about it. After all, all he needed was what plan they came up with, not where, when and how exactly they'll attack. Even just a short description of the place would suffice. But he first needed to bring this topic up. Thankfully, due to him saying he came here in pursuit of studying warfare, it shouldn't be hard or too obvious to casually bring up the plan of the attack. Perhaps someone will let something slip from his mouth. Perhaps.

Abu Ubayd heard about the guest from Khalid. A grandson of Muhammad, even if adopted, had came to visit them. It was an honour, even if Usama didn't hold any kind of high position in the hierarchy or the ruling class. A lot was expected from him in the future, but right now, he was mainly a boy with big talent and ambition. But that didn't stop people from admiring him, just for who his grandfather was. Although, adoptive grandfather. And Abu Ubayd wanted to meet him. To talk, to speak with him – perhaps he'll learn something from him.

He found him fairly quickly – as he was wandering in the main building, Usama ibn Zayd was sitting there, his head in clouds thinking about something hardly. Abu Ubayd approached him, and Usama quickly came back from the clouds as he perceived someone approaching him. He looked up, where eyes of Abu Ubayd were already studying him. He wasn't sure of what to do, but since it didn't look like Abu will initiate the conversation, Usama decided to do it himself.

"Good day, sir, I don't think we've met before. Do you need anything from me?"

Usama sent a polite and very neutral greeting Abu Ubayd's way, but initially, he was still studying Usama with his gaze. Just after a few seconds did he notice that Usama started to talk to him. He stopped eyeing him with his studious and observing gaze, and instead switched into a very friendly gaze.

"Ah yes, I am sorry, I was rude. I am Abu Ubayd, commander of a part of the army stationed here. I serve here under general Khalid, whom I heard you know already. He told me himself, you see. When I heard the Muhammad's grandson was visiting us, I knew I just had to meet you. And now that I did, I'm not sure what to think. But first, let's speak for a bit. Do you mind?"

Usama did mind at first, but as soon as he heard this man commands a chunk of the army here, he understood that he could have a valuable information could prove beneficial to Usama.

"Of course not. Do you want to go somewhere, or stay here? Personally, I like it here."

"Ah, yes, let's stay here. After all, we're not going to talk about some top-secret information, right? Hehehe."

Usama smiled dryly. He didn't share the same kind of sense of humour as this man.

"Can you tell me something about yourself? You know, so I get to know you better. The more you know about someone, the bigger the bond, or so they say. Hehe."

"That's very general. But I don't mind. I'll tell you."

Usama then went on talking about his life for a while. But mainly, he talked about his grandfather, his relationship with him and how he viewed him. It got Usama thinking, actually. Would his grandfather support this warmongering? He couldn't bear it and decided to ask Abu Ubayd.

"Abu Ubayd, do you mind if I stop here and ask you a question?" said Usama in a serious tone. Abu Ubayd noticed the seriousness and looked Usama straight in the eyes. Then he put on a broad smile.

"Ask all you want."

"Do you think our prophet Muhammad would like to see us attacking Persians? I thought about it a few times, but never could come up with a solid answer."

"You see, I don't think we should talk about what he would or wouldn't do. We should instead talk about what he did and what he didn't. And he brought us the God's word. That's what he did. And we decided that we should continue spreading his word, but not only in Arabia, but to the whole world."

Usama was surprised by this answer. Of course, how foolish of him! How could he think he can decide what would someone think?

"You are right, Abu Ubayd. I like your answer a lot."

They sat there a few moments, before Usama initiated the conversation again.

"When we're on the topic, where do you plan to strike the Persians? I'd reckon pushing thourgh Euphrates would be hard."

Abu Ubayd looked on Usama with a strange expression before finally changing back into his usual joyful expression.

"Yes, Khalid did say you came here to study warfare, apparently. Well, I think I can tell you at least this. We plan to attack through a shallow pass of Euphrates. And as a backup, we have a bridge nearby downstream."

That was it! That was the only thing Usama needed! What Abu Ubayd considered as a worthless information was crucial to Usama. Because Abu Ubayd underestimated something. That natives know their lands best.josei

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