Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 118 - The Final Sword Which Disappeared

Chapter 118 - The Final Sword Which Disappeared

Chapter 118 The Final Sword Which Disappeared
The duel at the snow covered pass on Mount Mei began with Ye Que’s punch.

After the ripples appeared, the mink coat wearing Lei Sihai attacked with a blast of energy from his fingers. The sword energy he released rubbed against air rapidly, causing a chain of sparks to fly through what seemed as their entire surroundings. He could not deal with a practitioner such as Ye Que like when he was mowing down ordinary soldiers, no matter what level of cultivation he had.

He would have been underestimating his opponent if he merely used two fingers. As such, he infused True Energy into his finger-sword energy attack. The Pavilion of Wind and Thunder was well versed in the manipulation of wind and thunder. It owned millions of lightning and wind based enchantments and techniques. This attack was infused with the power of lightning and thunder.

In the blink of an eye.

As for Ye Que, he was knocked back into the air by the recoil. He was not surprised at all. In fact, his first punch was meant to test the toughness of Lei Sihai’s barrier. After his unsuccessful first punch, the second was already following close behind. Both punches were hard to fathom, and they contained the power of the Mystical Realm.

“Lying Drunk in the Valley of Taoist Immortals.”

Ye Que was using a boxing technique from the Mystical Realm.

The fastest and most efficient way to deal with a body cultivator was to meet force with force. Many times, however, it was hard to defeat one of them with brute force alone. Therefore, the indirect method was to first retreat and try to confuse and confound them before searching for a weak spot to make the lethal blow.

Even though Lei Sihai’s moves were slightly stiff, his speed was still extremely fast. The energy bolt that he had cast on Ye Que’s forehead, however, flew past the youth’s sideburns harmlessly.


Another punch crashed onto the barrier, causing another wave of ripples.

The first round of the duel between Ye Que and Lei Sihai ended abruptly as all of the attacks missed.

Lei Sihai had unleashed 16 attacks with his fingers, causing 16 holes in Ye Que’s clothes, his shoulders and hair, but none of them hit any vital parts. Ye Que made 21 punches, and all of them landed on Lei Sihai’s barrier, causing 21 waves of ripples.

The figure clad in mink was not moving.

Ye Que was panting a little, however.

Lei Sihai shook the collar of his shirt lightly, the taunting smile re-appearing on his lips. Finally, he spoke. His voice was still as hoarse as before, as if he was a crow who had been strangled. “Your boxing is not bad, but your attacks are pointless. Young kid of Psychic Realm, even if I did not move, you wouldn’t be able to do anything to me.”

“I don’t know why both of you are following me, and why you want to try to do the impossible. Of course, that’s not important now. I’ve always firmly believed that the dead will never lie. There’s no need for those who are about to die to leave any parting words.”

There was a sound of rumbling thunder!

The mink coat clad Lei Sihai suddenly moved like an agile rabbit and leaped up. He formed a fist with a left hand and a palm with his right. One contained the power of the wind, while the other the power of lightning. He moved close to Ye Que and suddenly unleashed his power.

On the snow covered path of Mount Mei, all of the caked snow in a 10 step radius around Lei Sihai rose up into the air.

A green and blue tornado appeared between the two combatants!

Rumbling thunder sounded.

Ye Que was also beginning to move at great speed. However, he had only a 10 step radius to move around. The danger of facing a body cultivator grew exponentially as one moved within 10 steps of them; each step one took could force one into a melee with them.

The “Lying Drunk in the Valley of Taoist Immortals” was a boxing technique from the Mystical Realm. Even though he had not used the entire technique, he still made punch after punch, each of them coming close to Lei Sihai before being blocked by the barrier surrounding him. Gradually, Lei Sihai had grown accustomed to the strength of Ye Que’s blows and only increased his speed, hoping to strike his opponent’s vitals.

Physical cultivators were not known for their speed. Ye Que’s movements were agile and full of variations, and his steps contained Combined Zodiac Power. Currently, the combatants were caught in a stalemate. Ye Que was unable to break through Lei Sihai’s barrier, while Lei Sihai was unable to hit any vital part of Ye Que.josei

They seemed to be evenly matched.

In reality, Lei Sihai already had a card up his sleeve. This was because he was in a position whereby he could not lose. Ye Que, however, could not make a single mistake; an error in his movements could possibly lead to his death.

“Kid, let me see how long you can keep this up!”

“You’re still so active while 10 steps away from me. What about seven steps?”

Lei Sihai said darkly. He retracted the power of wind and lightning, increasing the eye of the tornado from 10 to seven steps.

Ye Que adjusted his footwork slightly and was still not hit by Lei Sihai.

“Can’t get you in seven steps? What about five?”

He shrank the eye of the tornado again, and Ye Que’s face grew much more serious.

In the blink of an eye, the eye of the storm shrank again. Without even speaking, Lei Sihai had shrunk the distance between them from five to three steps.

The Wind and Lightning were drawing close!

The corners of Lei Sihai’s lips curled into a smile as the True Energy on his fingertips increased. Before his attack had even touched Ye Que, however, he could see that the “kid” was showing a horrifying smile as well.

He was not mistaken.

It was a horrifying grin.

Ye Que’s lips moved slightly. He did not speak, but anyone who could read his lips could tell that he was saying, “You aren’t worthy enough of calling me a kid; even the leader of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder doesn’t have the right to do so. You’re just a mere body cultivator, yet you dare to stand within three steps of me. Are you trying to hasten your death?”

His lips stopped moving.

He kept his fists.

He used his fingers instead of fists and flicked two of them together.

“Bap! Bap!”

Two Spirit Swords, about 30 centimeters long, appeared one after the other and flew toward the barrier. One flew in the Heavenly Beam position, while the other in the Huge Crocodile position. These two spots were the weakest areas of the barrier which he had discovered after raining dozens of punches on it.

Lei Sihai’s pupils opened wide and retracted his fingers to form an open palm. He waved his palms in the air, forming a Spiritual Wall.


The wall blocked the two swords, but another one came crashing down silently upon his head.

The Pseudo Realm barrier was shattered by Ye Que’s third sword. The ripples burst into countless waves of Spiritual Force like balloons that had been filled with water.

Just as the third sword appeared, the fourth and fifth…

Other than the two swords that were fired first, as well as the attack that shattered the barrier, a total of nine swords appeared the instant the shield was pierced. The nine Spirit Swords formed a line and were spaced very closely to each other. They pierced through the five viscera, six bowels, four limbs and seven gates of Lei Sihai with the force of an army.

The energy from the swords exploded.

Bloody mist pervaded the air.

Even Red Bean, who was a thousand steps away, was a little stunned. The fighting power of this human youth was so strong!

At such close distance, even herself would find it hard to deal with his attacks.

He was unmatched in a three-step radius!

This was the path of cultivation to the Psychic Realm Ye Que had set for himself in the Imperial Mausoleum of the ley lines of sovereignty.

He was not going to care what Realm, whether Starburst or Formless, his opponent belonged to. As long as he was within a three steps radius of his opponent, it was his realm when it came to sword skills, or the understanding of sword skills.

Beneath the Apocalypse Realm, in the Human World, Ye Que feared no one.

He had unleashed all of the 12 Children Swords of the 13 Mother and Children of Spring and Autumn Swords. The final “Chengren” sword was aimed at the Snow Mountain of Lei Sihai’s heart. Any practitioner, even a monster, would become a vegetable if his or her Spiritual Sea was destroyed. It was a fate harsher than death.

Monsters with no cultivation were not comparable even to ordinary humans. They would be killed easiy in a second and die in forgotten places.

This happened in the blink of an eye.

Lei Sihai knew that his opponent would eventually make a killing blow targeted at his vital spots. However, he needed time, just one second time for him to turn the tables.

Everything reverted to quiet in the surrounding land, and the tornado that was formed by wind and lightning was already beginning to shrink violently, as if it was a cunning snake devouring its prey. A ray of Sword Qi followed the path of Ye Que’s fingers and flowed toward the center of Lei Sihai’s eyebrows.

At the brink of death.

The path to Lei Sihai’s head was unobstructed now, but now sword did not appear.

The Chengren Spirit Sword had disappeared!

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