Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 126 - The Change in the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder

Chapter 126 - The Change in the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder

Chapter 126 The Change in the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder
Without a guide, outsiders could easily find themselves lost on the complex network of winding snowy paths of Mount Mei. Otherwise, the soldiers who escaped from the city of You Prefecture wouldn’t have chosen to flee through this path.

However, Ye Que walked in an incredibly assured manner. He didn’t even have to stop at forks in the roads to think. Even though the letter was showing the way, his confidence was nonetheless strange.

Red Bean, who was lying on his back, looked at the increasingly foggy mountain path with anxiety. “Even if we manage to find the souls of those who died so tragically, do you think they’ll have a chance at reincarnation? The old men in my clan used to say that souls tainted by Devil Qi wouldn’t be able to cross the Reincarnation Bridge and they’ll simply fall off.”

Ye Que sighed. Complex emotions colored his pupils as he replied, “Life and death are ruled by fate; riches and honor are decided by heaven. In life, many things are preordained. Even if they didn’t die in You Prefecture and somehow ran away, they’ll still die somewhere else. All living things in this world are linked by karma. It’s not like you have knowledge of these grieving souls’ past lives. Who knows if they were once unforgivable demons in their past lives?”

Red Bean nodded. “The old men in my clan used to say that too.”

Somehow such earnest, tranquil words made it seem like Ye Que was like one of them. He couldn’t help feeling awkward. Then, he explained with great seriousness, “I’m not an old man. I’m not that much older than you.”

Red Bean grabbed Ye Que’s hair rather unhappily. “Don’t compare ages with me. I’m not as young as I look. If we use your way of measurement, my physical body is quite old.”

Shaking his head, Ye Que replied, “I’m not as young as I look either, but only mentally.”

After so many days, Ye Que could sense that Red Bean was keeping her identity under wraps. It was obvious. He was, at least, sure that she wasn’t a “human” and he had also speculated her true being some time ago. However, there were so many possibilities that he found it too mentally exhausting to come up with a conclusion. Eventually, he simply accepted it. Who cared what she was? It didn’t really matter. This girl was neither a devil nor a demon, at least. That was enough for him.

If she was a fairy who had fallen to the Human World, that would be Ye Que’s luck.

The second the thought cropped up in his mind, he slapped him on the face. He didn’t use a lot of force, but it still made quite a loud sound. He didn’t know why such a thought would come to him either. For heaven’s sake, he had just met Red Bean! How could he entertain such impolite thoughts of her? He was a cultivator! He was once the Demon-slaying Asura who dominated the Three Realms!

Red Bean, who was just beginning to drift into sleep, heard Ye Que slapping himself. Dazedly, she whispered, “Is your face itching?”

“I’ll help. You can concentrate on walking.”

Before he could gather his senses, a palm landed on his face.


The pain was searing!

Ye Que followed after the letter while carrying Red Bean and finally arrived at a pavilion overlooking mountains and waters in the northern region of You Prefecture before nightfall.

The Pavilion of Wind and Thunder was situated northeast of Mount Mei, with forested mountains on three sides and water on one.

The main building was built halfway up the mountain that sat at the meeting point of three other mountains, like the sharp ends of a trident. Fortunately, Ye Que was a quick climber. Had they taken a horse, it would likely die. Ordinary people wouldn’t even reach the mountain gate of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder after climbing for an entire day.

The scenery beyond the snow was absolutely picturesque, with ancient trees that reached high into the sky lining a remote and deep valley. Monkeys climbed over the carved stones sitting on the precipice. Even though the air was cool here, it wasn’t insipid. Red Bean seemed to have gotten used to getting carried around by Ye Que. She looked like she wasn’t willing to take even a single step on the ground. Moreover, she could fall asleep on his back at any time. He could still forgive that, but that little girl’s snoring was like the thunder!

If not for the fact that Red Bean’s cultivation had yet to recover and would just slow them down if he let her walk, Ye Que would have already dropped her. In his opinion, this girl shouldn’t be indulged. Indulgence would only make her develop issues. Perhaps it was also because she was becoming closer and closer to Ye Que. Sometimes, when she got overexcited, she would hit his head.

As far as he could recall, few in his past life over the span of a hundred years had hit him on the head. Look at things now. Red Bean alone had broken his record.

Sometimes, Ye Que truly wanted to “cut off” this girl’s hand. Couldn’t she just lie on his back like a good girl?

Was she born in the Year of the Dog?

Once, Ye Que saw Red Bean salivating with his own eyes. Her saliva flowed down her mouth and dripped on his neck. That sensation was absolutely vile!

He lifted his leg and hastened his journey up the final set of stone stairs. Halfway up the mountain, he saw a large grey stone. Written on the square-shaped stone were the words “Wind and Thunder”.

He turned around and lifted his head. Staring at the thick, snow-covered foliage of the ancient trees, he saw sunset glow beautifully bathing the clouds in the horizon. He lowered his head and pushed aside the jet-black hair cascading down his shoulder. He saw an exceptionally lovely face as well as little dimples that reminded him like glorious peach blossoms.

The Pavilion of Wind and Thunder was located in a remote place, spent most of the year hidden in the depths of the mountain, and couldn’t even be seriously considered a third-rate orthodox sect. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have allowed a Starburst Realm body cultivator like Yan Se to become its Elder.

Small as this sect was, it was still an orthodox sect. In the end, it was still considered a right and proper Truth Cultivator’s sect.

However, Ye Que and Red Bean felt nothing but deathly stillness as they stood in front of the mountain gate of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder. Never mind disciples standing on guard or patrolling Spirit Beasts, they couldn’t even see a feral dog here. There was nothing but the whizzing of sound coming from deep inside the buildings here.

Red Bean wiped her eyes with strength. She had gotten enough of her beauty sleep yet again.

“Is it nighttime?”josei

“Pavilion of Wind and Thunder?”

“Is it here?”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” Red Bean patted Ye Que’s head and slid down from his back on her own. She stood on the ground and stretched to ease her muscles. Then, resting her hand on her back, she started looking around.

“Where are they?”

Red Bean encircled the mountain gate of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder twice. Still, she saw no one.

“Is this really a Truth Cultivator’s orthodox sect?”

“It’s too wretched, isn’t it?”


Out of the blue!

Before Red Bean could finish her sentence, she saw a silhouette flying out of the depths of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder. Midair, the silhouette started coughing up blood uncontrollably. The figure was hunched over as he fell in front of the mountain gate.

He landed with his back to the ground!

He knocked his head squarely on the ground.

By the time Ye Que and Red Bean came close to examine him, he was already dead. In a matter of seconds, black-tinted blood was seeping out of his seven apertures. With it came a pungent fishy smell. Red Bean scrunched her nose, looking exceptionally displeased.

“The breath of a hunter.”

She then pointed to the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder. “There must be a hunter inside! There’s no mistaking it!”

Ye Que didn’t need Red Bean to remind him. His lackadaisical expression became a lot more solemn. Using some of his Divine Energy, he wrote in the air with his right hand. Two transparent charms swiftly took shape. One flew toward Red Bean’s chest and the other disappeared in his hand. The moment the charms vanished, Ye Que and Red Bean slowly became transparent.

“Mirror Charm.”

Just because the Five Elements Divination Sect was skilled at divination arts, it didn’t mean that the other orthodox sects weren’t familiar with it. Having cultivated for a hundred years, Ye Que naturally knew how to pull it off as well. However, the divination arts that he knew could only be exercised as a Starburst Realm cultivator or beyond. He had been in the Psychic Realm before, but now that he was in the Starburst Realm, he could make use of the Mirror Charm at a time like this.

He signaled Red Bean with his hand. Then, both of them sneaked into the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder from the side, following along the path from the mountain gate to go upward.

They hadn’t gone far when they heard a noisy argument.

They didn’t advance rashly. His Mirror Charm could hide their figures but couldn’t eliminate their breath. If there were cultivators with profound cultivation around, they could likely find traces of Ye Que and Red Bean.

From afar, on an empty ground in the pavilion that looked like a public square for smelting, two groups of people were standing in opposition. The side with their back against the main hall of the pavilion was a group of youngsters who looked like they were worse for wear. Some even had their clothes stained with blood. Opposing them was a larger group of youngsters and several gray-haired old men.

The old man who stood at the forefront of the group wore a serene expression as if victory was well within his grasp. He looked at the youngsters in front of him and said, “Lei Tianyou, stop being obstinate. The sect needs improvement and the majority agrees. No one can resist. The day our Sacred Lord descends is the day our sect rises. Can’t you understand such a simple logic?”

The old man was fairly loud. It seemed like he wanted every disciple here to hear him. Thus, when Ye Que perked up his ears, he was able to hear him clearly.

The youngster named Lei Tianyou frowned in response. With a mocking expression, he said, “We’re not fighting against the improvement of the sect. But I’d like to ask you this, Elder. Did you kill our Sect Leader for the sake of improving the sect as well? Who gave you such authority? You’re not a bunch of reformers! You’re traitors of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder! You’re our mortal enemies!”

Lei Tianyou had just finished speaking when a younger disciple echoed his sentiments. “Senior Brother Tianyou is right! The Sacred Lord or whatever is obviously the devil mentioned in our ancient records! Do you take us for fools?” Evidently, Lei Tianyou had built a strong basis for group thinking in the sect.

“They’re trying to usurp our Pavilion of Wind and Thunder! Our sect is in great danger of extinction!” someone yelled. He even lifted the magic treasure in his hand.

“You wanted us to kill the soldiers who escaped to northern You Prefecture and even used sinister magic treasures like those white banners to steal their souls! You call that a task from an orthodox sect? Those are things only devils and demons would do! Even though our sect is remote and unknown, we’re an upright orthodox sect! We’ll never be an accomplice to evil!”

With Lei Tianyou taking the lead, tens of young disciples started arguing with vigor.

The expression of the larger group changed ever so subtly as they looked at the youngsters. However, no one retreated. Rather, they looked like they were staring at a group of corpses.

“Lei Tianyou, you’re their Eldest Senior Brother. I hope you’ll get a clear look at the circumstances at hand. One wrong step and you’ll fall into a bottomless abyss. Don’t take everyone to hell with you,” the old man said icily.

“Save your breath with these younglings. Those who hand over the hidden white banners will be spared. Those who don’t will be killed,” another old man said emotionlessly.

The two of them had just finished speaking when a handsome man walked up behind them. He resembled Ye Que’s a fair bit. He had his head lowered, making it difficult for others to see his facial features. His mouth moved subtly as if he was saying something.

“Good-for-nothings! Slaughter the entire Pavilion of Wind and Thunder and we’ll surely find those white banners! What’s the use of saying so much nonsense?!”

Even though he stood more than a thousand footsteps away, Ye Que instantly recognized that man.

Ye Yunhai, the Young Master of the General’s Manor in Luoyang and his half-brother!

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