Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 129 - Smoke and Fire

Chapter 129 - Smoke and Fire

Chapter 129 Smoke and Fire
The young disciples of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder responsible for holding down the fort were able to carve a way out for the rest thanks to their enthusiasm. Without more people on their side and the combined forces of their sword formation, death would descend sooner or later. It was just a matter of how much time they could buy for the unconscious Lei Tianyou and those ten more female disciples.

This was the final incense burning in the Pavilion. If it broke off, this orthodox cultivator’s sect would be considered extinct.

Red Bean looked at Ye Que. She didn’t open her mouth to speak but her intention was obvious.

Shaking his head, he pointed his finger backward and started drawing a seal in the air. The subtle Divine Energy began gathering in the air, forming an Immortal Spirit Charm stitched together with totems. Then, it fell on his palm.

It took a span of about 30 breaths to run from the smelting ground to the mountain gate.

The defense of the young disciples was penetrated after a span of about 20 breaths. Ye Yunhai left half of his men to kill them and personally led the other half to hunt down the unconscious Lei Tianyou. If he made a mistake in wiping out a small orthodox sect on its last breath like this, he would have no right to join the Mountain Valley of Pure Blackness. He would also be bringing shame to his mother.

Fixing a cold stare at the shadows making their escape, he felt his interest waning. “No challenge whatsoever. The mission is about to end and I haven’t felt any blood lust at all. Is this the Truth cultivators’ sect in the legends? Is this the Immortal-like person in the rumors?”

“Looks pretty ordinary to me.”

“One wave of my hand and I’ll be able to crush him.”

“Looks like I’ll have to choose something more challenging next time. These dying orthodox sects can’t help me grind at all.”

Ye Yunhai exhaled a long breath and then abruptly picked up his pace. The power of his half-step to the Formless Realm cultivation erupted.

His imposing manner was as intense as a halo piercing the sun.

“I’ll stop him. The rest of you, get Eldest Senior Brother out of here as soon as possible.” The female disciple bringing up the rear clenched her teeth and made the surprising decision to stay behind.

After hearing the voice behind them, someone yelled in a choked voice, “Senior Sister!”

“Leave now!”

Even if the female disciple in the Psychic Realm showed capabilities beyond her true ability and gave it her all, she was nonetheless incapable of stopping the charging of tens of enemies. Moreover, she was fighting against Devil’s Practice cultivators in the Starburst Realm.

The sound of thunder abruptly exploded before dissipating just as swiftly.

The female disciple earned an extra span of two breaths for her runaway sect mates.

Cultivators tend to live longer lives than ordinary people, but also tend to die out faster than the common folk. If ordinary people got into a disagreement that dissolved into a fight of punches and kicks, they would at most be bedridden for three months. Cultivators usually solved their differences with a direct stab of the sword.

That girl had fallen to the Underworld.

The youngster carrying Lei Tianyou on his back was named Guan Shuheng. He could be considered a junior that Lei Tianyou personally nurtured. He was also typically the one who received the most attention and favor. Naturally, it was he that Lei Tianyou trusted the most. Such friendship was the most precious in times of peril. Guan Shusheng swore to get his Eldest Senior Brother out of here even if it meant sacrificing his life. He mustn’t allow his Eldest Senior Brother to die here.

Guan Shuheng had essentially unleashed all of his potentials. He carefully scanned his surroundings and perked up his ears for any noise. He mustn’t allow any mishap to happen. One mistake and Lei Tianyou might fall into a death trap.

Even if the Senior Sisters behind him sacrificed themselves to buy him some time, it might still be useless. It was a matter of time before their enemies caught up to them.

The only thing he could depend on was his familiarity with the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder as well as the Northern You Prefecture. He hoped this would be able to win him a chance at survival.

He had just run past a side hall when a silhouette showed up in the darkness of the hall. It was a youngster in cyan clothes. He reached out and made a simple gesture that was very easily understood. Guan Shuheng’s mental state was incredibly sensitive at this point in time and all sorts of possibilities flitted across his mind in an instant. Finally, mysteriously, he nodded. He shifted his footsteps and detoured from his original escape route. He was still heading for the mountain gate, but he was passing through the side hall that the cyan-clothed youngster was in.

The cyan-clothed youngster was Ye Que. The gesture he gave Guan Shuheng was to indicate that he could be of help. He was asking Guan Shuheng to draw his pursuers in this direction.

Guan Shuheng’s subconscious didn’t want to trust him, but he understood his circumstances very well.

He would never make it out of here with just the tens of Senior Sisters behind him.

Moreover, if Ye Que truly bore malicious intentions, he could just stop him right there. He didn’t have to take such a pointless action!

The tens of young disciples of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder ran past Ye Que like the gale. In the distance were Ye Yunhai and a large group of pursuers.

With a faint smirk, Ye Que took a few steps away from the darkness. The Mirror Charm trembled and then dissipated into the air. He stared at Ye Yunhai, who was charging in this direction, and raised his right hand. In his palm was an Immortal Spirit Charm filled with all sorts of totems. It was a bizarre charm and seemed different from the charms found in the Cultivation World.

The charm looked deeply complex, but if one carefully sensed it, the fluctuation of its Spiritual Force wasn’t great.

Ye Que’s sudden appearance had truly given Ye Yunhai a shock. Not even in the wildest dreams did he imagine he would meet Ye Que at this time and place!

“Didn’t he enter the ley lines of sovereignty of the Imperial Mausoleum?”

“Why would he be here in Northern You Prefecture?”

“Had he obtained the divine tool, the River Soldier? Impossible!”

One question after another emerged in Ye Yunhai’s mind.


Before Ye Yunhai could finish contemplating this, he saw more than ten strange charms flying out of Ye Que’s hand. The second these charms appeared, they erupted with immense Spiritual Force in a split second.

In an instant!

The charms turned into a sea of Divine Beasts!

There was a 100-feet tall Qilin, an Immortal Fox with nine white tails, a rain-summoning dragon with the thickness of three men, and even a Kun Bird massive enough to cover the sun…

14 Divine Beasts that had appeared only in legends were now in front of everyone. Ye Yunhai didn’t even have to shout for the group of pursuers behind him to stop. They subconsciously retreated a hundred meters. Some of them were even so shocked that they nearly fell.

The Divine Beasts had just appeared when they flocked together and lunged at Ye Yunhai’s group.

The abrupt appearance of the Divine Beasts and the frightening manner in which they attacked meant that many couldn’t react in time. Even Ye Yunhai only had enough time to summon a black sword, place it before his chest, and allow his True Energy to wrap him up in a defensive layer.




14 explosions resounded in succession, but the scene of mangled limbs and bloodied flesh didn’t happen. The group of exceptionally fierce Divine Beasts unexpectedly erupted a short distance away from Ye Yunhai and the others and dissolved into a wide expanse of bright sparks.

The sparks were multi-colored.

It was unbelievably splendid.josei

It was like the fireworks and firecrackers set off during the Lantern Festival in Luoyang, only a hundredfold more gorgeous. Its offensive power?

Close to zero!

By the time the fireworks fizzled out, not even a single shadow could be spotted at the mountain gate of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder. Ye Que, Red Bean, as well as the ten more escaping disciples of the Pavilion, had vanished into thin air.

The feet of the Wind and Thunder Mountain and its peak were linked via a small path.

Guan Shuheng, with Lei Tianyou on his back, took the lead with the ten more female disciples of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder behind him. Ye Que, with Red Bean on his back, brought up the rear.

“What were those charms earlier? Why haven’t I seen them before? To think they could summon Divine Beasts!” Red Bean asked in confusion.

“How are those Divine Beasts? It’s just an illusion. They’re basically fireworks and have zero offensive power. It’s just a scare tactic.”

“It’s meant to fool idiots!”

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